Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38865The witness also recalled that Vojnović’s wife said she had been beaten and pressuredfor money. 3292839. Drča further stated that on 11 August 1995 he decided to return to Benkovac andthat he on the way passed through several villages: Bjelina, in Lišane Ostrovićkemunicipality, Brgud in Lisičić municipality, Kalanjeva Draga in Lišane Ostrovičkemunicipality, in which about half of the houses, including the primary school in Brgud,had been burnt. When he came to his house in Benkovac around 4 p.m. he saw that hisTV set, video recorder, video camera, radio, kitchen utensils including silver cutlery,chandeliers, shot gun, and pistol were missing. 3293840. On 12 September 1995, Duka and Uroš Vojvodić, both born in 1919, from Parčićin Kistanje municipality informed UNCIVPOL that “a few days after the Croatianattack” some soldiers came to their house and stole livestock. 3294 The couple, and twoother persons named Stevan and Pava Vojvodić informed UNCIVPOL that they wantedthe UN’s help to move to Belgrade. 3295 They stated that they were afraid to stay inCroatia and that Croatian soldiers came to the area almost every day. 3296841. In a report to, among others, the Split MD dated 23 August 1995, CommanderColonel Josip Čerina of the 134th Home Guard Regiment stated that in the afternoon of6 August 1995, he received a report that part of the 1st Infantry Battalion had reachedthe village of Parčić, in Kistanje municipality. 3297 Shortly thereafter, Čerina ordered the1st Infantry Battalion command to leave one infantry company in Parčić. 3298 When the3rd Infantry Battalion arrived at the cross-roads near Parčič, Čerina ordered them toconduct reconnaissance in the area of Kolašac, Biovičino Selo, both in Kistanjemunicipality, and Ervenik. 3299 By 6 p.m. on 6 August 1995, a forward command postwas established in Biovičino Selo in Kistanje municipality and at approximately 7 p.m.the 1st Infantry Battalion came to that area. 3300 Very soon after this, parts of the 15thHome Guard Regiment and the 113th HV Brigade were in the area of the villages ofKolašac in Kistanje municipality and Bjelina in Lišane Ostrovičke municipality forming3292 P2509 (Konstantin Drča, witness statement, 26 May 1997), p. 3.3293 P2509 (Konstantin Drča, witness statement, 26 May 1997), p. 3.3294 P256 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/120, 12 September 1995).3295 P256 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/120, 12 September 1995); P259 (UNCIVPOL incidentreport, S05-95/121, 12 September 1995).3296 P259 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/121, 12 September 1995).3297 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 3, 8.3298 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 3-4.3299 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 4.450Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38864a big group of units in the small area. That evening, the road between Parčić andMacure was secured. 3301 On 7 August 1995, the 1st Infantry Battalion was deployed inthe area of Modrino Selo, in Kistanje municipality, and the 134th Home GuardRegiment erected check-points on the cross-roads near Parčić and Kolašac, aiming toprevent misappropriation of the spoils of war. 3302 On 8 August 1995, Čerina sent the 1stBattalion on leave for three days, and the 3rd Infantry Battalion established a defenceline in the direction of the village of Kaštel Žegarski in Nadvoda municipality to thevillage of Ervenik. 3303 On 9 August 1995, the regiment was reinforced with the 2ndInfantry Battalion, and a new defence line was established in the direction of the villageof Muškovci to the villages of Kaštel Žegarski and Ervenik. Also on 9 August 1995, theartillery took over positions in the area of the village of Komazeci, and the regimentforward command post and forward section of the logistic base took over the village ofKaštel Žegarski. On 11 August 1995 the 3rd Infantry Battalion was sent on leave forfive days, and the 1st Infantry Battalion took over their area of responsibility. During 12and 13 August 1995, the unit carried out regular daily tasks and on 14 August 1995 theywere ordered to search the terrain and secure facilities of vital interest. On 15 August1995 at around 1 p.m., the 1st Infantry Battalion started marching to Velika Popina inGračac municipality. 