Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39129removed a man who wore what Dušan Dragičević described as a green Serbian Krajinauniform from a Mercedes car, which had stopped behind the tractor. They ordered thisman to lie down on the road and searched his car. They boasted about having killed a lotof “Chetniks”. The operative logbook of the 4th Guards Brigade records that on the dayof this incident, at 11:04 a.m., the 7th Guards Brigade requested a medical team. On thatsame day, at 11:07 a.m., the same operative logbook records that the 7th GuardsBrigade had entered Knin from the direction of Kovačić, in Knin municipality. TheTrial Chamber has in this respect also considered the evidence underlying its findingswith regard to the alleged murder of Ilija Šarac. Considering that Dušan Dragičević sawthe insignia of the 7th Guards Brigade on the uniforms of the soldiers who opened fireon the convoy, and the recorded movements of the same unit in the vicinity of Kovačićthat day, the Trial Chamber finds that the persons who killed Nikola Dragičević, SavaČeko, and Mile Dragičević were members of the HV 7th Guards Brigade. As for theevidence regarding the alleged death of Savo Milovojević, the Trial Chamberconsidered the state of consciousness of Witness 1 at the time as well as the hearsay andunsourced nature of the evidence, and decided not to further consider this incident.331. When assessing the ethnicity of the victims, the Trial Chamber considered thataccording to Croatian reports on the circumstances of their deaths (exhibits P865, P867,and P869), which are based on information provided by their relatives, NikolaDragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were of Serb ethnicity. The Trial Chamberfurther considered that according to Witness 1, on 4 August 1995, people in his villagewho had not already left had been talking about the SVK’s warnings to flee to Pañani inKnin municipality. Similarly, the Trial Chamber noted that Witness 1, a Serb, was acook in the SVK and his uncle, Mićo Dragičević, and Sava Čeko, who were also on thetractor, were members of the SVK. Dušan Dragičević, another member of the convoyand the son of Mile Dragičević, was a Serb on sick leave from the SVK and travelledwith Vinetu Dragičević, a further member of the SVK. Witness 13 and Pera Bilbijawere also Serbs on the tractor. Based on this evidence, the Trial Chamber finds thatNikola Dragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were of Serb ethnicity. The TrialChamber will further consider this incident in relation to Counts 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of theIndictment in chapters 5.3.2, 5.7.2, and 5.8.2 below.332. Based on the evidence of Dušan Dragičević and Witness 1, as well as its findingthat the persons who killed Nikola Dragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were186Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39128members of the HV 7th Guards Brigade, the Trial Chamber finds that the HV soldiersthen gathered approximately ten to twelve persons, including Dušan Dragičević, andbrought them to a nearby bus stop at gunpoint. Shortly thereafter the HV soldiers tookthem to a nearby house, and just before dark to another house where they stayedovernight. They also brought Witness 1. The next morning, 6 August 1995, the HVsoldiers took them – excluding Witness 1 – to a school building in Knin, where thewomen and elderly remained. The HV soldiers took the men, one of whom was DušanDragičević, to the “Slavko Rodić” barracks in Knin, where they remained from 6 untilon or about 11 August 1995 with about 30 others. The Trial Chamber further finds thatin these barracks, detainees were beaten, including by persons in camouflage uniform,and forced to perform labour, including by persons referred to as soldiers. Consideringthat Dušan Dragičević saw the insignia of the 4th Guards Brigade on the uniforms of thesoldiers who ran the barracks, the Trial Chamber finds that the persons who detainedDušan Dragičević and the other persons at the barracks were members of the HV 4thGuards Brigade. Dušan Dragičević and Witness 1 were eventually taken to Zadar andSplit where they stayed at various locations. In this respect, the Trial Chamber recalls itsfindings with regard to reception and collection centres in chapter 4.5.5. The evidenceregarding their passage in prisons in Zadar and Split is insufficiently detailed for theTrial Chamber to make relevant factual findings.333. The Trial Chamber finds, based on Witness 1’s and Dušan Dragičević’sevidence, that they were Serbs. According to Witness 1’s evidence, Savo Milovojevićand more than 20 others detained at the latter’s house were in the SVK. Based on thisaffiliation evidence, the Trial Chamber finds that most or all of these SVK detaineeswere Krajina Serbs. As for the other persons brought with Dušan Dragičević to the busstop at gunpoint, the Trial Chamber finds, considering the ethnic composition of Polačain 1991 and the nature of the convoy stopped in or near the village of Kovačić, that mostof them were of Serb ethnicity. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient evidence tobe able to determine the ethnicity of the persons held at the “Slavko Rodić” barracks,other than as mentioned above. The Trial Chamber will further consider these incidentsin relation to Count 1 of the Indictment in chapter 5.8.2 (e) below.187Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39129removed a man who wore what Dušan Dragičević described as a green Serbian Krajinauniform from a Mercedes car, which had stopped behind the tractor. They ordered thisman to lie down on the road and searched his car. They boasted about having killed a lotof “Ch<strong>et</strong>niks”. The operative logbook of the 4th Guards Brigade records that on the dayof this incident, at 11:04 a.m., the 7th Guards Brigade requested a medic<strong>al</strong> team. On thatsame day, at 11:07 a.m., the same operative logbook records that the 7th GuardsBrigade had entered Knin from the direction of Kovačić, in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity. TheTri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has in this respect <strong>al</strong>so considered the evidence underlying its findingswith regard to the <strong>al</strong>leged murder of Ilija Šarac. Considering that Dušan Dragičević sawthe insignia of the 7th Guards Brigade on the uniforms of the soldiers who opened fireon the convoy, and the recorded movements of the same unit in the vicinity of Kovačićthat day, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber finds that the persons who killed Nikola Dragičević, SavaČeko, and Mile Dragičević were members of the HV 7th Guards Brigade. As for theevidence regarding the <strong>al</strong>leged death of Savo Milovojević, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamberconsidered the state of consciousness of Witness 1 at the time as well as the hearsay andunsourced nature of the evidence, and decided not to further consider this incident.331. When assessing the <strong>et</strong>hnicity of the victims, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber considered thataccording to Croatian reports on the circumstances of their deaths (exhibits P865, P867,and P869), which are based on information provided by their relatives, NikolaDragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were of Serb <strong>et</strong>hnicity. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamberfurther considered that according to Witness 1, on 4 August 1995, people in his villagewho had not <strong>al</strong>ready left had been t<strong>al</strong>king about the SVK’s warnings to flee to Pañani inKnin municip<strong>al</strong>ity. Similarly, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber noted that Witness 1, a Serb, was acook in the SVK and his uncle, Mićo Dragičević, and Sava Čeko, who were <strong>al</strong>so on th<strong>et</strong>ractor, were members of the SVK. Dušan Dragičević, another member of the convoyand the son of Mile Dragičević, was a Serb on sick leave from the SVK and travelledwith Vin<strong>et</strong>u Dragičević, a further member of the SVK. Witness 13 and Pera Bilbijawere <strong>al</strong>so Serbs on the tractor. Based on this evidence, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber finds thatNikola Dragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were of Serb <strong>et</strong>hnicity. The Tri<strong>al</strong>Chamber will further consider this incident in relation to Counts 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of theIndictment in chapters 5.3.2, 5.7.2, and 5.8.2 below.332. Based on the evidence of Dušan Dragičević and Witness 1, as well as its findingthat the persons who killed Nikola Dragičević, Sava Čeko, and Mile Dragičević were186Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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