Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38837where he saw several members of the HV but no destruction, destroyed houses, orfire. 3561887. Petar Pašić, a Croatian Serb and the Croatian Government Commissioner forKnin from January 1992 to April 1996, 3562 testified that on 6 August 1995 he travelledto Knin. 3563 When Pašić entered the main street of Knin he saw very few civilians anddid not see much damage. 3564 He saw many military people in Knin, including menfrom the 4th Split Brigade or Pumas, who appeared to be celebrating. 3565888. On 6 August 1995, Luković walked around Knin and saw that the VP had set upcheck-points and patrols. 3566 According to Luković, there was unnecessary damage toproperty in the shops and other buildings, and there were military person “behavingbadly”. 3567 Luković described having seen a man in a red shirt and camouflage trousersdriving a small tractor with goods in the trailer; according to Luković, the man was nota member of the military. 3568 Luković saw only ten non-military people in Knin whilethe other people in Knin were all military personnel. 3569889. On 6 August 1995, Dondo noticed a shop with a broken door. On the subsequentdays he noticed that some buildings and shops had been looted. 3570 According to Dondo,civilians started to arrive in town already in the morning of 6 August 1995. 3571890. Džolić testified that on 6 August 1995, about 70 to 80 additional VP men fromvarious units of the 72nd VP Battalion arrived in Knin, which gave the newlyestablished VP Company some 140 to 150 men. 3572 The Joint VP Company stayed inthe former SVK Military Corps Building for two days, and then moved its command tothe Senjak barracks in Knin. 3573 According to a report by Boris Milas, VP crime police3561 D1679 (Borislav Škegro, witness statement, 21 April 2009), paras 10-11.3562 D1706 (Petar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), pp. 1-2; D1707 (Petar Pašić, witnessstatement, 23 April 2009), paras 2, 4, 13, 15, 32; D1709 (Petar Pašić, supplemental information sheet, 6October 2009), para. 10; Petar Pašić, T. 22740, 22778, 22844, 22847, 22858, 23026, 23053.3563 D1706 (Petar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3.3564 D1706 (Petar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3; D1709 (Petar Pašić, supplementalinformation sheet, 6 October 2009), para. 1; Petar Pašić, T, 22939.3565 D1706 (Petar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3.3566 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31, D1688 (Ivica Luković, witnessstatement, 13 August 2009), para. 12.3567 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31.3568 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31.3569 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 32.3570 D1695 (Karolj Dondo, witness statement, 9 March 2005), para. 11.3571 D1695 (Karolj Dondo, witness statement, 9 March 2005), para. 12.3572 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), para. 32; Boško Džolić, T. 8987, 8999, 9125-9126.3573 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), paras 20-22, 63; Boško Džolić, T. 8961.478Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38836were formed for various areas, including Knin, and were functioning as of 6 August1995. 3574 Witness 84 testified that after a day or two and in response to the looting, thepolice set up check-points on all main roads leading in and out of Knin. 3575 The TrialChamber has also considered evidence from Berikoff regarding check-points, reviewedin chapter The Trial Chamber now turns to the events of 7 August 1995, as relevant to thealleged destruction and plunder in Knin.892. Stig Marker Hansen testified that on 7 August 1995 he left the UN compoundalong with ECMM colleagues including Søren Liborius and Eric Hendriks. 3576 Themain road through Knin had been destroyed, shop windows were blown out, and houseswere fire damaged or in flames. 3577 Also on 7 August 1995, he saw a hearse being usedto transport goods. 3578 On 7 August 1995, Hendriks, together with Liborius andMarker-Hansen, was allowed to leave the UN compound and noticed, among otherthings, that his landlady’s dog had been shot. 3579 Liborius stated that on 7 August 1995check-points manned by VP and Croatian civilian police were everywhere. 3580 On avisit to the ECMM RC building, Liborius and some colleagues came across HV soldierswho were removing ECMM computers. 3581 There, Liborius from the Home Guards,who told Liborius that he was a member of the Home Guards and whom Liboriusrecognized as such by his insignia. 3582 There were also two 7th Guards soldierspresent. 3583 Liborius and his colleagues also went to their houses to recover personalbelongings, but found houses ransacked and valuables, for example TV sets,removed. 