Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39071stayed in a very small centre for two days. 1887 They were then brought to a sports hallwhere, the witness believed, they spent about 20-30 days. 1888 They were then taken to alarger sports hall where they stayed for another week. 1889 These three places wereguarded by policemen and the witness testified that she was not allowed to leave. 1890She also testified that the persons who had relatives in Zadar were allowed to leave withthem. 1891 The witness herself was not allowed to leave because she had no relatives togo with. 1892 According to the witness, some policemen gave the detainees a choice tostay in Croatia or go to Serbia. 1893 On 16 September 1995, the witness joined an“organized” convoy from Knin to Serbia, out of concern for her daughters who wantedto leave. 1894 The witness did not remember signing anything or being told to signanything before she left. 1895420. Zdravko Bunčić, a Serb from Ivoševci in Kistanje municipality, 1896 stated thatduring July and early August 1995 rumours led him to assume that the HV would comeand that the Serb leadership had already left. 1897 The witness was concerned for hisfamily, and they decided that several family members should leave. 1898 On the morningof 5 August 1995, the witness saw his family packing and getting ready to leave. 1899 Heheard from his colleague Stevan Nikolić that his family was doing the same thing. 1900The witness testified that after unsuccessfully trying to seek shelter at the UNPROFOR1886 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12.1887 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 18; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P656 (List of persons at detention centres in Zadar, sent fromthe Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons to Ivan Čermak, 12 September1995).1888 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 18; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P655 (List of persons transferred from the Š.K. BenjaElementary to the Š. Kašić Elementary School, 13 August 1995); P656 (List of persons at detentioncentres in Zadar, sent from the Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons toIvan Čermak, 12 September 1995).1889 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P656 (List of persons at detentioncentres in Zadar, sent from the Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons toIvan Čermak, 12 September 1995).1890 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; Marija Večerina, T. 6718-6719,6742.1891 Marija Večerina, T. 6719, 6741-6742, 6747.1892 Marija Večerina, T. 6741-6742.1893 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 13; Marija Večerina, T. 6745.1894 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 19, 21; Marija Večerina, T. 6720,6745-6746.1895 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 13.1896 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), p. 1, para. 1.1897 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 2.1898 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 3.1899 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 4-5.1900 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 5.244Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39070base in Burum in Knin municipality, while on their way to Knin on 5 August 1995, he,Momčilo Tišma, and Stevan Nikolić were captured by a group of soldiers withcheckerboard insignia on their uniforms, approximately one kilometre from Očestovo inKnin municipality. 1901 While driving towards Knin, the witness saw a red car with thebody of a man hanging out of the car and another man lying nearby. 1902 The witnessheard one of the soldiers say something like, “This is how we deal with Chetniks and itmight happen to you too”. 1903421. In the early evening hours of 5 August 1995, the soldiers forced the witness andabout 24 others at gun point to go into the basement of a house near Očestovo in Kninmunicipality. 1904 According to the witness, the detainees were all civilians except a mancalled ðuro Mačak who wore an old olive grey JNA uniform, and three men incamouflage uniform: one was called Stevo Večerina, the second man’s last name wasVečerina, and the third man was called Stanko. 1905 Other detainees in the basementincluded Rajko Mutić from Bribir, Jovo and Milka Berić, Dušan and Dara Torbica,Lazo Kovačević from Ervenik, Ilija Perić from Kistanje, a woman from Benkovac, andthree young women who the witness believed were called Branka, Mira, and DraganaVečerina. 1906 While in the basement, the witness heard the soldiers say things like,“How shall we kill them, shall we throw explosives in or a hand grenade”? 1907422. The witness testified that around 9 or 10 a.m. on 6 August 1995, the Croatiansoldiers called for the five younger men to come out, one of them being Stevo Večerina,saying that police had arrived to take them away. 1908 After about ten minutes, thewitness heard the sound of machine gun fire, whereupon he heard one of the soldierssay something like, “Give them another one and let them fertilize Croatian soil”. Rightafter this, the witness heard five single shots. He testified that he has not seen or heardof those five men ever since. 1909 Later that morning, the witness saw soldiers searchinga uniformed man, who said he was from Benkovac. The soldiers found a picture of the1901 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 4-6.1902 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 7.1903 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 7.1904 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 8-10.1905 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 8.1906 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 9-10. The named persons alsoappear on lists with people at the Knin reception centre where they are described as Serb. See D52 (Listof persons at the Knin collection centre, 6 August 1995) and P654 (Report by Zadar-Knin PoliceAdministration with list of people at the Knin Collection Centre, 7 August 1995).1907 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 11.1908 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 8, 12.245Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39071stayed in a very sm<strong>al</strong>l centre for two days. 1887 They were then brought to a sports h<strong>al</strong>lwhere, the witness believed, they spent about 20-30 days. 1888 They were then taken to <strong>al</strong>arger sports h<strong>al</strong>l where they stayed for another week. 1889 These three places wereguarded by policemen and the witness testified that she was not <strong>al</strong>lowed to leave. 1890She <strong>al</strong>so testified that the persons who had relatives in Zadar were <strong>al</strong>lowed to leave withthem. 1891 The witness herself was not <strong>al</strong>lowed to leave because she had no relatives togo with. 1892 According to the witness, some policemen gave the d<strong>et</strong>ainees a choice tostay in Croatia or go to Serbia. 1893 On 16 September 1995, the witness joined an“organized” convoy from Knin to Serbia, out of concern for her daughters who wantedto leave. 1894 The witness did not remember signing anything or being told to signanything before she left. 1895420. Zdravko Bunčić, a Serb from Ivoševci in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity, 1896 stated thatduring July and early August 1995 rumours led him to assume that the HV would comeand that the Serb leadership had <strong>al</strong>ready left. 1897 The witness was concerned for hisfamily, and they decided that sever<strong>al</strong> family members should leave. 1898 On the morningof 5 August 1995, the witness saw his family packing and g<strong>et</strong>ting ready to leave. 1899 Heheard from his colleague Stevan Nikolić that his family was doing the same thing. 1900The witness testified that after unsuccessfully trying to seek shelter at the UNPROFOR1886 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12.1887 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 18; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P656 (List of persons at d<strong>et</strong>ention centres in Zadar, sent fromthe Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons to Ivan Čermak, 12 September1995).1888 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 18; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P655 (List of persons transferred from the Š.K. BenjaElementary to the Š. Kašić Elementary School, 13 August 1995); P656 (List of persons at d<strong>et</strong>entioncentres in Zadar, sent from the Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons toIvan Čermak, 12 September 1995).1889 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; P656 (List of persons at d<strong>et</strong>entioncentres in Zadar, sent from the Zadar Office for Expelled Persons, Refugees, and Displaced Persons toIvan Čermak, 12 September 1995).1890 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; Marija Večerina, T. 6718-6719,6742.1891 Marija Večerina, T. 6719, 6741-6742, 6747.1892 Marija Večerina, T. 6741-6742.1893 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 13; Marija Večerina, T. 6745.1894 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 19, 21; Marija Večerina, T. 6720,6745-6746.1895 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 13.1896 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), p. 1, para. 1.1897 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 2.1898 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 3.1899 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), paras 4-5.1900 P2507 (Zdravko Bunčić, witness statement, 8 September 2003), para. 5.244Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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