Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38931by artillery. 2894 There is further relevant evidence of Zdravko Janić reviewed in chapter3.3.681. According to the witness, the white land rover and blue truck that appear in thefirst picture of exhibit P325 were Special Police vehicles. The two uniformedindividuals in the second picture of exhibit P325 were members of the Special Police,although Janić did not know their names. 2895 Janić further confirmed that the blue truckwith a Cyrillic sign attached to the front as can be seen in exhibit D295, was a MUPvehicle based on the fact that it had a license plate containing the numbers “010” whichwere used by all units of the MUP, including Special Police units. According to Janić,blue trucks like the one depicted in exhibit D295 were used for transporting logisticalequipment; personnel were not transported in such trucks. 2896682. According to the War Diary of the Main Staff of the Croatian Army, whichcovered the period between 3 August 1995 and 11 August 1995, on 5 August 1995 at10:01 a.m. Markač entered Gračac town. 2897 When interviewed by the Prosecution,Markač stated that on 5 August 1995 he was in Gračac meeting with the Minister of theInterior and Miro Tuñman, the head of the Croatian Intelligence Service. 2898 TheMinister of the Interior ordered that a police branch should be set up in Gračac. 2899 On 6August 1995, Markač was still in Gračac and then followed the advancing SpecialPolice forces. 2900683. Dragutin Repinć, Chief of the Planning Department in the HV Main Staff andan expert on military training and planning, 2901 testified that by 11:30 a.m. on 5 August1995, the Collective Special Police Forces had taken control of the town of Gračac,without encountering significant resistance. 2902 As soon as Gračac was taken, the2894 P553 (Zdravko Janić, Prosecution interview, 15 March 2005), part I, pp. 99, 104-105; Zdravko Janić,T. 6355-6356.2895 Zdravko Janić, T. 6354.2896 Zdravko Janić, T. 6353.2897 D555 (War diary of the HV main staff for the period of 3 to 11 August 1995), items 183, 205.2898 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), p. 53; P2531 (Accused interviewwith Mladen Markač, 8 June 2004), pp. 14, 22-23.2899 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), p. 53.2900 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), pp. 53-54.2901 D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), paras 1-16; Dragutin Repinć, T. 26661-26665.2902 D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), paras 129-131; D2081 (Report from theChief of Staff of the HV to President Tuñman, 5 August 1995), p. 1; Dragutin Repinć, T. 26726-26727.384Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38930Collective Forces Staff moved into the Gračac municipal court building, where itbecame operational at 4 p.m. 2903684. Herman Steenbergen, an UNMO in Team Gračac from 5 May until 24 October1995, 2904 testified that at 3:30 p.m. on 5 August 1995, while he was with his team at theshelter in the Jordanian Battalion III compound in Štikada in Gračac municipality, theysaw about 500 members of the Special Police Forces moving on foot towardsGračac. 2905 Team Gračac asked if the Special Police commander wanted to speak tothem, but he said that he was heading for Gračac and had no time because he had a jobto do. 2906 The Special Police were wearing olive-green military suits without acamouflage pattern, ops vests, and mountain boots, and the commander was wearing aKevlar helmet. Steenbergen testified that their uniforms were the same as the uniform ofthe person seen in the second photograph of P324. 2907 On 6 August 1995, Team Gračacgot permission from the commander of the HV Special Forces, which had a lightningflash on their uniform, to patrol in Gračac. 2908 In his 2007 witness statements,Steenbergen testified that they initially saw regular HV troops taking property fromhouses, although in his testimony in court it became unclear whether these persons wereHV or Special Police, and whether he actually saw them taking property. 2909 He furthertestified that they then observed people, over 50 years old, in civilian clothes withorange arm bands removing furniture from houses and putting it outside, where it waslater collected by open civilian and military trucks. 2910 The witness stated that thisorganized “cleaning” continued for weeks. 2911 According to Croatian regulations,members of organized protection and safety units who undertook civil protection taskswithout wearing specified uniforms were to wear an orange band with a blue triangle on2903 D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), para. 136.2904 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), p. 1, paras 1-5, 7; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), p. 1, para. 1; P518 (Herman Steenbergen, witnessstatement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; P519 (Incident report by Steenbergen regarding lost items due toOperation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5408, 5442, 5461-5462.2905 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 37, 40-42; Herman Steenbergen,T. 5409-5410, 5467-5468.2906 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 41; Herman Steenbergen, T.5424-5425.2907 Herman Steenbergen, T. 5425-5426.2908 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 51; P517 (Herman Steenbergen,witness statement, 18 September 2007), para. 18; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5453.2909 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 49-52; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), para. 20; P518 (Herman Steenbergen, witnessstatement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5411, 5429-5430.2910 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 49-50; Herman Steenbergen, T.5430, 5471.385Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38931by artillery. 2894 There is further relevant evidence of Zdravko Janić reviewed in chapter3.3.681. According to the witness, the white land rover and blue truck that appear in thefirst picture of exhibit P325 were Speci<strong>al</strong> Police vehicles. The two uniformedindividu<strong>al</strong>s in the second picture of exhibit P325 were members of the Speci<strong>al</strong> Police,<strong>al</strong>though Janić did not know their names. 2895 Janić further confirmed that the blue truckwith a Cyrillic sign attached to the front as can be seen in exhibit D295, was a MUPvehicle based on the fact that it had a license plate containing the numbers “010” whichwere used by <strong>al</strong>l units of the MUP, including Speci<strong>al</strong> Police units. According to Janić,blue trucks like the one depicted in exhibit D295 were used for transporting logistic<strong>al</strong>equipment; personnel were not transported in such trucks. 2896682. According to the War Diary of the Main Staff of the Croatian Army, whichcovered the period b<strong>et</strong>ween 3 August 1995 and 11 August 1995, on 5 August 1995 at10:01 a.m. Markač entered Gračac town. 2897 When interviewed by the Prosecution,Markač stated that on 5 August 1995 he was in Gračac me<strong>et</strong>ing with the Minister of theInterior and Miro Tuñman, the head of the Croatian Intelligence Service. 2898 TheMinister of the Interior ordered that a police branch should be s<strong>et</strong> up in Gračac. 2899 On 6August 1995, Markač was still in Gračac and then followed the advancing Speci<strong>al</strong>Police forces. 2900683. Dragutin Repinć, Chief of the Planning Department in the HV Main Staff andan expert on military training and planning, 2901 testified that by 11:30 a.m. on 5 August1995, the Collective Speci<strong>al</strong> Police Forces had taken control of the town of Gračac,without encountering significant resistance. 2902 As soon as Gračac was taken, the2894 P553 (Zdravko Janić, Prosecution interview, 15 March 2005), part I, pp. 99, 104-105; Zdravko Janić,T. 6355-6356.2895 Zdravko Janić, T. 6354.2896 Zdravko Janić, T. 6353.2897 D555 (War diary of the HV main staff for the period of 3 to 11 August 1995), items 183, 205.2898 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), p. 53; P2531 (Accused interviewwith Mladen Markač, 8 June 2004), pp. 14, 22-23.2899 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), p. 53.2900 P2530 (Suspect interview with Mladen Markač, 3-4 March 2003), pp. 53-54.2901 D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), paras 1-16; Dragutin Repinć, T. 26661-26665.2902 D1932 (Dragutin Repinć, Expert Report, December 2009), paras 129-131; D2081 (Report from theChief of Staff of the HV to President Tuñman, 5 August 1995), p. 1; Dragutin Repinć, T. 26726-26727.384Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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