3584 Liborius went to the house he used to live in, the Urukalo house, and fiveminutes later three HV soldiers with 7th Puma Brigade insignia arrived in a civilian Fiat3574 P2398 (Report from Boris Milas to Mihael Budimir, 22 September 1995).3575 P2395 (Witness 84, witness statement, 9 March 2002), para. 14; Witness 84, T. 11179, 11320.3576 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 20; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14916; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, personal diary), p. 5.3577 P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, personal diary), p. 5.3578 P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, personal diary), pp. 6-7.3579 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 18; Eric Hendriks, T. 9698.3580 P799 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 2 November 1995), p. 5.3581 P799 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 2 November 1995), p. 5; Søren Liborius, T. 8228; P805(ECMM Knin daily report, 7 August 1995), p. 3; D741 (Diary of Liborius), p. 8.3582 P801 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 12 October 2005), p. 5; P802 (Søren Liborius, witnessstatement, 20 June 2008), para. 29; Søren Liborius, T. 8412-8413.3583 P802 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 20 June 2008), para. 29.3584 P799 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 2 November 1995), p. 5; Søren Liborius, T. 8264; D741(Diary of Liborius), p. 8.479Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38837where he saw sever<strong>al</strong> members of the HV but no destruction, destroyed houses, orfire. 3561887. P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, a Croatian Serb and the Croatian Government Commissioner forKnin from January 1992 to April 1996, 3562 testified that on 6 August 1995 he travelledto Knin. 3563 When Pašić entered the main stre<strong>et</strong> of Knin he saw very few civilians anddid not see much damage. 3564 He saw many military people in Knin, including menfrom the 4th Split Brigade or Pumas, who appeared to be celebrating. 3565888. On 6 August 1995, Luković w<strong>al</strong>ked around Knin and saw that the VP had s<strong>et</strong> upcheck-points and patrols. 3566 According to Luković, there was unnecessary damage toproperty in the shops and other buildings, and there were military person “behavingbadly”. 3567 Luković described having seen a man in a red shirt and camouflage trousersdriving a sm<strong>al</strong>l tractor with goods in the trailer; according to Luković, the man was nota member of the military. 3568 Luković saw only ten non-military people in Knin whil<strong>et</strong>he other people in Knin were <strong>al</strong>l military personnel. 3569889. On 6 August 1995, Dondo noticed a shop with a broken door. On the subsequentdays he noticed that some buildings and shops had been looted. 3570 According to Dondo,civilians started to arrive in town <strong>al</strong>ready in the morning of 6 August 1995. 3571890. Džolić testified that on 6 August 1995, about 70 to 80 addition<strong>al</strong> VP men fromvarious units of the 72nd VP Batt<strong>al</strong>ion arrived in Knin, which gave the newlyestablished VP Company some 140 to 150 men. 3572 The Joint VP Company stayed inthe former SVK Military Corps Building for two days, and then moved its command tothe Senjak barracks in Knin. 3573 According to a report by Boris Milas, VP crime police3561 D1679 (Borislav Škegro, witness statement, 21 April 2009), paras 10-11.3562 D1706 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), pp. 1-2; D1707 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, witnessstatement, 23 April 2009), paras 2, 4, 13, 15, 32; D1709 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, supplement<strong>al</strong> information she<strong>et</strong>, 6October 2009), para. 10; P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, T. 22740, 22778, 22844, 22847, 22858, 23026, 23053.3563 D1706 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3.3564 D1706 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3; D1709 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, supplement<strong>al</strong>information she<strong>et</strong>, 6 October 2009), para. 1; P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, T, 22939.3565 D1706 (P<strong>et</strong>ar Pašić, witness statement, 3 March 2002), p. 3.3566 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31, D1688 (Ivica Luković, witnessstatement, 13 August 2009), para. 12.3567 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31.3568 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 31.3569 D1687 (Ivica Luković, witness statement, 1 October 2004), para. 32.3570 D1695 (Karolj Dondo, witness statement, 9 March 2005), para. 11.3571 D1695 (Karolj Dondo, witness statement, 9 March 2005), para. 12.3572 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), para. 32; Boško Džolić, T. 8987, 8999, 9125-9126.3573 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), paras 20-22, 63; Boško Džolić, T. 8961.478Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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