Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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39134unconscious and was bleeding heavily. 1295 According to the witness, Pera Bilbija spentsome time in a hospit<strong>al</strong> receiving treatment for the wounds. 1296 Witness 1 had been shotin the shoulder and was bleeding heavily. 1297 The soldiers continued to fire at peoplewho attempted to run away from the tractor. 1298 The witness believed that some of thesepeople managed to escape. 1299 About 15 soldiers then approached the tractor. 1300 Thesoldiers started to go through the group’s belongings and searched the tractor forweapons. 1301 The soldiers then assembled the remaining people of the group in front ofa nearby house. 1302 The three dead bodies were left on the tractor. 1303 The witness sawnearby houses in the village on fire. 1304 The soldiers boasted about having killed a lot of“Ch<strong>et</strong>niks” and told the group in a threatening manner to stay in front of the house. 1305The witness believed that the group consisted of about ten people at that time. 1306 Aftera while the soldiers who had shot at the group left and the witness saw that the tankswere gone as well. 1307 The witness and Anda Andić decided not to obey the orders ofthe soldiers to the group to stay at this place. Although they feared to be killed theywanted to g<strong>et</strong> medic<strong>al</strong> help for the wounded. 1308 The group observed other HV soldiersgoing into houses and coming out with TVs and radios and the witness noticed that the1295 Witness 13, T. 16644-16645.1296 Witness 13, T. 16644.1297 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3; Witness 13, T. 16639.1298 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2008 statement, para. 7.1299 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 5, 2008 statement, para. 7.1300 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1301 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1302 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 5.1303 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1304 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 5.1305 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 5.1306 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1307 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.1308 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3.181Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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