Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38997Berikoff saw them use was Western-type hand-held rock<strong>et</strong> launchers and “50-c<strong>al</strong>ibre”machine guns, as well as approximately “80-c<strong>al</strong>ibre” Yugoslav-type mortars. 2417546. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber will consider Berikoff’s evidence, as reviewed above, whendiscussing incidents of <strong>al</strong>leged destruction and plunder in the Indictment municip<strong>al</strong>itiesbelow.4.2.2 Benkovac municip<strong>al</strong>ityBenkovac town547. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received relevant evidence with regard to <strong>al</strong>legeddestruction and plunder in Benkovac town through the testimonies of Alun Roberts,Jacques Morneau, and Konstantin Drča, as well as various reports and otherdocumentation of the HV. According to the 1991 Population Census, the population ofBenkovac consisted of 2780 Serbs out of a tot<strong>al</strong> of 3776 persons in 1991. 2418548. In a report to, among others, the Split MD dated 23 August 1995, CommanderColonel Josip Čerina of the 134th Home Guard Regiment stated that on 5 August 1995,Brigadier Jure Šundov sent the 1st Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion to Benkovac without consultingČerina. 2419 According to the report, the batt<strong>al</strong>ion deployed around the fire station inBenkovac. 2420 Čerina reported that over the next couple of hours the situation inBenkovac worsened, due to the interference of the Zadar OG units. On 6 August 1995,having learnt that part of the unit was in Benkovac, Čerina ordered a withdraw<strong>al</strong> of the1st Infantry Batt<strong>al</strong>ion and at 10 a.m. the batt<strong>al</strong>ion left Benkovac town. 2421 Čerina furtherreported that on 16 August 1995, they were ordered to deploy part of the unit to the areaof Benkovačko Selo, and that they had been denied a request to transfer to the“Benkovac” Barracks. 2422549. In a daily report to the Gener<strong>al</strong> Staff of the Croatian Army sent at 6 a.m. on 5August 1995, Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong> stated that the 7th Home Guard Regiment and the 134th2417 Philip Berikoff, T. 7916.2418 C5 (State Bureau of Statistics Population Census of 1991, Nation<strong>al</strong> Structure of the Population ofCroatia According to S<strong>et</strong>tlement), p. 46.2419 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 2.2420 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 2-3.2421 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), p. 3.2422 P1200 (Report to the Split MD on carrying out a combat task, Josip Čerina, 23 August 1995), pp. 1, 5.318Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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