Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38993visits, he did not believe that there was SVK military equipment or personnel stationedin the town itself. 2445557. On 21 August 1995, UNMO observed two houses on fire in Benkovac. 2446 At8:30 p.m. on 1 September 1995, UNMO observed three burning houses inBenkovac. 2447558. According to a report from Ante Gotovina to the Chief of the HV Main Staff,General Zvonimir Červenko, on 1 September 1995 the 134th Home Guard Regimentwas deployed in the area of Benkovačko selo, in Benkovac municipality. 2448559. Jacques Morneau, the Battalion Commander of Canbat 1 from April toSeptember 1995, 2449 testified that, immediately following the Croatian offensive inAugust 1995, throughout Canbat 1’s area of responsibility, he observed Croatiansoldiers in military uniforms and Croatian police looting livestock, cars, tractors, andfurniture from houses, and then burning the houses. 2450 Canbat 1’s headquarters was atRaštević, in Polača municipality, and its area of responsibility included Rodaljice, inLisičić municipality, Pristeg, in Stankovci municipality, Kakma, in Polača municipality,Benkovac, and stretched north up to Obrovac. 2451 About a week later, the witness sawan increased number of civilians involved in the looting and burning. 2452 The lootingand burning took place day after day for three to four weeks. 2453 The witness observedpeople looting in groups of between two and eight persons. 2454 Some houses and somevillages were completely looted and burned down, sometimes set on fire more than2445 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 12.2446 D93 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 21 August 1995), pp. 2-3.2447 P137 (UNMO Sector South update situation report, 11:59 p.m., 1 September 1995), p. 2.2448 P2566 (Report from Ante Gotovina to General Zvonimir Červenko, 1 September 1995), pp. 1-2, 4.2449 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 2.2450 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; P310 (Jacques Morneau,witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3939-3941, 3946-3947; P312 (Canbatmilitary intelligence section report, August 1995), p. 6; P313 (Canbat C-company report on HV attackfrom 4 to 6 August 1995), p. 9; P314 (Canbat report on Events from 4 to 7 August, 31 August 1995), p. 7;P318 (Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3; P319 (Canbat video of area ofresponsibility and road towards Knin, following Operation Storm) at 00:24-00:49, 2:50-2:54, 4-4:12;P320 (Annexes to Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), pp. 15, 27-28.2451 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 2; P309 (Jacques Morneau, witnessstatement, 25 November 2003), para. 3; P310 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 25 February 2008),paras 4, 22; Jacques Morneau, T. 3924, 4010; P316 (Sketched maps of Canbat 1 area of responsibility),pp.1-3.2452 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; P310 (Jacques Morneau,witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3939-3940, 3952.2453 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3940-3942.2454 Jacques Morneau, T. 3946-3947.322Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38992once, while others were preserved. 2455 For instance, two Croat enclaves in Bruška andRodaljice, both in Lisičić municipality, which Canbat 1 had protected prior to OperationStorm, were left untouched after Operation Storm, while Serbian villages nearby werelooted and burned completely. 2456 Hundreds of farm animals were killed, and theircarcasses were found throughout Canbat’s area of responsibility. 2457 From 4 August1995, the VP set up check-points on roads around towns and villages in the Krajinaarea. 2458 According to the witness, there were about 30 to 50 Croatian check-points inCanbat’s area of responsibility. 2459 The check-points were manned by VP initially, andlater by civilian police. 2460 Canbat vehicles were refused access at the check-points. 2461Croatians informed the witness that his access into towns like Benkovac was restrictedwhile they cleared the area of pockets of Serb resistance. 2462 The witness managed toavoid the check-points by using smaller roads and driving off-road in military vehicles,in order to visit Canbat troops and resupply camps. 2463 After the offensive, the witnesssaw hundreds of vehicles, most of which were civilian vehicles with a mixture ofmilitary and civilian drivers, transporting looted property out of the Krajina area,travelling primarily along the main roads, towards Croatia. 2464 The witness also sawvehicles with looted goods coming out of restricted areas like Benkovac, whereCroatians had constructed check-points on all roads leading into town. 2465 According to2455 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3940-3942;P319 (Canbat video of area of responsibility and road towards Knin, following Operation Storm) at00:24-00:49, 2:50-2:54, 4-4:12.2456 P310 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 11; Jacques Morneau, T. 3924.2457 P318 (Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3; P319 (Canbat video of area ofresponsibility and road towards Knin, following operation storm) at 3:44-3:47; P320 (Annexes to Canbatreport on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 30.2458 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3937-3938,3941, 3943, 3970, 4000; P312 (Canbat military intelligence section report, August 