Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38937destroyed house. 2823 They continued through Ričice, in Lovinac municipality. 2824 Thewitness testified that Sveti Rok, Lovinac, and Ričice were Croatian villages, and he sawthat all of the houses in these villages were destroyed. 2825 The witness testified that theycontinued from Lovinac to Gračac, and near Gračac he observed one house on fire andother damaged houses. 2826 Along the outskirts of Gračac and within the town itself, thewitness observed multiple civilian vehicles, some with raised hoods, and agriculturalmachines such as tractors and cultivators. 2827 Minister of the Interior Jarnjak came toGračac in the afternoon, during daylight, and officially opened the Gračac policestation. 2828 The witness attended a briefing with Markač that evening in the headquartersin the Municipal Court building in Gračac. 2829 That same evening, the witness haddinner at the Jordanian Battalion’s base in Štikada, in Gračac municipality, togetherwith Markač, Sačić and Cvrk. 2830673. The witness further testified that in Gračac, on what he thought was the eveningof 5 August 1995, he heard Markač order the Special Police to remove obstructingvehicles and agricultural machines from the roads and move them to collection pointsfor processing by Civil Protection. 2831 The witness heard instructions over radio andprobably also at evening staff meetings that the vehicles could be used within SectorSouth, but not outside because it would not be legally possible to register them withoutthe necessary ownership papers. 2832 The witness also heard through the communicationssystem that Special Police used means that included jumpstarting to remove certainvehicles from the road and used some of the vehicles in Sector South while the SpecialPolice were there. 2833 The witness testified that the Special Police had a shortage ofvehicles. 2834 Some members of the Special Police wrote the names of their units on thedoors of the vehicles, which lacked registration plates, in order to prevent friendly fire2823 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25275, 25295, 25299.2824 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25251, 25299.2825 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25251.2826 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25253-25255, 25275, 25297-25300.2827 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25253-25254, 25300, 25305, 25317.2828 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25275,25295-25296, 25312-25313.2829 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254,25292-25293, 25295-25296.2830 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250, 25257, 25262.2831 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254,25299-25301, 25303-25306, 25315, 25317-25319.2832 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25301, 25318-25219.2833 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254-25255, 25304-25306, 25317-25319.378Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38936from Croatian forces who otherwise might not know who was driving the vehicle. 2835The witness identified the man shown jumpstarting a civilian vehicle in the secondphotograph of P324 as a member of the Special Police based on the insignia on theman’s left arm. 2836 The witness also identified “Delta” as the name of a Special Policeunit. 2837 In Gračac, on 6 August 1995, the witness met with representatives of CivilProtection and civilian authorities and in the evening attended a briefing with Markač atthe headquarters. 2838674. Dražen Vitez, who during Operation Storm was Assistant Commander for theSpecial Police Unit of the Varaždin Police Administration, 2839 testified that on 4 August1995 his unit’s task was to break through the first lines in the Mali Alan area, Lovinacmunicipality, and to advance further through the woods towards Gračac. 2840 The witnesstestified that every Special Police unit had a reconnaissance operative group whichengaged in reconnaissance for the offensive actions of the Special Police. 2841 Thewitness’s reconnaissance group included scouts who directed artillery fire as well asexplosive experts who cleared mines, and was followed by the witness and his unit. 2842The witness testified that his unit comprised approximately 120-140 specialpolicemen. 2843 Around 7 a.m. the unit engaged the enemy for the first time, in the areaof Vrcina. 2844 The enemy was protected by lightly fortified positions, and the unit’sreconnaissance group requested artillery support from the Special Police artillerysupport. 2845 The witness stated that the artillery support of the Special Police providedsupport to all the Special Police units. 2846 He testified that, in his axis, the Special Policedid not rely on other artillery support. 2847 Two members of his unit were wounded as aconsequence of the fighting. 2848 The unit spent the night in the woods nearby Ćelavac,2834 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25255.2835 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25255, 25319-25320.2836 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25301-25302.2837 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25301-25302, 25319-25320.2838 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 13; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25258,25292-25293, 25297, 25300.2839 D1893 (Dražen Vitez, witness statement, 12 May 2009), p. 1, para. 1; Dražen Vitez, T. 25970-25972,25986, 25977, 25999.2840 D1893 (Dražen Vitez, witness statement, 12 May 2009), para. 4.2841 Dražen Vitez, T. 25987.2842 Dražen Vitez, T. 25983, 25987, 26000.2843 Dražen Vitez, T. 25972, 26000-26001, 26062.2844 D1893 (Dražen Vitez, witness statement, 12 May 2009), para. 4; Dražen Vitez, T. 25983.2845 Dražen Vitez, T. 25983, 25995-25997.2846 Dražen Vitez, T. 25995.2847 Dražen Vitez, T. 25995-25996.2848 D1893 (Dražen Vitez, witness statement, 12 May 2009), para. 4; Dražen Vitez, T. 25984-25985.379Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38937destroyed house. 2823 They continued through Ričice, in Lovinac municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2824 Thewitness testified that Sv<strong>et</strong>i Rok, Lovinac, and Ričice were Croatian villages, and he sawthat <strong>al</strong>l of the houses in these villages were destroyed. 2825 The witness testified that theycontinued from Lovinac to Gračac, and near Gračac he observed one house on fire andother damaged houses. 2826 Along the outskirts of Gračac and within the town itself, thewitness observed multiple civilian vehicles, some with raised hoods, and agricultur<strong>al</strong>machines such as tractors and cultivators. 2827 Minister of the Interior Jarnjak came toGračac in the afternoon, during daylight, and offici<strong>al</strong>ly opened the Gračac policestation. 2828 The witness attended a briefing with Markač that evening in the headquartersin the Municip<strong>al</strong> Court building in Gračac. 2829 That same evening, the witness haddinner at the Jordanian Batt<strong>al</strong>ion’s base in Štikada, in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity, tog<strong>et</strong>herwith Markač, Sačić and Cvrk. 2830673. The witness further testified that in Gračac, on what he thought was the eveningof 5 August 1995, he heard Markač order the Speci<strong>al</strong> Police to remove obstructingvehicles and agricultur<strong>al</strong> machines from the roads and move them to collection pointsfor processing by Civil Protection. 2831 The witness heard instructions over radio andprobably <strong>al</strong>so at evening staff me<strong>et</strong>ings that the vehicles could be used within SectorSouth, but not outside because it would not be leg<strong>al</strong>ly possible to register them withoutthe necessary ownership papers. 2832 The witness <strong>al</strong>so heard through the communicationssystem that Speci<strong>al</strong> Police used means that included jumpstarting to remove certainvehicles from the road and used some of the vehicles in Sector South while the Speci<strong>al</strong>Police were there. 2833 The witness testified that the Speci<strong>al</strong> Police had a shortage ofvehicles. 2834 Some members of the Speci<strong>al</strong> Police wrote the names of their units on thedoors of the vehicles, which lacked registration plates, in order to prevent friendly fire2823 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25275, 25295, 25299.2824 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25251, 25299.2825 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25251.2826 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25253-25255, 25275, 25297-25300.2827 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25253-25254, 25300, 25305, 25317.2828 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25275,25295-25296, 25312-25313.2829 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254,25292-25293, 25295-25296.2830 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250, 25257, 25262.2831 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), para. 12; Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254,25299-25301, 25303-25306, 25315, 25317-25319.2832 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25301, 25318-25219.2833 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25254-25255, 25304-25306, 25317-25319.378Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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