Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39097air for orientation, but when they did not arrive, the witness himself took the civiliansback to the vehicles. 1627 When he came back he met with Zdravko Janić who told himthat the civilians could be left on the road and that there was no need to identifythem. 1628 Čelić stayed for a moment and then he left for the end point of the search withJanić, although in two different vehicles. 1629 The unit was supposed to contact him ifthey encountered any armed resistance. 1630 They made no such contact and, as far as thewitness heard, made no contact with each other either. 1631 While Čelić was at thestarting point and while he was driving towards the end point, he heard individual,sporadic fire from all directions. 1632 The units arrived at the end point at 4 or 5 p.m. 1633The commanders of the four units individually reported to Čelić orally that there hadbeen no incidents, no usage of weapons, and that they had not encountered anycivilians. 1634 The groups had no prisoners with them. 1635 Also, as far as the witnesscould see, the soldiers did not have any extra weaponry with them. 1636 The whole unitthen returned to Gračac. 1637 There was no debriefing of the unit. 1638 Čelić wrote a reportby hand on the same day, on the basis of what the group leaders had told him, andaddressed it to the operational headquarters for Operation Storm-Encirclement in1627 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 22-23, 27, Part III, pp. 38-39; P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 24, 26, 38-40, 58-59, PartIII, p. 158; Josip Čelić, T. 7980, 8011, 8091, 8095-8096; P772 (Josip Čelić, MUP official note ofinterview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 2.1628 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 23-24, 40; P762 (JosipČelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 22, 38, 51, 59-60.1629 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 23, 26, Part III, p. 32;P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 22, 37, 59-60; Josip Čelić, T.7980, 8098; P772 (Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 3.1630 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 27; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 18-20, 55, 58; Josip Čelić, T. 7955, 8002, 8092.1631 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part III, pp. 31-34; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 19-21, 33-34, 45-46, 49-50, 55, 57-58, Part III, p.105; Josip Čelić, T. 7955, 8104-8105.1632 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 37; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 35, 58, 61-62; Josip Čelić, T. 7980-7981; P772(Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 3.1633 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 36; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, p. 29; Josip Čelić, T. 8111.1634 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 36-38, Part III, pp. 3, 14,30, 42-43; P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 34, 42-44, 55, 58, 64,Part III, p. 73, 79, 172; Josip Čelić, T. 7942, 7955, 7958, 7969, 7971, 7978-7979, 8002, 8094, 8102-8103;P773 (Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 27 April 2004), p. 1.1635 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part III, pp. 37-38; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part III, pp. 94-95, 177, 179; Josip Čelić, T. 7956, 8110, 8119;P773 (Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 27 April 2004), pp. 1-2.1636 P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part III, pp. 125-126; Josip Čelić, T.8110.1637 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 38, 40; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, p. 62; Josip Čelić, T. 8106.218Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39096Gračac. 1639 He submitted it to Janić. 1640 Čelić did not mention the civilians found at thebeginning of the operation. 1641 Čelić has not been able to find a copy of the report thathe submitted on 25 August 1995. 1642 He testified that the report submitted by ZdravkoJanić to Željko Sačić on 25 August 1995 is consistent with the report he submitted. 1643374. Stjepan Žinić, a specialist training instructor in the Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit ofthe Special Police, 1644 testified that, on 25 August 1995, the Lučko Unit took part inmopping-up operations to provide security for the Freedom Train in the area of Kninand Plavno in Knin municipality, for which Josip Čelić was their direct commander. 1645The witness testified that the unit was divided into four groups, led by BrankoBalunović, Božo Krajina, Frano Drljo, and himself. 1646 In the morning, Čelić gave thegroups their tasks, assigned each group a certain axis of movement, and distributedmaps. 1647 The witness confirmed that the groups moved parallel to one another withŽinić’s group positioned to the far left, Balunović’s group to its right, then Drljo’s andKrajina’s groups respectively, with Drljo’s group passing through Grubori. 1648375. The witness testified that, during the operation, radio contact was sporadic anddifficult to establish, and he could not contact the operation leader. 1649 Throughout theday, there were several occasions on which the witness heard gunfire coming fromdifferent directions. 1650 Žinić testified that he did not see or enter any village, but he didsee some houses during the operation. 