Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38843manning the check-points now knew them. 3490 They went to the police station in Kninand noticed that the old SVK headquarters building adjacent to the parliament was nowa new headquarters. Hill went inside and saw that the Croats were going through thedocuments left behind by the Serbs and that they were loading trucks with thediscovered documentation. 3491 They again tried to reach the castle but wereunsuccessful. They saw that Croats with “special uniforms” had started cleaning up thestreets in Knin. 3492877. In the morning of 6 August 1995, Dawes and Andries Dreyer succeeded ingetting their UN mini-van out through the main gate. 3493 Dawes and Dreyer first tried todrive into downtown Knin, but had to turn back at the bridge where a VP check-pointhad been erected. 3494 Later in the morning of 6 August 1995, Dawes and Dreyerreturned to Knin. 3495 The VP, whom the witness recognized from the insignia they wore,stopped them approximately three kilometres west of the outskirts of Knin, checkedtheir identification for about 15 minutes, and allowed them to proceed throughdowntown Knin. 3496 They drove down the main street, directly into downtown Knin andback toward the UN compound. 3497 Dawes testified that all over the town there was anunforgettably rotten smell. 3498 Throughout Knin, Croatian government and militarypersonnel were cleaning the town and separating garbage and personal belongings intopiles. 3499 Some of items were thrown out of balconies and piled on the street below;valuable items were carried down and separated into different piles. 3500 According to thewitness, there were mountains of personal items on the sides of the road—a pile oftelevision sets, a pile of stereos, a pile of refrigerators, and so forth. 3501 Garbage andother non-valuable items were then placed in the backs of trucks and taken away, while3490 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 6.3491 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 25.3492 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 6.3493 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10413-10414,10536, 10541, 10544-10546.3494 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.3495 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), pp. 8-10; Murray Dawes, T. 10414.3496 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 31; Murray Dawes, T. 10404; P984 (Map of Knin with various locationsmarked by Murray Dawes).3497 Murray Dawes, T. 10404.3498 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; Murray Dawes, T. 10405.3499 Murray Dawes, T. 10404, 10518; D865 (Map marked by Murray Dawes of route in downtown Kninwhere he saw soldiers removing and systematically separating items).3500 Murray Dawes, T. 10405-10406, 10557.3501 Murray Dawes, T. 10404-10405.472Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38842valuable items were placed in the backs of other trucks. 3502 Dawes observed that groupsof people behaved as if they had been assigned different tasks. 3503 There were a lot ofHV soldiers in the streets. 3504 From what the witness could see, all of them were fullyoccupied with the looting of houses. Dawes also saw civilian police officers patrollingthe streets by car and by foot, and engaging in looting. 3505 Both the soldiers and thecivilian police officers appeared to the witness to be looting openly. 3506 The Croatiansoldiers and civilian police emptied apartments and houses of personal items. 3507 Thesoldiers also took items from official buildings. 3508 He also noticed individuals wearingorange uniforms or overalls with a distinctive signature on their breast cleaning thestreets, guarded by the civilian police. A couple of civilian police officers he spoke toshortly thereafter, who said they were originally from Knin, informed him that theindividuals in orange uniforms were prisoners of war. 3509 Dawes also observed peoplewearing protective coveralls, cleaning out the refrigerators and removing perishableitems and garbage from inside the looted houses. 3510 The witness testified that thepeople in protective outfits were removing dead bodies from the houses. 3511 The witnessreturned to the UN compound at noon. 3512878. Andries Dreyer, UN Security Coordinator for Sector South in 1995, 3513 statedthat on 6 August 1995 he saw drunken soldiers looting food, liquor, and other items allover Knin, and he was surprised by the lack of discipline and structure of these forces. Itwas his impression that the soldiers were free to do whatever they wanted, as thoughKnin was their prize for victory. 3514 The Trial Chamber has further considered evidenceregarding Knin on 6 August 1995 from Berikoff, reviewed in chapter Murray Dawes, T. 10405.3503 Murray Dawes, T. 10405-10406.3504 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; Murray Dawes, T. 10404.3505 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9.3506 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 10.3507 Murray Dawes, T. 10404-10405, 10555.3508 Murray Dawes, T. 10556.3509 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9.3510 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 32; Murray Dawes, T. 10405.3511 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; Murray Dawes, T. 10405.3512 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 10.3513 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), p. 1, para. 1; D109 (Andries Dreyer,witness statement, 4 February 1996), p.1; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995),p. 1; Andries Dreyer, T. 1710, 1745-1746, 1748, 1812, 1831.3514 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 20.473Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38843manning the check-points now knew them. 3490 They went to the police station in Kninand noticed that the old SVK headquarters building adjacent to the parliament was nowa new headquarters. Hill went inside and saw that the Croats were going through thedocuments left behind by the Serbs and that they were loading trucks with thediscovered documentation. 3491 They again tried to reach the castle but wereunsuccessful. They saw that Croats with “speci<strong>al</strong> uniforms” had started cleaning up thestre<strong>et</strong>s in Knin. 3492877. In the morning of 6 August 1995, Dawes and Andries Dreyer succeeded ing<strong>et</strong>ting their UN mini-van out through the main gate. 3493 Dawes and Dreyer first tried todrive into downtown Knin, but had to turn back at the bridge where a VP check-pointhad been erected. 3494 Later in the morning of 6 August 1995, Dawes and Dreyerr<strong>et</strong>urned to Knin. 3495 The VP, whom the witness recognized from the insignia they wore,stopped them approximately three kilom<strong>et</strong>res west of the outskirts of Knin, checkedtheir identification for about 15 minutes, and <strong>al</strong>lowed them to proceed throughdowntown Knin. 3496 They drove down the main stre<strong>et</strong>, directly into downtown Knin andback toward the UN compound. 3497 Dawes testified that <strong>al</strong>l over the town there was anunforg<strong>et</strong>tably rotten smell. 3498 Throughout Knin, Croatian government and militarypersonnel were cleaning the town and separating garbage and person<strong>al</strong> belongings intopiles. 3499 Some of items were thrown out of b<strong>al</strong>conies and piled on the stre<strong>et</strong> below;v<strong>al</strong>uable items were carried down and separated into different piles. 3500 According to thewitness, there were mountains of person<strong>al</strong> items on the sides of the road—a pile oftelevision s<strong>et</strong>s, a pile of stereos, a pile of refrigerators, and so forth. 3501 Garbage andother non-v<strong>al</strong>uable items were then placed in the backs of trucks and taken away, while3490 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 6.3491 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 25.3492 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 6.3493 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10413-10414,10536, 10541, 10544-10546.3494 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.3495 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), pp. 8-10; Murray Dawes, T. 10414.3496 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 31; Murray Dawes, T. 10404; P984 (Map of Knin with various locationsmarked by Murray Dawes).3497 Murray Dawes, T. 10404.3498 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 9; Murray Dawes, T. 10405.3499 Murray Dawes, T. 10404, 10518; D865 (Map marked by Murray Dawes of route in downtown Kninwhere he saw soldiers removing and systematic<strong>al</strong>ly separating items).3500 Murray Dawes, T. 10405-10406, 10557.3501 Murray Dawes, T. 10404-10405.472Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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