Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39035Berić and walked around with her, checking the surrounding houses. 2130 Then heordered the witness and her companions to move along the “Progon” towards the mainroad. 2131 One of the men said: “Let’s finish them off, our lamb will get cold”. 2132 Themen stopped them 25-30 metres from the main road next to a hedge, and another manarrived who ordered them to sit down. 2133 The witness and her companions could not beseen from the main road where the HV was passing in the direction of Knin. 2134 Themen stopped a van on the main road that was coming from the direction of Knin, andone of them told someone in the van to pick up the witness on the way back. 2135 One ofthe two man asked whether the witness knew who a person named Tomson was, andupon the witness’s negative answer, the man stated that Tomson was the brother of theman with long black hair, sang Ustasha songs, and had he been there, the witness wouldnot have said a single word. 2136 When the van came back after 15 minutes the man inthe black T-shirt ordered the witness to get in the van. 2137 The driver of the van wore auniform with the insignia of the 7th Varaždin Brigade and stripes. 2138 One of the men incamouflage uniform and Bosiljka Berić were in an official vehicle of the “Knin-gips”factory, a blue Lada. 2139492. Around 9:30 a.m. both vehicles drove away in the direction of Knin, which wasthe last time the witness saw her companions alive. 2140 On the way, the witness sawbodies of dead animals, destroyed vehicles, and haystacks on fire along the road to Kninthrough Vrbničko Polje in Knin municipality. 2141 The witness estimated that at least halfof the houses on the side of the road were in flames. 2142 At Konj in Knin municipality,the witness saw 20-30 Croatian soldiers acting wildly. 2143 The driver of the van told thewitness that he was a Croatian officer. 2144 He drove the witness to a two-storey building2130 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 13; Witness 3, T. 1886, 1916-1917.2131 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 13.2132 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14.2133 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14; Witness 3, T. 1886.2134 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14; Witness 3, T. 1898-1899.2135 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14; P82 (Witness 3, witness statement, 10July 2007), para. 5; Witness 3, T. 1887.2136 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14.2137 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 14-15; Witness 3, T. 1917.2138 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 14.2139 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 15; Witness 3, T. 1917.2140 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 15; Witness 3, T. 1887, 1917.2141 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 9, 16; P82 (Witness 3, witness statement,10 July 2007), para. 6.2142 P82 (Witness 3, witness statement, 10 July 2007), para. 6.2143 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16.2144 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16.280Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39034in Knin which, according to the driver, was their headquarters. 2145 It was across the roadfrom a UN compound. 2146 The witness overheard the driver tell some troops that onceBosiljka Berić had arrived they would be handed over to the UN. 2147 Around noonBosiljka Berić had not arrived yet and the driver took the witness to look for her. 2148When they arrived at the spot where the others had stayed, the armed men weregone. 2149 From a distance of approximately ten metres the witness saw the dead bodiesof Stevo Berić, Janja Berić, and Ðura Berić. 2150 Stevo had a gunshot wound in thechest. 2151 The bodies were 25-30 metres away from the main road along the “Progon”,near a tree on the grassy patch between the road and the hedge. 2152 Krste Šare wasapproximately five metres away from them, kneeling on the road. 2153 He was wounded,but still alive. 2154 The driver immediately drove back to Knin and handed the witnessover at the UN compound, where she met Bosiljka Berić. 2155 Ten days later the witnesslearned at the compound that Krste Šare, Jandrija Šare, Milica Šare, and Miloš Ćosićhad been killed as well. 2156493. Dragutin Junjga, a Serb from Uzdolje in Orlić municipality, 2157 stated that on 5August 1995, approximately 150 members of the HV entered the village from thedirection of Drniš. The witness stated that they were shooting in the air, appeared to bevery happy, and that from his house, located 400 metres from the main road, he couldsee two houses – those belonging to Jovo Injac and to Milan Šare – immediatelybeginning to burn. The witness stated that on a Sunday morning, which in light of theother available evidence the Trial Chamber understands to be 6 August 1995, StevanBerić, Janja Berić, Ðuka Berić, and Bosiljka Šare came to the witness’s house with theirbags and informed him that they were ready to leave the village for Serbia. They askedthe witness to join them. The witness told them that he did not want to leave. Thewitness then walked with them for approximately 300 metres. The witness saw that a2145 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2146 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2147 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2148 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 16-17.2149 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 16-17; P82 (Witness 3, witness statement,10 July 2007), para. 7; Witness 3, T. 1875.2150 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17.2151 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17.2152 Witness 3, T. 1875-1877.2153 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17; Witness 3, T. 1876-1877.2154 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17; Witness 3, T. 1876.2155 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 18.2156 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 18.2157 P2518 (Dragutin Junjga, witness statement, 22 April 1998), pp. 1-2.281Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39034in Knin which, according to the driver, was their headquarters. 2145 It was across the roadfrom a UN compound. 2146 The witness overheard the driver tell some troops that onceBosiljka Berić had arrived they would be handed over to the UN. 2147 Around noonBosiljka Berić had not arrived y<strong>et</strong> and the driver took the witness to look for her. 2148When they arrived at the spot where the others had stayed, the armed men weregone. 2149 From a distance of approximately ten m<strong>et</strong>res the witness saw the dead bodiesof Stevo Berić, Janja Berić, and Ðura Berić. 2150 Stevo had a gunshot wound in thechest. 2151 The bodies were 25-30 m<strong>et</strong>res away from the main road <strong>al</strong>ong the “Progon”,near a tree on the grassy patch b<strong>et</strong>ween the road and the hedge. 2152 Krste Šare wasapproximately five m<strong>et</strong>res away from them, kneeling on the road. 2153 He was wounded,but still <strong>al</strong>ive. 2154 The driver immediately drove back to Knin and handed the witnessover at the UN compound, where she m<strong>et</strong> Bosiljka Berić. 2155 Ten days later the witnesslearned at the compound that Krste Šare, Jandrija Šare, Milica Šare, and Miloš Ćosićhad been killed as well. 2156493. Dragutin Junjga, a Serb from Uzdolje in Orlić municip<strong>al</strong>ity, 2157 stated that on 5August 1995, approximately 150 members of the HV entered the village from thedirection of Drniš. The witness stated that they were shooting in the air, appeared to bevery happy, and that from his house, located 400 m<strong>et</strong>res from the main road, he couldsee two houses – those belonging to Jovo Injac and to Milan Šare – immediatelybeginning to burn. The witness stated that on a Sunday morning, which in light of theother available evidence the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber understands to be 6 August 1995, StevanBerić, Janja Berić, Ðuka Berić, and Bosiljka Šare came to the witness’s house with theirbags and informed him that they were ready to leave the village for Serbia. They askedthe witness to join them. The witness told them that he did not want to leave. Thewitness then w<strong>al</strong>ked with them for approximately 300 m<strong>et</strong>res. The witness saw that a2145 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2146 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2147 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 16; Witness 3, T. 1900.2148 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 16-17.2149 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), paras 16-17; P82 (Witness 3, witness statement,10 July 2007), para. 7; Witness 3, T. 1875.2150 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17.2151 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17.2152 Witness 3, T. 1875-1877.2153 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17; Witness 3, T. 1876-1877.2154 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 17; Witness 3, T. 1876.2155 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 18.2156 P81 (Witness 3, witness statement, 13 October 2003), para. 18.2157 P2518 (Dragutin Junjga, witness statement, 22 April 1998), pp. 1-2.281Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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