Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39111sweater, white shirt, traditional footwear, and stockings. The witness covered her with asheet. 1474 The witness stated that at 5 p.m., when she entered her mother’s burnt house,she noticed a bone in the hallway. 1475 The witness did not see or hear from her motherafter that day. 1476 All but three homes in Grubori, which had approximately 20 houses,were burnt. 1477 The witness left Croatia for Serbia sometime in September 1995. 1478356. On 12 July 2001, the Šibenik-Knin Police interviewed Marija ðurić, a Serbresident of Plavno, concerning the events in Grubori on 25 August 1995. Marija ðurićstated that on a day when the UNHCR, or another international organization, visitedPlavno, she and other villagers from Grubori, Perići, and ðurići went to the school sothat the UNHCR could make a list of people who wanted to go to the FRY. From theschool, she saw a large column of vehicles at the point of entry into Plavno. She thensaw a group of some 15 soldiers coming down an asphalted road to the school and goingtowards Perići and ðurići. Some 20-30 minutes later, another group of soldiers arrivedfrom the same direction. After the soldiers had left, she saw smoke coming from thedirection of Grubori. 1479357. Jovan Grubor, a Serb from Grubori hamlet in Plavno village in Kninmunicipality, 1480 was informed on 25 August 1995 by a neighbour from Perići hamletthat they should register with the UN and civil Croatian authorities at the Plavno schooland indicate whether they wanted to stay or leave for Serbia. 1481 The witness and sixothers went to the school and waited there for a while, but no Croatian officialsappeared. 1482 He then saw three groups of soldiers in camouflage uniform walking onthe asphalt road in the direction of Grubori. 1483 The first group was composed of aboutseven to eight soldiers wearing red or black bands on the shoulders, black, green, andred headgear, and checkerboard patterns. About 20-30 metres down the road, a secondgroup composed of about 20 soldiers approached, followed by a third group of some tento twelve soldiers. Around 10-11 a.m., the witness saw flames and smoke above1473 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, pp. 4-5.1474 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, p. 5.1475 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, pp. 5-6.1476 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, p. 6.1477 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, pp. 2, 6-7.1478 P2510 (Milica Karanović, witness statements), 1 April 1998 statement, p. 2; 12 July 2007 statement,para. 5.1479 P1084 (Official Note of interview with Marija ðurić, 13 July 2001), p. 1.1480 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 1-2.1481 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 2.1482 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 2-3.204Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39110Grubori. The witness saw two vehicles approaching, and recognized Alun Roberts ofthe UN in one of the vehicles. A Ukrainian UN official named “Peter” told the witnessthat Grubori hamlet was reduced to ashes and drove with the witness to Grubori. There,the witness found many houses, with closed doors, burning inside. The witness tried toextinguish the fire in his son’s house, saw that his own hayloft had burnt down, andnoticed a number of burnt cattle skeletons. He helped Dušanka Grubor collect herhusband Jovo Grubor’s dead body from under some branches on a hillside. The witnessstated that he saw that Jovo Grubor’s throat was slit and his body repeatedly stabbed.Next, the witness found Miloš Grubor’s corpse on the floor of his bedroom in a puddleof blood, with 14 empty bullet cases scattered around the floor. 1484 On 28 August 1995,the surviving villagers went to Knin where they stayed in a sports hall until 10September 1995. The witness stated that the living conditions were appalling and that heheard men screaming at night. On 10 and 11 September 1995, Alun Roberts and otherUN members took the witness to Grubori. During these two days, they found thecorpses of Stevan Vidović and Anñelija Rusić. 1485 On 16 September 1995, the witnessleft for Belgrade to join his son. 1486358. The Trial Chamber further received evidence from a number of internationalobservers in relation to the Grubori incident on 25 August 1995.359. Alun Roberts, Press and Information Officer for UN Sector South in Knin frommid-September 1993 until about mid-October 1995, 1487 testified that during an HRATpatrol on 23 or 24 August 1995, he heard from villagers who were most likely fromDurići in Plavno Valley, Knin municipality, that persons in military uniform and withCroatian accents had intimidated people, killed two villagers, and set one building onfire. 1488 The villagers showed the UN the grave of a man they claimed Croatian soldiers1483 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 2-3.1484 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 3.1485 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 4.1486 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 5.1487 P675 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 27 August 1997), p. 1, para. 1; P676 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 31 July 1998), p. 1; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), pp. 1-2; P678(Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 6; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), p. 1.1488 P675 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 27 August 1997), paras 15, 68; P677 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 28 February 2007), p. 9; P679 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 4 March 2008), paras 2-3, 9;Alun Roberts, T. 6859-6860, 6916; P690 (Sketch drawn by Alun Roberts of locations of villages and sitesof events on 24 and 25 August 1995 in Plavno valley).205Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39110Grubori. The witness saw two vehicles approaching, and recognized Alun Roberts ofthe UN in one of the vehicles. A Ukrainian UN offici<strong>al</strong> named “P<strong>et</strong>er” told the witnessthat Grubori haml<strong>et</strong> was reduced to ashes and drove with the witness to Grubori. There,the witness found many houses, with closed doors, burning inside. The witness tried toextinguish the fire in his son’s house, saw that his own hayloft had burnt down, andnoticed a number of burnt cattle skel<strong>et</strong>ons. He helped Dušanka Grubor collect herhusband Jovo Grubor’s dead body from under some branches on a hillside. The witnessstated that he saw that Jovo Grubor’s throat was slit and his body repeatedly stabbed.Next, the witness found Miloš Grubor’s corpse on the floor of his bedroom in a puddleof blood, with 14 empty bull<strong>et</strong> cases scattered around the floor. 1484 On 28 August 1995,the surviving villagers went to Knin where they stayed in a sports h<strong>al</strong>l until 10September 1995. The witness stated that the living conditions were app<strong>al</strong>ling and that heheard men screaming at night. On 10 and 11 September 1995, Alun Roberts and otherUN members took the witness to Grubori. During these two days, they found thecorpses of Stevan Vidović and Anñelija Rusić. 1485 On 16 September 1995, the witnessleft for Belgrade to join his son. 1486358. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber further received evidence from a number of internation<strong>al</strong>observers in relation to the Grubori incident on 25 August 1995.359. Alun Roberts, Press and Information Officer for UN Sector South in Knin frommid-September 1993 until about mid-October 1995, 1487 testified that during an HRATpatrol on 23 or 24 August 1995, he heard from villagers who were most likely fromDurići in Plavno V<strong>al</strong>ley, Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, that persons in military uniform and withCroatian accents had intimidated people, killed two villagers, and s<strong>et</strong> one building onfire. 1488 The villagers showed the UN the grave of a man they claimed Croatian soldiers1483 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 2-3.1484 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 3.1485 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 4.1486 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 5.1487 P675 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 27 August 1997), p. 1, para. 1; P676 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 31 July 1998), p. 1; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), pp. 1-2; P678(Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 6; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), p. 1.1488 P675 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 27 August 1997), paras 15, 68; P677 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 28 February 2007), p. 9; P679 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 4 March 2008), paras 2-3, 9;Alun Roberts, T. 6859-6860, 6916; P690 (Sk<strong>et</strong>ch drawn by Alun Roberts of locations of villages and sitesof events on 24 and 25 August 1995 in Plavno v<strong>al</strong>ley).205Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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