Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39011531. Some of the evidence relevant to the alleged destruction and plunder consists ofobservations by witnesses who during the Indictment period travelled from one villageto the other and from one municipality to the other, making numerous observationsrelevant to many different incidents. The Trial Chamber has opted to deal with suchevidence in the context of each incident of alleged destruction or plunder, withoutreviewing the totality of the witness’s account. For the purpose of illustration, the TrialChamber will, however, review the evidence of one such witness.532. Philip Berikoff, UN Military Information Officer for UN Sector South who wasbased in Knin between 21 July and 5 September 1995, 2280 stated that on 21 July 1995,as he was flying into Knin, he observed that lots of places were destroyed in Serb-heldareas. 2281 Berikoff stated that as of 22 July 1995, Captain Dangerfield, Sergeant Greenand he travelled through a lot of villages, which allowed them to tell which villages hadbeen destroyed or damaged before Operation Storm. 2282 He testified that some villageswere completely destroyed, others partially destroyed, and that the destruction clearlyhad taken place some time ago. 2283 He stated that the houses (save a few), fields andlivestock along the road between Drniš and Knin were intact. 2284 He also stated thatDrniš had sustained extensive damage in 1991. 2285 Berikoff’s understanding of a“destroyed” building was that it was rendered unusable for its intended purpose. 2286533. Berikoff stated that on 7 August 1995, Captain Jeff Hill, Corporal Tremblay andhe tried to get into downtown Knin but were stopped by VP at 7 a.m. at a major checkpointleading into the town. 2287 A civil policeman arrived and escorted them to thecivilian police headquarters in Knin where they waited for a while and then met IvanJurić, who presented himself as a major in the military police and in charge of the2280 P739 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 24 August 1996), pp. 1-2; P740 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 21 May 1997), p. 1, paras 1-2; P741 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 11 December 2007),p. 1; D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 1-2, 45; Philip Berikoff, T. 7589,7655-7656, 7734-7735, 7759-7760, 7768, 7776, 7813, 7823; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6September 1995), pp. 2, 16.2281 Philip Berikoff, T. 7656; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 2.2282 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 18, 62; Philip Berikoff, T. 7656-7657; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 2; P749 (Photos), pp. 2, 32-33.2283 Philip Berikoff, T. 7657-7658; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 2.2284 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 18-20.2285 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 46; P742 (Report by Berikoff onDestruction in Sector South, 22 November 1995), para. 2 (c).2286 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 19; Philip Berikoff, T. 7882, 7904-7905.2287 P739 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 24 August 1996), p. 2; P740 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 19;P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.304Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39010military police in the Knin region, which Berikoff understood to mean UN SectorSouth. 2288 Jurić wore a “military police standard uniform” with the rank of Major onit. 2289 Based on how soldiers spoke with him, Berikoff gained the impression that he hadmore authority than one would expect from a Major. 2290 In particular, Berikoff saw Jurićgive an order to a lieutenant-colonel. 2291 Berikoff wrote that he finally obtained accessto Knin, where he witnessed the looting of houses by many HV soldiers, who also stolecivilian cars. 2292 Berikoff witnessed Croatian soldiers breaking into the Serb ownedvehicles parked outside the UN compound, removing their contents, and sometimesripping off the licence plates and driving away in the cars. 2293534. Berikoff stated that on 8 August 1995, Captain Jeff Hill, Corporal Tremblay andhe travelled to Drniš and Pakovo Selo in Drniš municipality. 2294 He stated that most ofthe houses along the route were destroyed and that many dead animals lay rotting alongthe road. 2295 Outside buildings he saw a line of trucks which Croatian soldiers wereloading with livestock and items from houses, going from house to house, while civilpolice directed traffic around and checked something off on clipboards. 2296 Berikofftestified that they skipped over houses with Croatian markings on them. 2297 Berikoffstated that the “next time you would come by”, the looted houses would be burnt and2288 P739 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 24 August 1996), p. 2; P740 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19,21, 30, 52-53; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), p. 2; Philip Berikoff, T. 7596,7758-7759, 7860; P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in Sector South between 8 July and18 August 1995), p. 5; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2289 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 29; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2290 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal,17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2291 Philip Berikoff, T. 7860.2292 P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (c); P748 (Berikoff’sdaily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2293 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 55; P747 (Report by Berikoff onHV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (c).2294 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19, 55; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August1995), para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2295 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19-20, 46, 55; P742 (Report by Berikoff on Destruction in Sector South,22 November 1995), para. 2 (d); P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995),para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2296 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19-20, 55-56; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August2008), p. 2; Philip Berikoff, T. 7592-7595; P742 (Report by Berikoff on Destruction in Sector South, 22November 1995), paras 2 (c), 2 (d); P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995),para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2297 Philip Berikoff, T. 7593.305Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39010military police in the Knin region, which Berikoff understood to mean UN SectorSouth. 2288 Jurić wore a “military police standard uniform” with the rank of Major onit. 2289 Based on how soldiers spoke with him, Berikoff gained the impression that he hadmore authority than one would expect from a Major. 2290 In particular, Berikoff saw Jurićgive an order to a lieutenant-colonel. 2291 Berikoff wrote that he fin<strong>al</strong>ly obtained accessto Knin, where he witnessed the looting of houses by many HV soldiers, who <strong>al</strong>so stolecivilian cars. 2292 Berikoff witnessed Croatian soldiers breaking into the Serb ownedvehicles parked outside the UN compound, removing their contents, and som<strong>et</strong>imesripping off the licence plates and driving away in the cars. 2293534. Berikoff stated that on 8 August 1995, Captain Jeff Hill, Corpor<strong>al</strong> Tremblay andhe travelled to Drniš and Pakovo Selo in Drniš municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2294 He stated that most ofthe houses <strong>al</strong>ong the route were destroyed and that many dead anim<strong>al</strong>s lay rotting <strong>al</strong>ongthe road. 2295 Outside buildings he saw a line of trucks which Croatian soldiers wereloading with livestock and items from houses, going from house to house, while civilpolice directed traffic around and checked som<strong>et</strong>hing off on clipboards. 2296 Berikofftestified that they skipped over houses with Croatian markings on them. 2297 Berikoffstated that the “next time you would come by”, the looted houses would be burnt and2288 P739 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 24 August 1996), p. 2; P740 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19,21, 30, 52-53; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), p. 2; Philip Berikoff, T. 7596,7758-7759, 7860; P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in Sector South b<strong>et</strong>ween 8 July and18 August 1995), p. 5; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2289 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 29; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2290 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (n); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>,17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2291 Philip Berikoff, T. 7860.2292 P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (c); P748 (Berikoff’sdaily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 8.2293 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 55; P747 (Report by Berikoff onHV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (c).2294 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19, 55; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August1995), para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2295 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19-20, 46, 55; P742 (Report by Berikoff on Destruction in Sector South,22 November 1995), para. 2 (d); P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995),para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2296 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (o); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 19-20, 55-56; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August2008), p. 2; Philip Berikoff, T. 7592-7595; P742 (Report by Berikoff on Destruction in Sector South, 22November 1995), paras 2 (c), 2 (d); P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995),para. 1 (d); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 9.2297 Philip Berikoff, T. 7593.305Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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