Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38939Group), 2804 testified that on 4 August 1995 his unit commander ordered his unit todepart from the Velike Vrsine area of Mount Velebit in order to penetrate the frontlinein Crni Vrh, in Gospić municipality, and to advance further towards Gračac. 2805 Thewitness’s unit entered into combat with the enemy at Crni Vrh, which was a fortifiedenemy facility surrounded by several minefields, and occupied it. 2806 Vurnek’s unit wasthen ambushed just outside the village of Egeljac, in Lovinac municipality, and eight ofhis men were injured and one was killed. 2807 The witness testified that with the help ofreserve Special Police forces as well as parts of the Vukovar-Srijem unit, his uniteventually quashed the attack, capturing two T-55 tanks. 2808 The witness stated that asegment of his unit then continued on to set up two combat barrier points along the roadbetween Gračac and Gospić, while the witness and others remained with the tanks andspent the night along Ruka-Papuča Road. 2809671. The following day, 5 August 1995, the witness testified that his unit encounteredno further combat when they passed very near to Sveti Rok, in Lovinac municipality,took the Gospić-Gračac road and entered Gračac around 2 p.m. 2810 Along the way,Vurnek saw some destroyed houses that had vegetation and trees growing out ofthem. 2811 The witness testified that he saw various craters on the road into Gračac – inparticular, some close to an intersection – and one burning house in Gračac that wasmostly burned down; near the house, he entered a factory with hangars that contained alarge amount of weapons, pieces of weapons, and ammunition crates. 2812 Vurnek’s unitspent the night and the following day, 6 August 1995, in empty public buildings in2804 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), p. 1, para. 1; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26165-26166, 26169-26171, 26211, 26223, 26253.2805 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), paras 2, 4; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26172-26174, 26181; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), p. 1.2806 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 4; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173-26174, 26176; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), pp. 1-2.2807 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 4; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173,26177-26178; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), pp. 1-2.2808 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173, 26178; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), pp. 1-2.2809 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 4; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173,26178-26180; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), p. 2.2810 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), paras 5-6; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173,26181, 26230, 26259-26262; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), pp. 4-5; D1899(Map of route to Gračac marked by Dragutin Vurnek).2811 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26223, 26261-26265, 26270; D294 (Video footage of road between Sveti Rokand Gračac, 5 August 1995).2812 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26181-26182; 26230, 26232, 26258-26259, 26270-26273; D1900 (Approximatelocation of burning house on map of Gračac marked by Vurnek). See also P1242 (War path of Dubrava-Neretva Special Police unit), p. 7.376Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38938Gračac, resting and preparing for further activities. 2813 The witness testified that apartfrom the burning home and craters he observed on the road into Gračac, he did not seeany other property that had been recently damaged in Gračac. 2814 Vurnek testified thathe did not witness any of the Special Police destroying or stealing any property. 2815Moreover, the witness testified that he did not see any soldiers or civilians, dead oralive, in Gračac. 2816 On 7 August 1995 the unit travelled together with other SpecialPolice forces by means of military trucks, several passenger vehicles with police plates,and a civilian van to a meadow right outside Bruvno, in Gračac municipality, wherethey waited as reserve forces for the units that were in the process of taking over Mazin,in Gračac municipality. 2817 They then continued to a position right above Mazin; thewitness saw a haystack on fire right outside Mazin, which was the first time he sawanything on fire since he left Gračac. 2818 Vurnek also testified that he and his unit wereinvolved in mop-up operations in and around the area of Gračac municipality sometimetoward the end of August 1995. 2819 Their responsibilities included uncoveringremaining groups of enemy soldiers, finding explosives depots, and pin-pointingminefields in the area; they were not responsible for clearing bodies, however if theyfound bodies, they were supposed to notify the police headquarters. 2820672. Davorin Pavlović, who during Operation Storm was Chief of the OperativeEquipment Sector of the MUP, 2821 testified that on 5 August 1995, he advanced withSpecial Police from Seline, in Starigrad municipality, through Mali Alan and Sveti Rok,both in Lovinac municipality, and came to Lovinac. 