Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38897the direction of Šibenik. 3074 At a distance of 300 metres, the witness saw a tank andsoldiers in a field near the edge of Kakanj. 3075 He saw five to six soldiers in uniformclose to the house of Marko Ognjenović, which then started to burn. 3076 After that, at adistance of 350 metres, he saw the same soldiers go to the haystacks of NikolaOgnjenović, located 50 metres from Marko Ognjenović’s house, which also started toburn, as did Nikola Ognjenović’s house. 3077 The witness stated that he had a clear viewand good eyesight. 3078 Both Marko Ognjenović and Nikola Ognjenović were civilianswho had left Kakanj. 3079 The witness heard soldiers singing HV songs, shouting andlaughing, and the sound of guns being fired. 3080 During the night of 5 August 1995, thewitness hid in his plum orchard about 100 metres away from his house. 3081 Hecontinued to hear the soldiers singing and it sounded as if they were having a party inthe village and sometime after midnight on 6 August 1995, the witness heard whatappeared to be the soldiers leaving the village. 3082 When daylight had returned, thewitness met Uroš Ognjenović and they walked through the village. 3083 The witness sawmany houses with windows and doors smashed, food lying in the road, and three dogsand a sheep shot dead in the road. 3084 He saw that the two shops in the village had beenbroken into and food and drink had been stolen. 3085 In the road there were manycontainers. 3086 The stable belonging to Dragan Šarić had burned to the ground. 3087 Thewitness and Uroš Ognjenović set some animals free and killed four dangerous dogs. 3088On three or four occasions on 6 or 7 August 1995 police from Šibenik in blue uniforms,with the word Policija on the sleeves, came to the village, bringing food, and at those3074 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721,10749.3075 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721.3076 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721,10730-10731, 10735, 10747.3077 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721,10730-10731, 10735, 10747.3078 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10730-10731.3079 Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10747.3080 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721,10749.3081 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10749.3082 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 3; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10721,10749.3083 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 3-4.3084 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3085 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10749.3086 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3087 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10720-10722, 10730-10731.418Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38896times no soldiers would come stealing and looting. 3089 The witness told the police thatsoldiers were burning their houses and looting, but the police said they could not doanything about it. 3090759. On 8 August 1995 at about 9 a.m. two soldiers, carrying automatic rifles, cameup to the witness in the village. 3091 The soldiers, who came by car, were dressed in armycamouflage uniform with the HV coat of arms on the sleeves of their jackets. 3092 One ofthem asked why the witness had stayed behind and said that he would have done betterto have left with the other people. 3093 They asked the witness whether a certain car washis and whether he had the keys to it, and one of them said they were liberators whilethe other said that they were Ustashi. 3094 According to the latter, this was the name theSerbs had given to the HV. He also said that he was from the neighbouring village ofLaškovica. 3095 One of the soldiers said to the witness words to the effect of “no one willbe held accountable for you”, and that they did not wish to harm him, but that all kindsof things could happen to him in the hands of others. 3096 The soldiers told the witness,who was about to feed his pigs, not to stray away from home and to look after himselfinstead of his pigs. 3097760. On 9 August 1995 at approximately 2 p.m. the witness was in the front yard ofhis house with his aunt Ljubica Ognjenović and Radoslav Ognjenović. 3098 Two soldiersin HV uniforms, with automatic rifles and hand guns and arriving in a grey vehicle,came into the front yard of the witness. 3099 When his dog, which was near him, startedbarking, one of the soldiers shot the dog. 3100 The same soldier entered the witness’shouse, which contained the hunting gun of the witness’s son, while the other pointed his3088 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3089 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10731-10732.3090 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3091 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3092 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10750-10751.3093 Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10716, 10738.3094 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10750.3095 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3096 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10708-10709, 10716, 10738, 10750.3097 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10716, 10750.3098 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3099 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751-10752.3100 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751.419Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38896times no soldiers would come ste<strong>al</strong>ing and looting. 3089 The witness told the police thatsoldiers were burning their houses and looting, but the police said they could not doanything about it. 3090759. On 8 August 1995 at about 9 a.m. two soldiers, carrying automatic rifles, cameup to the witness in the village. 3091 The soldiers, who came by car, were dressed in armycamouflage uniform with the HV coat of arms on the sleeves of their jack<strong>et</strong>s. 3092 One ofthem asked why the witness had stayed behind and said that he would have done b<strong>et</strong>terto have left with the other people. 3093 They asked the witness wh<strong>et</strong>her a certain car washis and wh<strong>et</strong>her he had the keys to it, and one of them said they were liberators whil<strong>et</strong>he other said that they were Ustashi. 3094 According to the latter, this was the name theSerbs had given to the HV. He <strong>al</strong>so said that he was from the neighbouring village ofLaškovica. 3095 One of the soldiers said to the witness words to the effect of “no one willbe held accountable for you”, and that they did not wish to harm him, but that <strong>al</strong>l kindsof things could happen to him in the hands of others. 3096 The soldiers told the witness,who was about to feed his pigs, not to stray away from home and to look after himselfinstead of his pigs. 3097760. On 9 August 1995 at approximately 2 p.m. the witness was in the front yard ofhis house with his aunt Ljubica Ognjenović and Radoslav Ognjenović. 3098 Two soldiersin HV uniforms, with automatic rifles and hand guns and arriving in a grey vehicle,came into the front yard of the witness. 3099 When his dog, which was near him, startedbarking, one of the soldiers shot the dog. 3100 The same soldier entered the witness’shouse, which contained the hunting gun of the witness’s son, while the other pointed his3088 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3089 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10731-10732.3090 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 5.3091 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3092 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10750-10751.3093 Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10716, 10738.3094 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10750.3095 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3096 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10708-10709, 10716, 10738, 10750.3097 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10709,10716, 10750.3098 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4.3099 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751-10752.3100 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 4; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10751.419Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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