Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38895rifle at the chest of the witness. 3101 When the witness told him there was no need to doso since he was not putting up any resistance, the soldier said that their Serbian childrenhad waged war on Croatia and robbed and murdered, and that Croatian fathers taughttheir children to be a good example to others. 3102 The soldier came out of the house andwent to the garage, which almost immediately started to burn. 3103 When the witnesstried to save his cultivator from the garage, the soldiers warned him against going nearthe fire, which the witness understood as a threat to push him into the fire. 3104 Aftersaving his cultivator, he saw that his five haystacks, his house and his stable were onfire. 3105 He heard a vehicle start up. 3106 Everything was burnt to the ground, including atractor. 3107 On 10 August 1995, the witness saw that ten out of a total of about 100houses and stables in the village had been burnt very badly as well as thirty goats andsheep, along with two lambs that were not yet dead. 3108761. The witness testified that soldiers, dressed in HV uniform with the Croatian coatof arms on the sleeves, and civilians, women and men, on their own or in groups of twoor three, came to the village most days, most of the times in civilian cars, looting at firstnew electrical goods, and later everything of value. 3109 Sometimes the soldiers camewith large cattle trucks on which they loaded the villagers’ sheep and cattle and tookthem away. 3110762. The witness testified that on 14 August 1995 Uroš Ognjenović came to his houseand told him that a soldier had killed two lambs and that he wanted the lambs skinned.The witness went to the house of Uroš Ognjenović and skinned the lambs. The soldier,wearing a camouflage uniform with HV coat of arms on the sleeve, ordered the witnessto kill another lamb and skin it. By order of the soldier the witness put the three skinnedlambs in the boot of the soldier’s car, which looked like a civilian car. Other soldiers3101 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 4-5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10717,10751.3102 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10717.3103 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3104 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751.3105 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10751.3106 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3107 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10728-10729; D872 (UNMO report, 27 August 1995), p. 2.3108 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10752-10753; D874 (Letters from the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 3.3109 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10736,10752-10753.3110 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.420Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38894were in the village that day taking live lambs away with them. 3111 On 17 and 18 August1995 soldiers continued to come to the village looting. 3112 The witness testified thatafter 24 August 1995 soldiers were still coming to the village everyday looting and thatsome other houses burned. A total of 19 stables and 23 houses were burnt in Kakanj.Eventually, when the other villagers had left out of fear, only the witness, his auntLjubica Ognjenović, and Vojin Šarić remained in the village. On 26 August 1995 thewitness and his aunt left the village by car. 3113 After a visit to his wife in the hospital inKnin, the witness and his aunt went to the UN compound, where he was registered. 3114He left from there on 15 September 1995 in a convoy under UN escort to Serbia, wherehe stayed until September 1997. 3115 In September 1997 the witness returned to hisvillage. 3116 He noticed that several stables and houses had burned after he had left, sothat approximately half of the houses in the village were now burned. 3117763. The Trial Chamber has further considered exhibit D93 reviewed in chapter 4.1.8(Uroš Šarić and Uroš Ognjenović - Schedule no. 8).764. Before 8 p.m. on 26 August 1995, UNMO observed four Croatian soldiersloading livestock onto a truck in Kakanj in Kistanje municipality. 3118765. Laila Malm, a UNCIVPOL member working in Knin, Benkovac, Gračac, andObrovac municipalities between 26 August and December 1995, 3119 testified that invillages and hamlets visited on 28 August 1995 in Knin and surrounding municipalities,all houses in Bribir, Ðevrske, Kistanje, and Žažvić, all in Kistanje municipality, wereburned; most of the houses in Varivode, Kistanje municipality, were burned; mosthouses were intact in Kakanj, Kistanje municipality; a few houses were burnt inBratiskovići, Kistanje municipality; 95 per cent of houses in Cicvare, Kistanjemunicipality, were burnt; and 90 per cent of houses in Smrdelje, Kistanje municipality,3111 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 6.3112 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 6-7.3113 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8.3114 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 8-9; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 7.3115 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 9.3116 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 9; D873 (MUP official note ofinterview with Mirko Ognjenović, 6 May 2004), p. 2.3117 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 9; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10752-10753.3118 P128 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 8 p.m., 26 August 1995), pp. 1, 4.3119 P774 (Laila Malm, witness statement, 30 July 2008, corrected 4 September 2008), paras 1, 13; LailaMalm, T. 8147; P775 (Map of Gračac area, marked by Laila Malm).421Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38895rifle at the chest of the witness. 3101 When the witness told him there was no need to doso since he was not putting up any resistance, the soldier said that their Serbian childrenhad waged war on Croatia and robbed and murdered, and that Croatian fathers taughttheir children to be a good example to others. 3102 The soldier came out of the house andwent to the garage, which <strong>al</strong>most immediately started to burn. 3103 When the witnesstried to save his cultivator from the garage, the soldiers warned him against going nearthe fire, which the witness understood as a threat to push him into the fire. 3104 Aftersaving his cultivator, he saw that his five haystacks, his house and his stable were onfire. 3105 He heard a vehicle start up. 3106 Everything was burnt to the ground, including atractor. 3107 On 10 August 1995, the witness saw that ten out of a tot<strong>al</strong> of about 100houses and stables in the village had been burnt very badly as well as thirty goats andsheep, <strong>al</strong>ong with two lambs that were not y<strong>et</strong> dead. 3108761. The witness testified that soldiers, dressed in HV uniform with the Croatian coatof arms on the sleeves, and civilians, women and men, on their own or in groups of twoor three, came to the village most days, most of the times in civilian cars, looting at firstnew electric<strong>al</strong> goods, and later everything of v<strong>al</strong>ue. 3109 Som<strong>et</strong>imes the soldiers camewith large cattle trucks on which they loaded the villagers’ sheep and cattle and tookthem away. 3110762. The witness testified that on 14 August 1995 Uroš Ognjenović came to his houseand told him that a soldier had killed two lambs and that he wanted the lambs skinned.The witness went to the house of Uroš Ognjenović and skinned the lambs. The soldier,wearing a camouflage uniform with HV coat of arms on the sleeve, ordered the witnessto kill another lamb and skin it. By order of the soldier the witness put the three skinnedlambs in the boot of the soldier’s car, which looked like a civilian car. Other soldiers3101 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 4-5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10717,10751.3102 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10717.3103 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3104 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751.3105 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10751.3106 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3107 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10728-10729; D872 (UNMO report, 27 August 1995), p. 2.3108 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10752-10753; D874 (L<strong>et</strong>ters from the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with offici<strong>al</strong> notes), p. 3.3109 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10736,10752-10753.3110 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.420Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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