2822 Then, Minister of the InteriorJarnjak arrived there, and they put a sign saying “police station” on the chimney of a2813 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), paras 5-6; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26224, 26230, 26257.2814 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 5; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26257-26259.2815 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 5; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26216, 26258.2816 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182, 26225, 26230.2817 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 7; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173,26183-26184; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), p. 5; D1897 (Sisak-MoslavinaSpecial Police unit map of movements during Operation Storm, from 6 to 9 August 1995).2818 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26184; D1897 (Sisak-Moslavina Special Police unit map of movements duringOperation Storm, from 6 to 9 August 1995).2819 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26194.2820 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26194, 26224-26225, 26233.2821 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), p. 1, paras 1-4; Davorin Pavlović, T.25237, 25239-25240, 25277-25278, 25289.2822 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25253, 25299.377Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38938Gračac, resting and preparing for further activities. 2813 The witness testified that apartfrom the burning home and craters he observed on the road into Gračac, he did not seeany other property that had been recently damaged in Gračac. 2814 Vurnek testified thathe did not witness any of the Speci<strong>al</strong> Police destroying or ste<strong>al</strong>ing any property. 2815Moreover, the witness testified that he did not see any soldiers or civilians, dead or<strong>al</strong>ive, in Gračac. 2816 On 7 August 1995 the unit travelled tog<strong>et</strong>her with other Speci<strong>al</strong>Police forces by means of military trucks, sever<strong>al</strong> passenger vehicles with police plates,and a civilian van to a meadow right outside Bruvno, in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity, wher<strong>et</strong>hey waited as reserve forces for the units that were in the process of taking over Mazin,in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2817 They then continued to a position right above Mazin; thewitness saw a haystack on fire right outside Mazin, which was the first time he sawanything on fire since he left Gračac. 2818 Vurnek <strong>al</strong>so testified that he and his unit wereinvolved in mop-up operations in and around the area of Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity som<strong>et</strong>im<strong>et</strong>oward the end of August 1995. 2819 Their responsibilities included uncoveringremaining groups of enemy soldiers, finding explosives depots, and pin-pointingminefields in the area; they were not responsible for clearing bodies, however if theyfound bodies, they were supposed to notify the police headquarters. 2820672. Davorin Pavlović, who during Operation Storm was Chief of the OperativeEquipment Sector of the MUP, 2821 testified that on 5 August 1995, he advanced withSpeci<strong>al</strong> Police from Seline, in Starigrad municip<strong>al</strong>ity, through M<strong>al</strong>i Alan and Sv<strong>et</strong>i Rok,both in Lovinac municip<strong>al</strong>ity, and came to Lovinac. 2822 Then, Minister of the InteriorJarnjak arrived there, and they put a sign saying “police station” on the chimney of a2813 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), paras 5-6; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26224, 26230, 26257.2814 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 5; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26257-26259.2815 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 5; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182-26183, 26216, 26258.2816 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26182, 26225, 26230.2817 D1895 (Dragutin Vurnek, witness statement, 18 May 2009), para. 7; Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26173,26183-26184; D1896 (Extract from the Kutina group’s war path report), p. 5; D1897 (Sisak-MoslavinaSpeci<strong>al</strong> Police unit map of movements during Operation Storm, from 6 to 9 August 1995).2818 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26184; D1897 (Sisak-Moslavina Speci<strong>al</strong> Police unit map of movements duringOperation Storm, from 6 to 9 August 1995).2819 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26194.2820 Dragutin Vurnek, T. 26194, 26224-26225, 26233.2821 D1830 (Davorin Pavlović, witness statement, 11 May 2009), p. 1, paras 1-4; Davorin Pavlović, T.25237, 25239-25240, 25277-25278, 25289.2822 Davorin Pavlović, T. 25250-25251, 25253, 25299.377Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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