Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39133houses began burning as the soldiers left them. 1309 The witness did not see any Serbcivilians in the village. 1310323. The witness and Anica Andić left on foot for Knin to get some help for Witness1. 1311 At the small bus stop in Kovačić they saw two dead men, in civilian clothing,lying on the road. 1312 They also observed many burning houses and destroyed vehiclesalong the road. 1313 They entered Knin through an intersection, followed by a bridge. 1314According to the witness, there were many HV soldiers shooting in the air and smashingshop windows. 1315 When some soldiers approached them, Anica Andić explained whathad happened and the soldiers told them to go to a building where some people hadalready been assembled. 1316 They went there and remained for about four hours. 1317Altogether, there were about 50 Serbs in the assembled group, of whom most werewomen and children and only five or six were men aged between 50 and 60. 1318 Someof the persons were without shoes and socks. 1319 After four hours, an HV soldier arriveddriving a truck. 1320 The group was put in the truck and driven to a UN compound,arriving around 6 p.m. 1321 There, the witness met her daughter and grandchildren, whohad been living in Knin at the time. 1322 At the compound the witness gave a statement to1309 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2008 statement, para. 8.1310 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1311 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 6; Witness 13, T. 16651.1312 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 6.1313 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1314 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 6.1315 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, pp. 3-4.1316 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, pp. 3-4.1317 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1318 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1319 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1320 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4, 2004 statement, para. 6.1321 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4, 2004 statement, para. 6.1322 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4, 2004 statement, para. 7.182Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39132Alun Roberts. 1323 Later, Witness 13 also met Witness 1’s uncle who told her that he hadrun away from the tractor together with Witness 13’s son. 1324 Both of them had beencaptured by HV soldiers the day after the shooting whereupon the former had beenreleased because, according to the witness, he was an old man. 1325 The witness’s sonwas detained in Split until January 1996. 1326 He told her later that he had been severelybeaten while detained. 1327324. The witness stayed in the UN compound for seven weeks. 1328 There were about1,300 people staying there. The witness could hear Croats outside the compound whomshe believed to be celebrating, and who also called the people inside the compound“Chetniks” and other bad names. Just before the witness left the UN compound,Croatian police entered the compound with the permission of UNPROFOR to searchboth men and women for weapons. The police separated about 60 men, some of themfrom the hospital at the compound, and took them to prison. 1329 After that, Croatianbuses, escorted by UNPROFOR, took the witness and others to Sremska Mitrovica inSerbia. 1330 Alun Roberts was with the convoy during the whole trip. In SremskaMitrovica, the local Red Cross received the group and directed the people to variousplaces. The witness has lived in Serbia ever since. 1331 The witness testified that herhouse had burned down and that she had no home to return to. 1332 In 2002, the body ofNikola Dragičević was identified, and buried in Polača cemetery. 1333325. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-1323 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4, 2004 statement, para. 7.1324 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1325 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, pp. 4-5; Witness 13, T. 16667.1326 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 5.1327 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 5; Witness 13, T. 16659.1328 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4; Witness 13, T. 16652.1329 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1330 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4; Witness 13, T. 16652.1331 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1332 Witness 13, T. 16652.183Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39132Alun Roberts. 1323 Later, Witness 13 <strong>al</strong>so m<strong>et</strong> Witness 1’s uncle who told her that he hadrun away from the tractor tog<strong>et</strong>her with Witness 13’s son. 1324 Both of them had beencaptured by HV soldiers the day after the shooting whereupon the former had beenreleased because, according to the witness, he was an old man. 1325 The witness’s sonwas d<strong>et</strong>ained in Split until January 1996. 1326 He told her later that he had been severelybeaten while d<strong>et</strong>ained. 1327324. The witness stayed in the UN compound for seven weeks. 1328 There were about1,300 people staying there. The witness could hear Croats outside the compound whomshe believed to be celebrating, and who <strong>al</strong>so c<strong>al</strong>led the people inside the compound“Ch<strong>et</strong>niks” and other bad names. Just before the witness left the UN compound,Croatian police entered the compound with the permission of UNPROFOR to searchboth men and women for weapons. The police separated about 60 men, some of themfrom the hospit<strong>al</strong> at the compound, and took them to prison. 1329 After that, Croatianbuses, escorted by UNPROFOR, took the witness and others to Sremska Mitrovica inSerbia. 1330 Alun Roberts was with the convoy during the whole trip. In SremskaMitrovica, the loc<strong>al</strong> Red Cross received the group and directed the people to variousplaces. The witness has lived in Serbia ever since. 1331 The witness testified that herhouse had burned down and that she had no home to r<strong>et</strong>urn to. 1332 In 2002, the body ofNikola Dragičević was identified, and buried in Polača cem<strong>et</strong>ery. 1333325. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-1323 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4, 2004 statement, para. 7.1324 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1325 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, pp. 4-5; Witness 13, T. 16667.1326 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 5.1327 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 5; Witness 13, T. 16659.1328 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4; Witness 13, T. 16652.1329 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1330 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4; Witness 13, T. 16652.1331 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 4.1332 Witness 13, T. 16652.183Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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