Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38825large majority of HV troops had left Knin, and had been replaced by VP and civilianpolice. 3670914. Ivo Cipci, Chief of the Split-Dalmatia Police Administration from 1993 to1997, 3671 testified that on 15 August 1995, police officers from his administrationstationed in Knin told him civilians were looting in Knin. 3672 According to HRAT, on15 August 1995, members of the Puma Brigade were observed in Knin, and on 16August 1995 there were still many soldiers in and around Knin. 3673 Elleby testified thaton 16 August 1995, he observed on the main street of Knin one soldier carrying a stereoout of an apartment, passing a police officer who did not intervene. 3674 In the same placethe witness saw two young men entering a shop through a broken window and come outwith a number of small items and a guitar. The witness observed several incidents likethis on the same street; soldiers filling plastic bags with shampoo, oil, and snacks, andcivilians stealing shoes and clothes. 3675 The witness testified that at this time most of thesoldiers had been sent out of Knin and more police officers, conducting foot patrols andpatrols by car, were seen in town. 3676915. One day around 10-16 August 1995, Tchernetsky observed a block of not lessthan ten houses burning in Knin. 3677 On his first attempt to reach the site, he, TorMunkelien and Alun Roberts were stopped by either military or civilian police at acheck-point located in town near the railway bridge, after which two Croatian policevehicles escorted them back to the UN compound. 3678 On his second attempt,Tchernetsky, along with Munkelien, observed the burning houses surrounded by3669 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of13 August 1995.3670 P935 (ECMM weekly assessment, 13 August 1995), pp. 1-2. See also P2156 (ECMM daily report, 14August 1995), pp. 1-2.3671 D1723 (Ivo Cipci, witness statement, 12 June 2009), para. 1; Ivo Cipci, T. 23147.3672 D1723 (Ivo Cipci, witness statement, 12 June 2009), para. 25; Ivo Cipci, T. 23119-23120.3673 P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 16; D3 (HRAT daily report, 17August 1995), pp. 1, 3.3674 P215 (Jan Elleby, witness statement, 14 September 1997), p. 3; P217 (Jan Elleby, witness statement,20 February 2008), para. 18; Jan Elleby, T. 3371-3372; P225 (UNCIVPOL assessment of the situation inKnin, signed by Jan Elleby, 16 August 1995).3675 Jan Elleby, T. 3371-3372; P225 (UNCIVPOL assessment of the situation in Knin, signed by JanElleby, 16 August 1995).3676 Jan Elleby, T. 3371; P225 (UNCIVPOL assessment of the situation in Knin, signed by Jan Elleby, 16August 1995).3677 P204 (Alexander Tchernetsky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 3; P205 (Alexander Tchernetsky,witness statement, 6 December 2007), paras 3, 16; Alexander Tchernetsky, T. 3193-3195, 3245, 3249-3252, 3255-3256; P210 (Map of Knin, marked by Alexander Tchernetsky), location of fire at marking 3.490Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38824soldiers, police officers, and several firemen and fire engines, none of whom were doinganything to extinguish the fire. 3679916. Kari Anttila, an UNMO in Sector South from 14 August 1995 until 27November 1995, 3680 Tor Munkelien and Alexander Tchernetsky observed at 1:45p.m. on 17 August 1995 a burning house about 200 metres from the Knin team officewhile on patrol in Knin. 3681 According to a Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin,on 17 August 1995, at 4 p.m., an individual informed the Knin VP Duty Service that ahouse was on fire on the outskirts of town in the direction of Sinj. It was recorded in theKnin duty log that VP had informed MUP, whose duty it was to inform the firemen. 3682According to a SIS report dated 18 August 1995, a battalion of the 4th HV Brigade wasdeployed in Knin. 3683917. According to a UNCIVPOL memo, dated 18 August 1995, two UNCIVPOLofficers observed that almost every window and door in bars, shops, restaurants, privateand public enterprises in Knin was broken. 3684 Almost every building, according to thememo, had been looted. To avoid further looting, the Croatian inhabitants had markedtheir houses and apartments with Croatian flags and notes saying “Croatian house”. 3685Several international witnesses provided evidence corroborating the presence of suchnotes. Elleby testified that he observed such notes on Croatian houses. 3686 MarkerHansen testified that he regularly saw houses in Knin bearing signs saying somethinglike “Croat houses, do not touch”. 