3304842. Based on the evidence received, the Trial Chamber finds that around 10 a.m. on6 August 1995, men in camouflage uniforms entered Parčić, in Kistanje municipalityand set fire to at least seven or eight houses there. By 8 August 1995, all of theapproximately 50 abandoned houses in Parčić, including Drča’s mother’s house, hadbeen burnt. Between approximately 6 and 8 August 1995, men in camouflage uniformscame to Duka and Uroš Vojvodić’s house and took their livestock. On 8 August 1995,men in camouflage uniforms and men in civilian clothing drove civilian trucks andtractors, as well as tractors and passenger cars which had belonged to persons fromParčić, away from the village. These vehicles were loaded with valuable items,including cattle and furniture. Drča’s mother’s house had been emptied of all items ofvalue. Considering that Drča stated that Parčić was an entirely Serb village, the Trial3300 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 1, 4.3301 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 4.3302 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 4.The report says “Rarčići” and “Kolašec”, which the Trial Chamber understands to be spelling errors.3303 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 4.3304 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 5.451Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38865The witness <strong>al</strong>so rec<strong>al</strong>led that Vojnović’s wife said she had been beaten and pressuredfor money. 3292839. Drča further stated that on 11 August 1995 he decided to r<strong>et</strong>urn to Benkovac andthat he on the way passed through sever<strong>al</strong> villages: Bjelina, in Lišane Ostrovićkemunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, Brgud in Lisičić municip<strong>al</strong>ity, K<strong>al</strong>anjeva Draga in Lišane Ostrovičkemunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, in which about h<strong>al</strong>f of the houses, including the primary school in Brgud,had been burnt. When he came to his house in Benkovac around 4 p.m. he saw that hisTV s<strong>et</strong>, video recorder, video camera, radio, kitchen utensils including silver cutlery,chandeliers, shot gun, and pistol were missing. 3293840. On 12 September 1995, Duka and Uroš Vojvodić, both born in 1919, from Parčićin Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity informed UNCIVPOL that “a few days after the Croatianattack” some soldiers came to their house and stole livestock. 3294 The couple, and twoother persons named Stevan and Pava Vojvodić informed UNCIVPOL that they wantedthe UN’s help to move to Belgrade. 3295 They stated that they were afraid to stay inCroatia and that Croatian soldiers came to the area <strong>al</strong>most every day. 3296841. In a report to, among others, the Split MD dated 23 August 1995, CommanderColonel Josip Čerina of the 134th Home Guard Regiment stated that in the afternoon of6 August 1995, he received a report that part of the 1st Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion had reachedthe village of Parčić, in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 3297 Shortly thereafter, Čerina ordered the1st Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion command to leave one infantry company in Parčić. 3298 When the3rd Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion arrived at the cross-roads near Parčič, Čerina ordered them toconduct reconnaissance in the area of Kolašac, Biovičino Selo, both in Kistanjemunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, and Ervenik. 3299 By 6 p.m. on 6 August 1995, a forward command postwas established in Biovičino Selo in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity and at approximately 7 p.m.the 1st Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion came to that area. 3300 Very soon after this, parts of the 15thHome Guard Regiment and the 113th HV Brigade were in the area of the villages ofKolašac in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity and Bjelina in Lišane Ostrovičke municip<strong>al</strong>ity forming3292 P2509 (Konstantin Drča, witness statement, 26 May 1997), p. 3.3293 P2509 (Konstantin Drča, witness statement, 26 May 1997), p. 3.3294 P256 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/120, 12 September 1995).3295 P256 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/120, 12 September 1995); P259 (UNCIVPOL incidentreport, S05-95/121, 12 September 1995).3296 P259 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S05-95/121, 12 September 1995).3297 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 3, 8.3298 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 3-4.3299 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 4.450Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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