Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38909restrictions were necessary because of mopping up operations carried out to locate“rebels”. 3008 An example of such a restriction was observed by the witness on 15 August1995, while patrolling on the road from Knin to the Otrić junction, Gračac municipality.When the patrol returned from Otrić at about 3:30 p.m., they saw smoke coming fromthe Zrmanja area, Gračac municipality. The team attempted to approach the area butwere barred by men in military uniform. 3009 The witness testified however that theywere able to observe nine houses on fire in the Zrmanja area and observed men inmilitary uniform in the same area close to the burning houses. 3010 According to anUNMO report, at 3:30 p.m. on 15 August 1995, UNMO observed nine burning housesin the general area of Zrmanja Vrelo in Gračac municipality. 3011725. Tor Munkelien, an UNMO based in Knin from 14 August 1995 to 1 December1995, 3012 testified that on 15 August 1995, the UNMO team he was part of observednine burning houses in Zrmjana Vrelo, Gračac municipality, and one house burning inVugonje, Gračac municipality. 3013 A daily UNMO Sector South situation report of 18August 1995 records that an UNMO team, at 2:30 p.m. on 18 August 1995, observedapproximately ten burning houses at Velika Popina, Gračac municipality. According tothe report, HV troops at the site were acting in a hostile manner by banging theirweapons against the UNMO vehicles. 3014 At 3 p.m. on 18 August 1995, in Palanka,Gračac municipality, Munkelien saw 20 burned houses, 15 looted houses, and two HVsoldiers looting. 3015 In the morning of 22 August 1995, UNMO observed two housesburning in the area of Mandića Draga, Gračac municipality. Also on 22 August 1995,UNMO observed three houses on fire at Kovačevići, Gračac municipality. 30163008 P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 16 October 1997), p. 4.3009 P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 16 October 1997), pp. 4-5; P173 (Kari Anttila, witnessstatement, 12 December 2007), para. 29.3010 P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 16 October 1997), pp. 4-5; P173 (Kari Anttila, witnessstatement, 12 December 2007), paras 29, 34.3011 P120 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 15 August 1995), p. 4.3012 P60 (Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 18 December 1995, co-signed by Kari Anttila), p. 1; P61(Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 10 January 2008), paras 1, 3; Tor Munkelien, T. 1514, 1546; D91(Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 4 September 1999), p. 3.3013 P61 (Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 10 January 2008), para. 24; P67 (UNMO Team Podkonjereport, 27 August 1995), para. 7.3014 D92 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 18 August 1995), p. 2.3015 P61 (Tor Munkelien, witness statement, 10 January 2008), paras 23, 27; P67 (UNMO Team Podkonjereport, 27 August 1995), para. 10.3016 D95 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 22 August 1995), p. 5.406Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38908726. On 19 August 1995, UNMO saw in Zrmanja 16 houses burned and at ZrmanjaVrelo 15 houses burned, five houses looted and many dead cows. 3017727. In addition to the above evidence, the Trial Chamber has considered the evidenceof Konstantin Drča reviewed in chapter 4.2.8 (Parčić).728. Konstantin Drča’s testimony indicates that on 7 August 1995, after 7 p.m., thevillage of Zrmanja Vrelo in Gračac municipality was in flames. His testimony furtherindicates that the road to Srb was cut off by the HV at Zrmanja Vrelo and that threetanks carrying the checkerboard insignia and a number of trucks with HV licence platesdrove towards Gračac. There is insufficient evidence as to the circumstances underwhich or by whom the houses were set on fire.729. Gojanović’s testimony indicates that on the same date, he and fellow HV soldiersarrived in Zrmanja, Gračac municipality. Gojanović’s testimony further indicates that heleft Zrmanja at about 2-4 p.m. on 7 August 1995, and that at that time some houses werepartly looted and damaged, and the main store broken into, but that the village had notbeen burnt down. The evidence referenced is not sufficient to establish under whichcircumstances and by whom some houses and the main store in Zrmanja were damagedand looted before 2-4 p.m. on 7 August 1995. Under these circumstances, the TrialChamber will not further consider these incidents in Zrmanja and Zrmanja Vrelo on 7August 1995 in relation to Counts 1, 4, and 5 of the Indictment.730. The evidence indicates that on 15 August 1995, at about 3:30 p.m., nine houseswere burning in Zrmanja Vrelo while men in military uniform were present in the samearea close to the burning houses. When a UNMO patrol attempted to approach the area,other uniformed men prevented it from doing so. Based on this evidence, the TrialChamber is satisfied that the uniformed persons in the area close to the burning housesset them alight. However, the above evidence does not establish to which armed forces,if any, the perpetrators belonged. Nor has the Trial Chamber received sufficientevidence about which armed forces, if any, were present in or in the vicinity of ZrmanjaVrelo at that time. The Trial Chamber is therefore unable to draw any conclusionsregarding the identity or affiliation of the perpetrators. Under these circumstances, theTrial Chamber will not further consider this incident in relation to Counts 1 and 5 of theIndictment.3017 P67 (UNMO Team Podkonje Report, 27 August 1995), para. 11.407Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38908726. On 19 August 1995, UNMO saw in Zrmanja 16 houses burned and at ZrmanjaVrelo 15 houses burned, five houses looted and many dead cows. 3017727. In addition to the above evidence, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has considered the evidenceof Konstantin Drča reviewed in chapter 4.2.8 (Parčić).728. Konstantin Drča’s testimony indicates that on 7 August 1995, after 7 p.m., thevillage of Zrmanja Vrelo in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity was in flames. His testimony furtherindicates that the road to Srb was cut off by the HV at Zrmanja Vrelo and that thre<strong>et</strong>anks carrying the checkerboard insignia and a number of trucks with HV licence platesdrove towards Gračac. There is insufficient evidence as to the circumstances underwhich or by whom the houses were s<strong>et</strong> on fire.729. Gojanović’s testimony indicates that on the same date, he and fellow HV soldiersarrived in Zrmanja, Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity. Gojanović’s testimony further indicates that heleft Zrmanja at about 2-4 p.m. on 7 August 1995, and that at that time some houses werepartly looted and damaged, and the main store broken into, but that the village had notbeen burnt down. The evidence referenced is not sufficient to establish under whichcircumstances and by whom some houses and the main store in Zrmanja were damagedand looted before 2-4 p.m. on 7 August 1995. Under these circumstances, the Tri<strong>al</strong>Chamber will not further consider these incidents in Zrmanja and Zrmanja Vrelo on 7August 1995 in relation to Counts 1, 4, and 5 of the Indictment.730. The evidence indicates that on 15 August 1995, at about 3:30 p.m., nine houseswere burning in Zrmanja Vrelo while men in military uniform were present in the samearea close to the burning houses. When a UNMO patrol attempted to approach the area,other uniformed men prevented it from doing so. Based on this evidence, the Tri<strong>al</strong>Chamber is satisfied that the uniformed persons in the area close to the burning housess<strong>et</strong> them <strong>al</strong>ight. However, the above evidence does not establish to which armed forces,if any, the perp<strong>et</strong>rators belonged. Nor has the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber received sufficientevidence about which armed forces, if any, were present in or in the vicinity of ZrmanjaVrelo at that time. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber is therefore unable to draw any conclusionsregarding the identity or affiliation of the perp<strong>et</strong>rators. Under these circumstances, theTri<strong>al</strong> Chamber will not further consider this incident in relation to Counts 1 and 5 of theIndictment.3017 P67 (UNMO Team Podkonje Report, 27 August 1995), para. 11.407Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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