Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38841879. Lennart Widén, a UNCIVPOL member stationed in Knin in the beginning ofAugust 1995, 3515 testified that around 10 a.m. on 6 August 1995 he and UNCIVPOLchief Normand Boucher went on a foot patrol in Knin but were stopped at a checkpoint,by the river Krka, manned by soldiers, military police, and Croatian civilianpolice whom the witness identified by their uniforms and insignia. 3516 The two menwere standing there for about an hour and observed at least ten military trucks withsoldiers leaving Knin. 3517 The trucks were fully loaded with TVs, videos, andfurniture. 3518 The soldiers and police at the check-point did not stop or search any of thevehicles. 3519 After leaving the check-point, the witness and Boucher arrived at the mainstre<strong>et</strong> where the witness saw that <strong>al</strong>l the shop windows were broken and that things weremissing from the shops. 3520 The witness <strong>al</strong>so saw at least 50 soldiers, <strong>al</strong>most <strong>al</strong>l ofwhom were carrying things like TVs, videos, and furniture. 3521 They did so openly. 3522The things were put onto trucks. 3523 All the civilian and some of the military vehiclesthe witness saw were carrying goods. 3524 According to the witness the soldiers werefrom the Puma brigade, judging from their insignia and the signs on their vehicles. 3525The witness did not observe any civilians looting. 3526 A block of flats and an officeblock were on fire. 3527 The witness and Boucher then went to the railway bridge where3515 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), paras 2-3; P722 (Lennart Widén,witness statement, 27 February 2008), p. 1, para. 4.3516 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), paras 21, 47-48, p. 10 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, marked by LennartWidén); Lennart Widén, T. 7320, 7324, 7375; D718 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, with Lennart Widén’smarking), p. 1; D719 (Lennart Widén, supplement<strong>al</strong> information she<strong>et</strong>, 23 August 2008), p. 2.3517 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 22; Lennart Widén, T. 7320, 7328-7329, 7399; D719 (LennartWidén, supplement<strong>al</strong> information she<strong>et</strong>, 23 August 2008), p. 2.3518 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; Lennart Widén, T. 7320, 7329,7398-7399; D719 (Lennart Widén, supplement<strong>al</strong> information she<strong>et</strong>, 23 August 2008), p. 2.3519 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), paras 3, 11.3520 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), paras 19, 22.3521 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), paras 3, 7, 11; P722 (Lennart Widén,witness statement, 27 February 2008), para. 22; Lennart Widén, T. 7320-7321, 7398.3522 Lennart Widén, T. 7321.3523 Lennart Widén, T. 7321.3524 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 22.3525 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 22; P281 (Insignia of the Puma brigade); D719 (Lennart Widén,supplement<strong>al</strong> information she<strong>et</strong>, 23 August 2008), p. 2.3526 P722 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 27 February 2008), para. 36.3527 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; Lennart Widén, T. 7393-7394.474Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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