Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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39050461. Witness 136, a Serb field interpr<strong>et</strong>er for UNCIVPOL and UNCRO, 2019 testifiedthat on 11 August 1995, she went to a house in Knin to find accommodation for someUNMOs, and m<strong>et</strong> a woman c<strong>al</strong>led Andelka who told the witness that a blind man c<strong>al</strong>ledMile Milivojević (90 years old) had been killed about five days before and his body layin a house at Cara Lazara 6 (former Sinjska Cesta). 2020 According to what Andelka toldthe witness, the day after the arriv<strong>al</strong> of the Croat troops she saw Ilija Milivojević beingforced by three soldiers into helping load furniture from his house onto a truck. Andelkatold the witness that Ilija Milivojević asked her to look after his blind father, MileMilivojević, while he went to the police station to report the theft. The woman toldWitness 136 that later on when she went to look for Mile Milivojević she found himdead in his kitchen. 2021 According to Witness 136, when the UNCIVPOL team she waswith inspected the house they found the bodies of Mile and Ilija Milivojević. 2022Witness 136 testified that while she herself never saw the bodies, she heard from UNpersonnel who did that both the men had gunshot wounds to the head. 2023462. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber heard evidence from a number of internation<strong>al</strong> observers whosaw the bodies on 12 August 1995. Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, an UNMO in Croatiafrom 20 June 1995 until December 1995, 2024 arrived at a house on Cara Lazara-SinjskaCesta, in Knin, around 12:55 p.m. on 12 August 1995 and found the dead bodies of twocivilian. 2025 He observed that one of the two men had been shot in the head while theother had been shot in the back. 2026 Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky then went out of the house and reportedthe finding of the bodies to his superiors, who ordered to turn over the incident to theUNCIVPOL, which arrived to the house followed by the Croatian civil police, and thenthe bodies were removed. 2027 The witness stated that the two men were misidentified in2019 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), pp. 1-2; Witness 136, T. 620, 622, 641, 726, 765,768, 780-782.2020 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), pp. 6-7; Witness 136, T. 735-736.2021 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), p. 7.2022 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), p. 7; Witness 136, T. 741-742.2023 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), p. 7; Witness 136, T. 736, 738, 741-742.2024 P204 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), pp. 1-2; Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T.3204, 3221.2025 P204 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 4; Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T3188-3189, 3324; D65 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S2-95-438, 12 August 1995); D67 (UNMO TeamPodkonje report, 27 August 1995), para. 5; P117 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 12August 1995), p. 4; P120 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 15 August 1995), p. 6.2026 P204 (Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, witness statement, 18 May 2002), p. 4; Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T.3188; P117 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 12 August 1995), p. 4.2027 Alexander Tchern<strong>et</strong>sky, T. 3188; P117 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 12 August1995), p. 4.265Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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