Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39093group members, fired a few rounds in the direction of a wooden cabin, causing nofurther damage than bullet holes, until the witness told him to stop. 1682380. Balunović testified that sometime in 2002 or 2003, Marijan Sosa, who was inone of the four groups during the operation in Grubori, but not in Balunović’s group,told the witness that during the operation, he saw Frano Drljo and Igor Beneta kill aperson. 1683 Sosa further told Balunović that Drljo had threatened him, as well asBalunović, and said that he would kill him if he said anything about the Gruboricase. 1684381. Božo Krajina, a specialist training instructor in the Lučko Anti-TerroristUnit, 1685 gave similar evidence as other Special Police members about this incident. 1686382. On 4 December 2001, the Zagreb police compiled an Official Note of aninterview with Branko Balunović regarding the Grubori incident. 1687 In that interview,Balunović is recorded as having stated that some 500-1,000 metres from Grubori heheard individual shots and bursts which could have indicated combat activity. 1688Through radio, he heard that one of the groups had a problem and that Žinić’s and hisgroup were ordered to secure a side of the village. 1689 Balunović’s group then took uppositions near the first houses along the left edge of Grubori for about 10-15 minutesuntil someone said over the radio that the situation had been resolved. 1690 Balunović isrecorded as having said that he was sure that no one from his or Žinić’s group hadentered Grubori. 1691 He did not see any houses on fire nor did he hear any explosionsfrom the village. 1692383. On 4 December 2001, the Zagreb police compiled an Official Note of aninterview with Stjepan Žinić regarding the Grubori incident. 1693 In that interview, Žinićis recorded as having stated that some 20 minutes after the start of the operation, he1682 Branko Balunović, T. 28357.1683 Branko Balunović, T. 28401-28403, 28448.1684 Branko Balunović, T. 28400-28402.1685 Božo Krajina, T. 28541-28542, 28579.1686 Božo Krajina, T. 28542-28545.1687 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), p. 1.1688 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), p. 3.1689 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), p. 3.1690 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), pp. 3-4.1691 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), p. 4.1692 P1085 (Official Note of an interview with Branko Balunović, 4 December 2001), p. 4.1693 P1086 (Official Note of an interview with Stjepan Žinić, 4 December 2001), p. 1.222Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39092heard three single shots and then short bursts of fire and some shooting characteristic ofa skirmish. 1694 Later, Žinić heard shooting characteristic of testing the terrain. 1695384. On 6 December 2001, the Zagreb police compiled an Official Note of aninterview with Božo Krajina regarding the Grubori incident. 1696 In that interview,Krajina is recorded as having stated that the unit had been told nothing about how totreat civilians or civilian property because each of them knew very well how tobehave. 1697 He further stated that there had been no mention of any remaining terroristgroups but that something like this could always be expected in such operations. 1698During the operation, Krajina heard sporadic fire. 1699385. Official Notes compiled in 2001 and 2004 with Special Police members give asimilar account of the events on 25 August 1995 as described by the above-mentionedSpecial Police witnesses. 1700386. During interviews given to the Crime Police Department of the Šibenik-KninPolice Administration, 22 members of the Lučko unit stated that there was no strictdivision of the Lučko unit into groups during the Plavno search operation and that theymoved in randomly set- up smaller groups or pairs. 1701 In addition, all of them, exceptfor Slavko Turudić, stated that they had already moved away from Grubori at the timeof the Grubori incident. 