Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39021and went through the house looking for money and ammunition. The name of the malesoldier was Stipe and he was from Sinj. 2222511. The witness was standing beside the road near her house at approximately 4 p.m.on 8 August 1995, when the two soldiers who had taken her husband away, wearing thesame uniforms and headbands, passed by her house in a medium-sized white car, andtold her that she would not see her husband alive again. Her son and sister-in-law leftthe house to search for the body and informed the witness when they returned that theyhad found it near the house of Simo Vukmirović, which was on the road to Knin. Laterthat day, Vesela Damjanić, accompanied by her sister-in-law, returned to this location.Lazo Damjanić’s body was about 15 metres from the road and about 500 metres fromthe witness’s home. The witness observed that her husband’s body was decomposing,his skull was broken, and that it looked like he had been shot in his stomach manytimes. It appeared to the witness that his arms and legs were broken, and his jaw was notin its place. 2223512. Murray Dawes, a former civilian UN accommodation officer stationed in Kninmunicipality from May 1994 to October 1995, 2224 testified that on 6 August 1995, heand Andries Dreyer succeeded in leaving the UN compound in their UN mini-vanthrough the main gate. 2225 Dawes and Dreyer first tried to drive into downtown Knin,but had to turn back at the bridge where a VP check-point had been erected. 2226 Nextthey headed up the hill to Vrbnik in Orlić municipality. 2227 Right at the entrance toVrbnik, at an intersection on the top of the hill, Dawes saw a big pile of unsealed bodybags containing what he estimated were eight to ten dead bodies. 2228 Although he didnot stop to examine the unsealed body bags, Dawes could see some of the dead bodies,and observed that they were in very bad shape and showed signs of bloating. 2229 Theyturned right, whereupon Dawes saw a few HV soldiers carrying TV sets, videorecorders,and similar items, removed from the houses along that road in Vrbnik. 22302222 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 3 (witness statement of 8 July 1999).2223 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 3 (witness statement of 8 July 1999).2224 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), pp. 1-2.2225 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10413-10414,10536, 10541, 10544-10546.2226 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.2227 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10414; P983(Map marked by Murray Dawes of route taken on 6 August 1995).2228 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10531.2229 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10532.2230 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10557.294Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39020Dawes knew that these soldiers were from the HV because, unlike SVK soldiers, theywere properly attired in full camouflage regalia with beret, flack vest and uniforms, andcarried their weapons properly. 2231 The witness could not identify the unit to which theybelonged. 2232 The soldiers did not place the items into separate piles. 2233 According tothe witness, the scene in Vrbnik was disorganized and chaotic. 2234 The witness spoke toone of the HV soldiers, who seemed to be quite proud of what the soldiers were doing tothe town. 2235 While in Vrbnik, the witness did not notice any living civilians. 2236 Mostof the approximately 50 houses in the village of Vrbnik had been blown up, and theircontents had been moved to the side of the road or placed in the backs of vehicles. 2237Because there were no visible traces of impact inside the houses or on the asphalt road,the witness concluded that the houses had been exploded from the inside, rather than byartillery fire. 2238513. According to the duty log of the Joint VP Company in Knin, on 25 August 1995,at 6:50 p.m., a member of the “113th” reported to the Knin VP Duty Service that a bodyof a male was found in Vrbnik in Orlić municipality. 2239 It was recorded in the log that aduty officer and “Mosor 2” were informed and that an officer and a patrol weredispatched. 2240 Vesela Damjanić stated that on 26 August 1995, military personnelcollected the body of Lazo Damjanić in the presence of the witness and Croatiansoldiers in camouflage uniforms. 2241 A man in uniform, carrying a register book andrecording the number of her husband’s body (498), pushed the witness and she felldown. 2242 They put the body of her husband in a bag and loaded it onto a truck. Whenthe witness asked the soldiers whether Lazo Damjanić could be buried in the villagecemetery, the man who pushed her refused, calling her a “Serbian whore”. Lazo2231 Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10534.2232 Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10532.2233 Murray Dawes, T. 10405, 10557.2234 Murray Dawes, T. 10557.2235 P981 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 2 April 2008), para. 30.2236 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.2237 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10400.2238 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.2239 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of25 August 1995.2240 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of25 August 1995.2241 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 4 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), para. 3 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).2242 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 4 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), para. 4 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).295Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39020Dawes knew that these soldiers were from the HV because, unlike SVK soldiers, theywere properly attired in full camouflage reg<strong>al</strong>ia with ber<strong>et</strong>, flack vest and uniforms, andcarried their weapons properly. 2231 The witness could not identify the unit to which theybelonged. 2232 The soldiers did not place the items into separate piles. 2233 According tothe witness, the scene in Vrbnik was disorganized and chaotic. 2234 The witness spoke toone of the HV soldiers, who seemed to be quite proud of what the soldiers were doing tothe town. 2235 While in Vrbnik, the witness did not notice any living civilians. 2236 Mostof the approximately 50 houses in the village of Vrbnik had been blown up, and theircontents had been moved to the side of the road or placed in the backs of vehicles. 2237Because there were no visible traces of impact inside the houses or on the asph<strong>al</strong>t road,the witness concluded that the houses had been exploded from the inside, rather than byartillery fire. 2238513. According to the duty log of the Joint VP Company in Knin, on 25 August 1995,at 6:50 p.m., a member of the “113th” reported to the Knin VP Duty Service that a bodyof a m<strong>al</strong>e was found in Vrbnik in Orlić municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 2239 It was recorded in the log that aduty officer and “Mosor 2” were informed and that an officer and a patrol weredispatched. 2240 Vesela Damjanić stated that on 26 August 1995, military personnelcollected the body of Lazo Damjanić in the presence of the witness and Croatiansoldiers in camouflage uniforms. 2241 A man in uniform, carrying a register book andrecording the number of her husband’s body (498), pushed the witness and she felldown. 2242 They put the body of her husband in a bag and loaded it onto a truck. Whenthe witness asked the soldiers wh<strong>et</strong>her Lazo Damjanić could be buried in the villagecem<strong>et</strong>ery, the man who pushed her refused, c<strong>al</strong>ling her a “Serbian whore”. Lazo2231 Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10534.2232 Murray Dawes, T. 10400, 10532.2233 Murray Dawes, T. 10405, 10557.2234 Murray Dawes, T. 10557.2235 P981 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 2 April 2008), para. 30.2236 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.2237 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8; Murray Dawes, T. 10400.2238 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 8.2239 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of25 August 1995.2240 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of25 August 1995.2241 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 4 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), para. 3 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).2242 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 4 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), para. 4 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).295Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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