1995), p. 6; P318(Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3; D292 (Croatian defence report on OperationStorm, signed by Mate Laušić, 15 August 1995), pp. 5-6, 13.2459 Jacques Morneau, T. 3970.2460 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; T. 3937-3939, 3956-3957, 4000.2461 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3927,3937; P312 (Canbat military intelligence section report, August 1995), p. 6; D289 (Jacques Morneaucomment in Ottawa Sun, 6 December 1998), p. 2.2462 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; P310 (Jacques Morneau, witnessstatement, 25 February 2008), para. 9.2463 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 3; Jacques Morneau, T. 3927, 3965;D289 (Jacques Morneau comment in Ottawa Sun, 6 December 1998), p. 2.2464 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; P310 (Jacques Morneau,witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3942, 3952, 3965, 3969, 3973; P318(Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3.2465 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; P309 (Jacques Morneau, witnessstatement, 25 November 2003), para. 3; P310 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 25 February 2008),para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3941-3942, 3945-3946, 3968, 4003, 4000; P320 (Annexes to Canbat reporton human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 1.323Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38992once, while others were preserved. 2455 For instance, two Croat enclaves in Bruška andRod<strong>al</strong>jice, both in Lisičić municip<strong>al</strong>ity, which Canbat 1 had protected prior to OperationStorm, were left untouched after Operation Storm, while Serbian villages nearby werelooted and burned compl<strong>et</strong>ely. 2456 Hundreds of farm anim<strong>al</strong>s were killed, and theircarcasses were found throughout Canbat’s area of responsibility. 2457 From 4 August1995, the VP s<strong>et</strong> up check-points on roads around towns and villages in the Krajinaarea. 2458 According to the witness, there were about 30 to 50 Croatian check-points inCanbat’s area of responsibility. 2459 The check-points were manned by VP initi<strong>al</strong>ly, andlater by civilian police. 2460 Canbat vehicles were refused access at the check-points. 2461Croatians informed the witness that his access into towns like Benkovac was restrictedwhile they cleared the area of pock<strong>et</strong>s of Serb resistance. 2462 The witness managed toavoid the check-points by using sm<strong>al</strong>ler roads and driving off-road in military vehicles,in order to visit Canbat troops and resupply camps. 2463 After the offensive, the witnesssaw hundreds of vehicles, most of which were civilian vehicles with a mixture ofmilitary and civilian drivers, transporting looted property out of the Krajina area,travelling primarily <strong>al</strong>ong the main roads, towards Croatia. 2464 The witness <strong>al</strong>so sawvehicles with looted goods coming out of restricted areas like Benkovac, whereCroatians had constructed check-points on <strong>al</strong>l roads leading into town. 2465 According to2455 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3940-3942;P319 (Canbat video of area of responsibility and road towards Knin, following Operation Storm) at00:24-00:49, 2:50-2:54, 4-4:12.2456 P310 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 11; Jacques Morneau, T. 3924.2457 P318 (Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3; P319 (Canbat video of area ofresponsibility and road towards Knin, following operation storm) at 3:44-3:47; P320 (Annexes to Canbatreport on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 30.2458 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3937-3938,3941, 3943, 3970, 4000; P312 (Canbat military intelligence section report, August 1995), p. 6; P318(Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3; D292 (Croatian defence report on OperationStorm, signed by Mate Laušić, 15 August 1995), pp. 5-6, 13.2459 Jacques Morneau, T. 3970.2460 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; T. 3937-3939, 3956-3957, 4000.2461 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; Jacques Morneau, T. 3927,3937; P312 (Canbat military intelligence section report, August 1995), p. 6; D289 (Jacques Morneaucomment in Ottawa Sun, 6 December 1998), p. 2.2462 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; P310 (Jacques Morneau, witnessstatement, 25 February 2008), para. 9.2463 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 3; Jacques Morneau, T. 3927, 3965;D289 (Jacques Morneau comment in Ottawa Sun, 6 December 1998), p. 2.2464 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), pp. 3-4; P310 (Jacques Morneau,witness statement, 25 February 2008), para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3942, 3952, 3965, 3969, 3973; P318(Canbat report on human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 3.2465 P308 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 27 August 1996), p. 4; P309 (Jacques Morneau, witnessstatement, 25 November 2003), para. 3; P310 (Jacques Morneau, witness statement, 25 February 2008),para. 9; Jacques Morneau, T. 3941-3942, 3945-3946, 3968, 4003, 4000; P320 (Annexes to Canbat reporton human rights abuses, August 1995), p. 1.323Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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