Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39079August 1995, he, with others, found the bodies of two men, in their 40s, dressed incivilian clothes on top of a hill outside of Knin. 1810 Hill testified that the men had beenshot in the head on the road as there were blood marks on the road, and then throwndown the side of the road where they lay. 1811 Hill saw large wounds in both heads. 1812Hill further testified that the bodies were starting to decompose and could be smelledfrom the road. 1813 He also testified that he saw similar blood stains on a tour throughSector South around this time. 1814 Hill excluded for the possibility that the blood stainscould have come from dead animals as all but one animal he saw dead in the area werelying in the fields. 1815 Hill testified that on the road close to the two bodies there was atractor or a trailer with ransacked belongings. 1816 Hill assumed that the tractor belongedto the men and that they had been fleeing in it. 1817 Hill took photographs of the bloodstain and the bodies. 1818406. According to the Operative logbook of the 4th Guards Brigade, at 2:40 p.m. on 5August 1995, the 1st Infantry Battalion was in the positions F15 (the cross-roadstowards Drniš), F61 (Dmitrovići, in Knin municipality), and F63 (Dukići). 1819407. In a daily report to the HV Main Staff sent at 6 a.m. on 5 August 1995, AnteGotovina indicated that the 4th Guards Brigade had reached the front line listing the trigpoints as follows: Bolandže, Golo Brdo in Gračac municipality, Slatina, Crni Vrh,Gospina Greda, Prljaj in Knin municipality, Dmitrovići in Knin municipality, Bradaši inKnin municipality, and Knin. 1820408. Finally, the Trial Chamber has received some forensic documentation in relationto the alleged murder incidents. According to this, on 26 August 1995, decomposingbody KN01/247B, numbered 535, approximately 1.80 metres long, was found with1809 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 2; P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21January 1998), pp. 3, 93; P293 (John Hill, witness statement, 2 November 1999), p. 3.1810 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), pp. 54-55, 80-81; John Hill, T. 3770; D274(John Hill’s diary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 8.1811 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), pp. 55, 80; John Hill, T. 3770; D274 (JohnHill’s diary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 8.1812 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 81.1813 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 81.1814 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 55.1815 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 55.1816 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 81; John Hill, T. 3770.1817 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 81.1818 John Hill, T. 3770-3771; P303 (Photographs of a blood stain on a road and two bodies).1819 P2343 (Operations logbook of the 4th Guards Brigade, July and August 1995), p. 37.1820 D180 (Documentation of Croatian authorities’ investigation of murders of Ilija and Milka Petko, andDmitar and ðuro Rašuo), pp. 8-9, 13.236Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39078black trousers, a white long-sleeved shirt, and black shoes in Dmitrović hamlet inŽagrović, Knin municipality, identified as Jovo Dmitrović, and buried at a city cemeteryin Knin. 1821 Body KN01/247B, exhumed on 14 June 2001 from a cemetery in Knin,with a metal tag marked “535”, wearing dark grey or black trousers and a long-sleevedwhite or light-coloured shirt with perforations on the left sleeve of which two matchedwounds on the left arm, was an approximately 1.64-1.79-metre-tall male between 35and 50 years old, with gunshot wounds to the left upper arm and to the head of whichthe latter was found by the forensic pathologist to be the cause of death. 1822 Accordingto a report of the Zagreb Institute for Forensic Medicine, dated 26 April 2002 and basedon details provided by Jovo’s sister-in-law, Jovo Dmitrović, a Serb from Žagrović, diedfrom a gunshot injury to the body in Žagrović, on 6 August 1995. 1823 On 26 April 2002,body KN01/247B was identified by classical method as Jovo Dmitrović. 1824409. Body KN01/248B, numbered 509, approximately 1.75 metres long, was foundon 26 August 1995, with olive-drab trousers in Dmitrović hamlet in Žagrović, Kninmunicipality, identified as Stevo Dmitrović, and buried at a Knin town cemetery. 1825The well-preserved remains of body KN01/248B, exhumed on 14 June 2001 from acemetery in Knin, with a metal tag marked “509” and clothing consisting of pale greentrousers, pale blue shorts, and white socks, was an approximately 1.62-1.88-metre-tallmale between 30 and 50 years old, with a gunshot injury to the chest and the face ofwhich the former was found by John Clark to be the cause of death. 