Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38929the upper left arm. 2912 Steenbergen stated that they <strong>al</strong>so observed, as early as 6 August1995, looted and ransacked houses in haml<strong>et</strong>s and villages, including the house of theirinterpr<strong>et</strong>er located north of Gračac town and another house in Glogovo in Gračacmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2913 Steenbergen further testified that he and his team observed extensivedamage throughout Gračac on 6 August 1995. 2914 Five houses in Gračac had beencompl<strong>et</strong>ely destroyed with the remainder parti<strong>al</strong>ly destroyed. 2915 They observed burnthouses and houses that were still on fire, including the house in which Steenbergenlived. 2916 At 2 p.m., the team found that the UNMO office in the centre of Gračac wasburnt out too. 2917 Steenbergen stated that it was difficult to distinguish b<strong>et</strong>ween damagecaused by shelling and damage caused by arson. 2918 Within a few days after 4 August1995, Steenbergen complained at the police station in Gračac about the continuingburning of houses, but civilian police in grey uniform responded that the fires werecaused by faulty wiring inst<strong>al</strong>led by Serbs. 2919 On 6 August 1995, Steenbergen observedand photographed a burning house near Gaćeše in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity and another onthe road towards the Jordanian Batt<strong>al</strong>ion III compound in Štikada in Gračacmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2920 Part of Steenbergen’s testimony is reflected in contemporaneous2911 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 49-50.2912 D436 (Regulations regarding uniforms, insignia and separate insignia of members of civil protection,issued by the Ministry of the Interior, 18 April 1995), Article 25.2913 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 61; P517 (Herman Steenbergen,witness statement, 18 September 2007), paras 8-9; P528 (Photograph of interpr<strong>et</strong>er’s house, taken bySteenbergen on 6 August 1995); P529 (Photograph of interpr<strong>et</strong>er’s house, taken by Steenbergen on 6August 1995); P531 (Photograph of Steenbergen in a ransacked house in Glogovo in Gračacmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity).2914 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 45-46.2915 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 51-52; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), paras 3, 7; P527 (Photograph of destroyed house inGračac town centre, taken by Steenbergen some days after 4 August 1995).2916 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 45, 59; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), para. 3; P522 (Photograph of Steenbergen’sresidence on fire, taken by Steenbergen on 6 August 1995).2917 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 51-52; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), para. 3; P519 (Incident report by Steenbergenregarding lost items due to Operation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5419;P520 (Photograph of UNMO Team Gračac office, taken by Steenbergen on 6 August 1995); P521(Photograph of UNMO Team Gračac office, taken by Steenbergen on 6 August 1995); P536 (Map ofGračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity with markings by Herman Steenbergen), UNMO office marked B; P537 (Map ofGračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity with markings by Herman Steenbergen, computer version), UNMO office marked B.2918 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 45.2919 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 59; P517 (Herman Steenbergen,witness statement, 18 September 2007), para. 15; P518 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 10March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5431-5432, 5479-5480; P538 (Map of Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>itywith markings by Herman Steenbergen), police station marked F.2920 P517 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), paras 5-6; P525 (Photograph ofburning house on the road to Štikada, taken by Steenbergen on 6 August 1995); P526 (Photograph ofburning house near Gaćeše, taken by Steenbergen on 6 August 1995).386Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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