Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39073where the witness and approximately 20 others were detained. 1859 The soldiers selectedfive young male detainees: the witness’s son Stevo Večerina, Mile Gnjatović, StevanBaljak, ðuro Mačak (from Benkovac municipality), and Momčilo Tišma (fromKnin). 1860 Besides these men, there were only elderly men and women detained in thebasement. 1861 Stevo Večerina, born in 1974, had been mobilized as a private in the SVKin 1993, and was on sick leave for a few days at that time as a result of tooth ache. 1862The Croatian soldiers said that the military police had arrived and that the soldierswould go to military prison while the wounded would be taken to hospital. 1863 Thewitness wanted to go with the five men and followed them out of the house. 1864 Thewitness saw some Croatian soldiers escorting the five men at gunpoint. 1865 The five menwere not handcuffed and their hands were not tied. 1866 Stevo Večerina had troublewalking because of the gunshot injuries he had sustained when he and the witness hadbeen arrested. 1867 One of the soldiers ordered her to return to the basement or she wouldbe shot. 1868418. Shortly after Marija Večerina’s son and four other men had been taken out of thebasement, the detainees heard a burst of gunfire. 1869 The Croatian soldiers then broughttwo women and one man, all in their 50s, and the witness learned from these people thatsoldiers had shot at their vehicle, killing the driver. 1870 The three were wearing civilianclothes. 1871 On the same day, around 10.30 a.m., the detainees were ordered out of the1859 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 11-14; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6730-6731.1860 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 14; Marija Večerina, T. 6721,6731, 6733; D694 (Questionnaire regarding Stevo Večerina filled in by Marija Večerina, 18 July 2001).1861 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 8; Marija Večerina, T. 6722.1862 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 1, 5-6; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 2; Marija Večerina, T. 6725; D694 (Questionnaire regarding StevoVečerina filled in by Marija Večerina, 18 July 2001).1863 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 14; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 9; Marija Večerina, T. 6722, 6731-6733.1864 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6731, 6734.1865 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15.1866 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15.1867 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 11, 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6734.1868 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6731, 6734.1869 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 14, 16; Marija Večerina, T. 6721-6722, 6731, 6735.1870 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 16; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 10; Marija Večerina, T. 6722, 6731, 6735-6736.1871 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 10.242Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39072basement. 1872 In the yard outside the soldiers ordered them to go to the UNHCRheadquarters in Knin. 1873 The people, including the witness and her two daughters, aswell as Sava Večerina and Dragana Večerina, got in two vehicles and left, withoutescort. 1874 They were stopped by policemen at a check-point at the entrance of Knin. 1875The policemen lined them up and started cursing at them and threatening to shoot themall. 1876 The policemen told them that the UNHCR had left and that they should go toKnin Secondary School. 1877 Although there were not many people in the gym of theschool when they arrived, more were constantly being brought in. 1878 According to areport by the Zadar-Knin Police Administration of 7 August 1995, 90 named persons,including the witness and the four other women, were detained at the “Knin CollectionCentre”. 1879 The witness and the four women she had arrived with stayed there between6 and 9 August 1995. 1880 The witness’s daughters were forced to clean the rooms andwindows in the police building. 1881 Branka Večerina was brought somewhere where herhand was treated. 1882 The school building was guarded by armed policemen in uniformand the witness testified that she was not allowed to leave. 1883 The witness did notremember anyone being beaten at the school. 1884419. On 9 August 1995, the detainees were told that those from Obrovac andBenkovac would be transported to Zadar and approximately 40 people, including thewitness and her two daughters as well as Sava and Dragana Večerina, were driven thereby bus. 1885 At the time there were about 60 detainees at the school. 1886 In Zadar they1872 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6736-6737.1873 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6744.1874 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6718,6736-6737, 6741.1875 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6736-6737, 6741.1876 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6737,6741.1877 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6741.1878 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17.1879 P654 (Report by Zadar-Knin Police Administration with list of people at the Knin Collection Centre,7 August 1995).1880 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; Marija Večerina, T. 6718;P654 (Report by Zadar-Knin Police Administration with list of people at the Knin Collection Centre, 7August 1995).1881 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17.1882 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17.1883 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 17; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 11; Marija Večerina, T. 6718-6719.1884 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 11.1885 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 18; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 12; Marija Večerina, T. 6718, 6745.243Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39073where the witness and approximately 20 others were d<strong>et</strong>ained. 1859 The soldiers selectedfive young m<strong>al</strong>e d<strong>et</strong>ainees: the witness’s son Stevo Večerina, Mile Gnjatović, StevanB<strong>al</strong>jak, ðuro Mačak (from Benkovac municip<strong>al</strong>ity), and Momčilo Tišma (fromKnin). 1860 Besides these men, there were only elderly men and women d<strong>et</strong>ained in thebasement. 1861 Stevo Večerina, born in 1974, had been mobilized as a private in the SVKin 1993, and was on sick leave for a few days at that time as a result of tooth ache. 1862The Croatian soldiers said that the military police had arrived and that the soldierswould go to military prison while the wounded would be taken to hospit<strong>al</strong>. 1863 Thewitness wanted to go with the five men and followed them out of the house. 1864 Thewitness saw some Croatian soldiers escorting the five men at gunpoint. 1865 The five menwere not handcuffed and their hands were not tied. 1866 Stevo Večerina had troublew<strong>al</strong>king because of the gunshot injuries he had sustained when he and the witness hadbeen arrested. 1867 One of the soldiers ordered her to r<strong>et</strong>urn to the basement or she wouldbe shot. 1868418. Shortly after Marija Večerina’s son and four other men had been taken out of thebasement, the d<strong>et</strong>ainees heard a burst of gunfire. 1869 The Croatian soldiers then broughttwo women and one man, <strong>al</strong>l in their 50s, and the witness learned from these people thatsoldiers had shot at their vehicle, killing the driver. 1870 The three were wearing civilianclothes. 1871 On the same day, around 10.30 a.m., the d<strong>et</strong>ainees were ordered out of the1859 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 11-14; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6730-6731.1860 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 14; Marija Večerina, T. 6721,6731, 6733; D694 (Questionnaire regarding Stevo Večerina filled in by Marija Večerina, 18 July 2001).1861 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 8; Marija Večerina, T. 6722.1862 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 1, 5-6; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 2; Marija Večerina, T. 6725; D694 (Questionnaire regarding StevoVečerina filled in by Marija Večerina, 18 July 2001).1863 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 14; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 9; Marija Večerina, T. 6722, 6731-6733.1864 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6731, 6734.1865 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15.1866 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15.1867 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 11, 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6734.1868 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 15; Marija Večerina, T. 6722,6731, 6734.1869 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), paras 14, 16; Marija Večerina, T. 6721-6722, 6731, 6735.1870 P652 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 16 October 2003), para. 16; P653 (Marija Večerina,witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 10; Marija Večerina, T. 6722, 6731, 6735-6736.1871 P653 (Marija Večerina, witness statement, 11 July 2007), para. 10.242Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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