1826 According to areport of the Zagreb Institute of Forensic Medicine, dated 26 April 2002 and based ondetails provided by Stevo’s brother, Stevo Dmitrović, a Serb born in 1944, died from agunshot injury to the torso in Dmitrović in Žagrović, on 11 August 1995. 1827 On 26April 2002, body KN01/248B was identified by classical method as Stevo Dmitrović,born in 1944. 18281821 P1400 (Information on identified body KN01/247B, ID No. 535, with photograph).1822 P1600 (Autopsy report of KN01/247B, 12 July 2001), pp. 1-7, 9, 11-14, 17; P1869 (Photograph ofarm, KN01/247B); P1870 (Photograph of skull, KN01/247B).1823 P2074 (Report on facts of death of Jovo Dmitrović, 26 April 2002).1824 P659 (List of identified persons exhumed from a cemetery in Knin), p. 1; P2002 (List of identifiedpersons exhumed in Knin).1825 P1401 (Information on identified body KN01/248B, ID No. 509, with photograph).1826 P1601 (Autopsy report of KN01/248B, 5 July 2001), pp. 1-8, 11-14, 17; P1871 (Photograph ofremains, KN01/248B); P1872 (Photograph of skull, KN01/248B).1827 P2075 (Report on circumstances of death of Stevo Dmitrović, 26 April 2002), pp. 29-30.1828 P659 (List of identified persons exhumed from a cemetery in Knin), p. 1; P2002 (List of identifiedpersons exhumed in Knin).237Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39078black trousers, a white long-sleeved shirt, and black shoes in Dmitrović haml<strong>et</strong> inŽagrović, Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, identified as Jovo Dmitrović, and buried at a city cem<strong>et</strong>eryin Knin. 1821 Body KN01/247B, exhumed on 14 June 2001 from a cem<strong>et</strong>ery in Knin,with a m<strong>et</strong><strong>al</strong> tag marked “535”, wearing dark grey or black trousers and a long-sleevedwhite or light-coloured shirt with perforations on the left sleeve of which two matchedwounds on the left arm, was an approximately 1.64-1.79-m<strong>et</strong>re-t<strong>al</strong>l m<strong>al</strong>e b<strong>et</strong>ween 35and 50 years old, with gunshot wounds to the left upper arm and to the head of whichthe latter was found by the forensic pathologist to be the cause of death. 1822 Accordingto a report of the Zagreb Institute for Forensic Medicine, dated 26 April 2002 and basedon d<strong>et</strong>ails provided by Jovo’s sister-in-law, Jovo Dmitrović, a Serb from Žagrović, diedfrom a gunshot injury to the body in Žagrović, on 6 August 1995. 1823 On 26 April 2002,body KN01/247B was identified by classic<strong>al</strong> m<strong>et</strong>hod as Jovo Dmitrović. 1824409. Body KN01/248B, numbered 509, approximately 1.75 m<strong>et</strong>res long, was foundon 26 August 1995, with olive-drab trousers in Dmitrović haml<strong>et</strong> in Žagrović, Kninmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, identified as Stevo Dmitrović, and buried at a Knin town cem<strong>et</strong>ery. 1825The well-preserved remains of body KN01/248B, exhumed on 14 June 2001 from acem<strong>et</strong>ery in Knin, with a m<strong>et</strong><strong>al</strong> tag marked “509” and clothing consisting of p<strong>al</strong>e greentrousers, p<strong>al</strong>e blue shorts, and white socks, was an approximately 1.62-1.88-m<strong>et</strong>re-t<strong>al</strong>lm<strong>al</strong>e b<strong>et</strong>ween 30 and 50 years old, with a gunshot injury to the chest and the face ofwhich the former was found by John Clark to be the cause of death. 1826 According to areport of the Zagreb Institute of Forensic Medicine, dated 26 April 2002 and based ond<strong>et</strong>ails provided by Stevo’s brother, Stevo Dmitrović, a Serb born in 1944, died from agunshot injury to the torso in Dmitrović in Žagrović, on 11 August 1995. 1827 On 26April 2002, body KN01/248B was identified by classic<strong>al</strong> m<strong>et</strong>hod as Stevo Dmitrović,born in 1944. 18281821 P1400 (Information on identified body KN01/247B, ID No. 535, with photograph).1822 P1600 (Autopsy report of KN01/247B, 12 July 2001), pp. 1-7, 9, 11-14, 17; P1869 (Photograph ofarm, KN01/247B); P1870 (Photograph of skull, KN01/247B).1823 P2074 (Report on facts of death of Jovo Dmitrović, 26 April 2002).1824 P659 (List of identified persons exhumed from a cem<strong>et</strong>ery in Knin), p. 1; P2002 (List of identifiedpersons exhumed in Knin).1825 P1401 (Information on identified body KN01/248B, ID No. 509, with photograph).1826 P1601 (Autopsy report of KN01/248B, 5 July 2001), pp. 1-8, 11-14, 17; P1871 (Photograph ofremains, KN01/248B); P1872 (Photograph of skull, KN01/248B).1827 P2075 (Report on circumstances of death of Stevo Dmitrović, 26 April 2002), pp. 29-30.1828 P659 (List of identified persons exhumed from a cem<strong>et</strong>ery in Knin), p. 1; P2002 (List of identifiedpersons exhumed in Knin).237Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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