3687 He estimated that he saw between 20 and 50 such3678 P204 (Alexander Tchernetsky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 3; P205 (Alexander Tchernetsky,witness statement, 6 December 2007), para. 16; Alexander Tchernetsky, T. 3192-3193, 3195, 3249-3251;P210 (Map of Knin, marked by Alexander Tchernetsky), location of check-point at marking 2.3679 P204 (Alexander Tchernetsky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 3; Alexander Tchernetsky, T.3194, 3256.3680 P171 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 8 January 1996), p. 1; P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement,16 October 1997), pp. 1-2; P173 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 12 December 2007), p. 1, para. 2; KariAnttila, T. 2508.3681 P61 (Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 10 January 2008), paras 23, 26; P173 (Kari Anttila, witnessstatement, 12 December 2007), para. 32; P205 (Alexander Tchernetsky, witness statement, 6 December2007), para. 18; P67 (UNMO Team Podkonje report, 27 August 1995), para. 9; P122 (UNMO SectorSouth daily situation report, 7 p.m., 17 August 1995), p. 4.3682 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of17 August 1995.3683 D984 (SIS report, 18 August 1995).3684 P228 (UNCIVPOL memo from Steinar Hagvag to UNCIVPOL chief of Sector South, 18 August1995), p. 1.3685 P228 (UNCIVPOL memo from Steinar Hagvag to UNCIVPOL chief of Sector South, 18 August1995), p. 2.3686 P217 (Jan Elleby, witness statement, 20 February 2008), para. 24 (p. 8).3687 P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 10; Stig Marker Hansen, T.14922.491Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38824soldiers, police officers, and sever<strong>al</strong> firemen and fire engines, none of whom were doinganything to extinguish the fire. 3679916. Kari Anttila, an UNMO in Sector South from 14 August 1995 until 27November 1995, 3680 Tor Munkelien and Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky observed at 1:45p.m. on 17 August 1995 a burning house about 200 m<strong>et</strong>res from the Knin team officewhile on patrol in Knin. 3681 According to a Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin,on 17 August 1995, at 4 p.m., an individu<strong>al</strong> informed the Knin VP Duty Service that ahouse was on fire on the outskirts of town in the direction of Sinj. It was recorded in theKnin duty log that VP had informed MUP, whose duty it was to inform the firemen. 3682According to a SIS report dated 18 August 1995, a batt<strong>al</strong>ion of the 4th HV Brigade wasdeployed in Knin. 3683917. According to a UNCIVPOL memo, dated 18 August 1995, two UNCIVPOLofficers observed that <strong>al</strong>most every window and door in bars, shops, restaurants, privateand public enterprises in Knin was broken. 3684 Almost every building, according to thememo, had been looted. To avoid further looting, the Croatian inhabitants had markedtheir houses and apartments with Croatian flags and notes saying “Croatian house”. 3685Sever<strong>al</strong> internation<strong>al</strong> witnesses provided evidence corroborating the presence of suchnotes. Elleby testified that he observed such notes on Croatian houses. 3686 MarkerHansen testified that he regularly saw houses in Knin bearing signs saying som<strong>et</strong>hinglike “Croat houses, do not touch”. 3687 He estimated that he saw b<strong>et</strong>ween 20 and 50 such3678 P204 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 3; P205 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky,witness statement, 6 December 2007), para. 16; Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T. 3192-3193, 3195, 3249-3251;P210 (Map of Knin, marked by Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky), location of check-point at marking 2.3679 P204 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 3; Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T.3194, 3256.3680 P171 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 8 January 1996), p. 1; P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement,16 October 1997), pp. 1-2; P173 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 12 December 2007), p. 1, para. 2; KariAnttila, T. 2508.3681 P61 (Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 10 January 2008), paras 23, 26; P173 (Kari Anttila, witnessstatement, 12 December 2007), para. 32; P205 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 6 December2007), para. 18; P67 (UNMO Team Podkonje report, 27 August 1995), para. 9; P122 (UNMO SectorSouth daily situation report, 7 p.m., 17 August 1995), p. 4.3682 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of17 August 1995.3683 D984 (SIS report, 18 August 1995).3684 P228 (UNCIVPOL memo from Steinar Hagvag to UNCIVPOL chief of Sector South, 18 August1995), p. 1.3685 P228 (UNCIVPOL memo from Steinar Hagvag to UNCIVPOL chief of Sector South, 18 August1995), p. 2.3686 P217 (Jan Elleby, witness statement, 20 February 2008), para. 24 (p. 8).3687 P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 10; Stig Marker Hansen, T.14922.491Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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