1702 Turudić stated that 20-25 members of the Lučko unit wentfor a mopping-up operation and arrived in the Plavno Valley in the morning hours.Turudić stated that he walked in a small group of three to four men and that when theyarrived in Grubori, they checked several houses but did not see any people or deadbodies. While checking the houses, Turudić heard several single shots fired. Turudić1694 P1086 (Official Note of an interview with Stjepan Žinić, 4 December 2001), p. 2.1695 P1086 (Official Note of an interview with Stjepan Žinić, 4 December 2001), p. 3.1696 P1087 (Official Note of an interview with Božo Krajina, 6 December 2001), p. 1.1697 P1087 (Official Note of an interview with Božo Krajina, 6 December 2001), p. 2.1698 P1087 (Official Note of an interview with Božo Krajina, 6 December 2001), p. 2.1699 P1087 (Official Note of an interview with Božo Krajina, 6 December 2001), p. 2.1700 P1055 (Official Note of interview with Ivica Matanić, 4 December 2001), pp. 1-2; P1058 (OfficialNote of interview with Jure Nunčević, 12 December 2001), p. 2; P2388 (MUP official note of interviewwith Petar Novaković, 5 December 1995), pp. 1-2; P2389 (MUP official note of interview with IgorRadočaj, 14 May 2004), pp. 1-2; P2390 (MUP official note of interview with Drago Palijan, 14 May2004), pp. 1-2; P2391 (MUP official note of interview with Neven Jurčić, 3 May 2004), pp. 1-2; P2392(MUP official note of interview with Zdravko Lončar, 14 May 2004), pp. 1-2.1701 D1200 (Letter from Šibenik-Knin Police Administration to Šibenik County Prosecutor on interviewswith members of the Lučko unit, 9 June 2004), p. 1.1702 D1200 (Letter from Šibenik-Knin Police Administration to Šibenik County Prosecutor on interviewswith members of the Lučko unit, 9 June 2004), p. 1.223Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39093group members, fired a few rounds in the direction of a wooden cabin, causing nofurther damage than bull<strong>et</strong> holes, until the witness told him to stop. 1682380. B<strong>al</strong>unović testified that som<strong>et</strong>ime in 2002 or 2003, Marijan Sosa, who was inone of the four groups during the operation in Grubori, but not in B<strong>al</strong>unović’s group,told the witness that during the operation, he saw Frano Drljo and Igor Ben<strong>et</strong>a kill aperson. 1683 Sosa further told B<strong>al</strong>unović that Drljo had threatened him, as well asB<strong>al</strong>unović, and said that he would kill him if he said anything about the Gruboricase. 1684381. Božo Krajina, a speci<strong>al</strong>ist training instructor in the Lučko Anti-TerroristUnit, 1685 gave similar evidence as other Speci<strong>al</strong> Police members about this incident. 1686382. On 4 December 2001, the Zagreb police compiled an Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of aninterview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović regarding the Grubori incident. 1687 In that interview,B<strong>al</strong>unović is recorded as having stated that some 500-1,000 m<strong>et</strong>res from Grubori heheard individu<strong>al</strong> shots and bursts which could have indicated combat activity. 1688Through radio, he heard that one of the groups had a problem and that Žinić’s and hisgroup were ordered to secure a side of the village. 1689 B<strong>al</strong>unović’s group then took uppositions near the first houses <strong>al</strong>ong the left edge of Grubori for about 10-15 minutesuntil someone said over the radio that the situation had been resolved. 1690 B<strong>al</strong>unović isrecorded as having said that he was sure that no one from his or Žinić’s group hadentered Grubori. 1691 He did not see any houses on fire nor did he hear any explosionsfrom the village. 1692383. On 4 December 2001, the Zagreb police compiled an Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of aninterview with Stjepan Žinić regarding the Grubori incident. 1693 In that interview, Žinićis recorded as having stated that some 20 minutes after the start of the operation, he1682 Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, T. 28357.1683 Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, T. 28401-28403, 28448.1684 Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, T. 28400-28402.1685 Božo Krajina, T. 28541-28542, 28579.1686 Božo Krajina, T. 28542-28545.1687 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), p. 1.1688 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), p. 3.1689 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), p. 3.1690 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), pp. 3-4.1691 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), p. 4.1692 P1085 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Branko B<strong>al</strong>unović, 4 December 2001), p. 4.1693 P1086 (Offici<strong>al</strong> Note of an interview with Stjepan Žinić, 4 December 2001), p. 1.222Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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