1651 During the first hour of the operation, whichhad started sometime between 9 and 10 a.m., the witness heard shooting, coming from1638 P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part III, pp. 170-171.1639 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 38-40, Part III, p. 43;P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 63-71, 88, 93, Part III, p. 189;Josip Čelić, T. 7958, 7969, 8073; P772 (Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5December 2001), p. 3.1640 P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, p. 67; Josip Čelić, T. 8073; P772(Josip Čelić, MUP official note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 3.1641 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 40.1642 Josip Čelić, T. 7942-7943.1643 Josip Čelić, T. 7943.1644 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28057-28058; P2717 (Decision on Appointment of Stjepan Žinić, 9 November1995), p. 1.1645 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28058, 28141.1646 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28058-28059, 28075, 28101.1647 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28066, 28100.1648 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28066-28067, 28101; P2718 (Map showing Special Police Search Axis on 25August 1995, 25 August 1995).1649 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28064-28065.1650 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28059-28060, 28102.1651 Stjepan Žinić, T. 28066, 28108.219Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39097air for orientation, but when they did not arrive, the witness himself took the civiliansback to the vehicles. 1627 When he came back he m<strong>et</strong> with Zdravko Janić who told himthat the civilians could be left on the road and that there was no need to identifythem. 1628 Čelić stayed for a moment and then he left for the end point of the search withJanić, <strong>al</strong>though in two different vehicles. 1629 The unit was supposed to contact him ifthey encountered any armed resistance. 1630 They made no such contact and, as far as thewitness heard, made no contact with each other either. 1631 While Čelić was at thestarting point and while he was driving towards the end point, he heard individu<strong>al</strong>,sporadic fire from <strong>al</strong>l directions. 1632 The units arrived at the end point at 4 or 5 p.m. 1633The commanders of the four units individu<strong>al</strong>ly reported to Čelić or<strong>al</strong>ly that there hadbeen no incidents, no usage of weapons, and that they had not encountered anycivilians. 1634 The groups had no prisoners with them. 1635 Also, as far as the witnesscould see, the soldiers did not have any extra weaponry with them. 1636 The whole unitthen r<strong>et</strong>urned to Gračac. 1637 There was no debriefing of the unit. 1638 Čelić wrote a reportby hand on the same day, on the basis of what the group leaders had told him, andaddressed it to the operation<strong>al</strong> headquarters for Operation Storm-Encirclement in1627 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 22-23, 27, Part III, pp. 38-39; P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 24, 26, 38-40, 58-59, PartIII, p. 158; Josip Čelić, T. 7980, 8011, 8091, 8095-8096; P772 (Josip Čelić, MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note ofinterview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 2.1628 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 23-24, 40; P762 (JosipČelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 22, 38, 51, 59-60.1629 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 23, 26, Part III, p. 32;P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 14, 22, 37, 59-60; Josip Čelić, T.7980, 8098; P772 (Josip Čelić, MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 3.1630 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 27; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 18-20, 55, 58; Josip Čelić, T. 7955, 8002, 8092.1631 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part III, pp. 31-34; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 19-21, 33-34, 45-46, 49-50, 55, 57-58, Part III, p.105; Josip Čelić, T. 7955, 8104-8105.1632 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 37; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 35, 58, 61-62; Josip Čelić, T. 7980-7981; P772(Josip Čelić, MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note of interview with Josip Čelić, 5 December 2001), p. 3.1633 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, p. 36; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, p. 29; Josip Čelić, T. 8111.1634 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 36-38, Part III, pp. 3, 14,30, 42-43; P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, pp. 34, 42-44, 55, 58, 64,Part III, p. 73, 79, 172; Josip Čelić, T. 7942, 7955, 7958, 7969, 7971, 7978-7979, 8002, 8094, 8102-8103;P773 (Josip Čelić, MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note of interview with Josip Čelić, 27 April 2004), p. 1.1635 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part III, pp. 37-38; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part III, pp. 94-95, 177, 179; Josip Čelić, T. 7956, 8110, 8119;P773 (Josip Čelić, MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note of interview with Josip Čelić, 27 April 2004), pp. 1-2.1636 P762 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part III, pp. 125-126; Josip Čelić, T.8110.1637 P761 (Josip Čelić, witness interview of 25-26 November 2002), Part II, pp. 38, 40; P762 (Josip Čelić,witness interview of 13-14 January 2005), Part II, p. 62; Josip Čelić, T. 8106.218Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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