Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


3926788. According to an HV report dated 11 August 1995 to Ante Gotovina, as of 10August 1995, the Split MD consisted of 36,888 persons, which included members ofHV Brigades, artillery units and headquarters staff. 23889. On 11 August 1995, Gotovina ordered a regrouping of troops as of noon on 12August 1995, by abolishing the following OGs: North Command, Sinj Command,Šibenik Command, and Zadar Command. Gotovina set up the OGs Sajkovići Commandand Otrić Command. 239 The order also set up a Split MD forward command post inKnin. 24090. On 14 August 1995, Zvonimir Červenko, Chief of the HV Main Staff, issued anorder requiring the commands of the Bjelovar, Zagreb, Karlovac, Gospić and Split MDsto prepare and carry out certain tasks in their areas of responsibility, includingprotection of the state border and breaking up of remaining enemy groups and clearingup of the terrain. 241 In the Split MD, forces made up of the combat groups of the SrbCommand Post of the 112th Brigade, the Otrić Command Post of the 134th and 126thHome Guard Regiments and the 141st Brigade were to be set up for the defense of thestate border. According to the order, the HV 7th Guards Brigade which, until that pointin time, had been subordinate to the Split MD should be returned under the directcommand of the Chief of the HV Main Staff. 24291. Mate Laušić, chief of the VP administration from 5 March 1992 until 30December 2002, 243 testified that the demobilization process of the HV reserve forces,which had been mobilized prior to Operation Storm, was very slow until 12 August1995. By 12 August 1995 only 5,000 troops were demobilized, while several tens ofthousands of troops were supposed to be demobilized in the Split area. The witnesstestified that demobilized members of the Home Guard Regiments did not have acivilian life to go back to, often being without jobs and homes. Laušić testified that part238 P1210 (Report on the numerical strength of the Split MD units, to Ante Gotovina, 11 August 1995).239 D772 (Order by Gotovina, 11 August 1995), p. 1.240 D772 (Order by Gotovina, 11 August 1995), p. 2.241 D559 (General Zvonimir Červenko, 14 August 1995 Order on the deployment of HV troops in theKrajina), pp. 1-2, 8.242 D559 (General Zvonimir Červenko, 14 August 1995 Order on the deployment of HV troops in theKrajina), p. 7. As for the border between the zones of the Gospić and Split MDs, see D559 (GeneralZvonimir Červenko, 14 August 1995 Order on the deployment of HV troops in the Krajina), pp. 1, 6-8.See also D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), para. 96; Dragutin Repinć, T. 26794;D1933 (Maps showing changes in the areas of responsibility of the Gospić and Split MDs).243 P2159 (Mate Laušić, witness statement, 11 August 2004), p. 1, paras 1, 37-38, 48, 60.48Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39266of the difficulties for the VP was to ensure that everyone knew that HV membershipcould not be established by uniforms but by producing HV identification papers. 24492. On 15 August 1995, the Croatian Ministry of Defence HV Main StaffAdministration for Organization, Recruitment, and Mobilization submitted a proposalfor demobilization of the Split MD units, signed on behalf of Gotovina, to the HV MainStaff. 245 The proposal planned three stages of demobilization of conscripts from severalHome Guard Regiments and Brigades. According to the plan, 3,684 conscripts would bedemobilized during the first phase from 15 August to 1 September 1995; a further 3,690conscripts would be demobilized during the second phase from 1 to 10 September 1995;and a final 3,312 conscripts would be demobilized during the third phase, from 10 to 20September 1995. 24693. According to a report dated 18 August 1995, and delivered to ZvonimirČervenko, a Split forward command post was set up in Knin from which the Split MDcommanded the units engaged in combat operations. 247 The front line was divided intothree areas of responsibility under the command of the OGs Otrić, Sajković, and Vrba.Under the direct command of the Split MD Forward Command Post were the 7th and4th Guards Brigade, the artillery rocket groups of the MD, and the staff units. 248Because the shifting of the front line disrupted communication connections, the SplitMD proposed a rearrangement of the area of responsibility between the Gospić andSplit MDs. 24994. On 21 August 1995, Červenko reported to Tuñman that the process ofdemobilization was for the most part properly envisaged and that the downsizing andreorganizing of forces was underway. 250 Červenko attached a graphic overview of theentire HV forces in the period between 28 July and 21 August 1995, which showed amarked increase between 28 July (89,309) and 7 August 1995 (185,965); a slight244 Mate Laušić, T. 15292.245 D611 (Proposal for demobilization plan of the units of Split MD, signed for Ante Gotovina, 15 August1995.), p. 1.246 D611 (Proposal for demobilization plan of the units of Split MD, signed for Ante Gotovina, 15 August1995.), pp. 2-4.247 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major General Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), p. 1, para. 1.248 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major General Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), para. 1.249 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major General Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), para. 4.250 P2602 (Report on Operation Storm to President and Supreme Commander Tuñman, Chief GeneralZvonimir Červenko, 21 August 1995), pp. 1, 6, 12.49Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39266of the difficulties for the VP was to ensure that everyone knew that HV membershipcould not be established by uniforms but by producing HV identification papers. 24492. On 15 August 1995, the Croatian Ministry of Defence HV Main StaffAdministration for Organization, Recruitment, and Mobilization submitted a propos<strong>al</strong>for demobilization of the Split MD units, signed on beh<strong>al</strong>f of <strong>Gotovina</strong>, to the HV MainStaff. 245 The propos<strong>al</strong> planned three stages of demobilization of conscripts from sever<strong>al</strong>Home Guard Regiments and Brigades. According to the plan, 3,684 conscripts would bedemobilized during the first phase from 15 August to 1 September 1995; a further 3,690conscripts would be demobilized during the second phase from 1 to 10 September 1995;and a fin<strong>al</strong> 3,312 conscripts would be demobilized during the third phase, from 10 to 20September 1995. 24693. According to a report dated 18 August 1995, and delivered to ZvonimirČervenko, a Split forward command post was s<strong>et</strong> up in Knin from which the Split MDcommanded the units engaged in combat operations. 247 The front line was divided intothree areas of responsibility under the command of the OGs Otrić, Sajković, and Vrba.Under the direct command of the Split MD Forward Command Post were the 7th and4th Guards Brigade, the artillery rock<strong>et</strong> groups of the MD, and the staff units. 248Because the shifting of the front line disrupted communication connections, the SplitMD proposed a rearrangement of the area of responsibility b<strong>et</strong>ween the Gospić andSplit MDs. 24994. On 21 August 1995, Červenko reported to Tuñman that the process ofdemobilization was for the most part properly envisaged and that the downsizing andreorganizing of forces was underway. 250 Červenko attached a graphic overview of theentire HV forces in the period b<strong>et</strong>ween 28 July and 21 August 1995, which showed amarked increase b<strong>et</strong>ween 28 July (89,309) and 7 August 1995 (185,965); a slight244 Mate Laušić, T. 15292.245 D611 (Propos<strong>al</strong> for demobilization plan of the units of Split MD, signed for Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 15 August1995.), p. 1.246 D611 (Propos<strong>al</strong> for demobilization plan of the units of Split MD, signed for Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 15 August1995.), pp. 2-4.247 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major Gener<strong>al</strong> Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), p. 1, para. 1.248 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major Gener<strong>al</strong> Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), para. 1.249 D891 (Report on Split MD signed by Major Gener<strong>al</strong> Živko Budimir, 18 August 1995), para. 4.250 P2602 (Report on Operation Storm to President and Supreme Commander Tuñman, Chief Gener<strong>al</strong>Zvonimir Červenko, 21 August 1995), pp. 1, 6, 12.49Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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