Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39137Zadar district prison where he stayed for approximately two months. 1260 On 13 October1995, he was transferred to Split prison. 1261 ICRC delegates visited him in Splitprison. 1262 The witness was treated nicely during his stay in the Zadar and the Splitprisons. 1263 In 1996, the witness stated that he had been charged with armed riot, and in2003 he stated that he had been charged with being a member of the SVK. 1264 Thecharges were later dropped and the witness was released from the Split prison on 31December 1995 and escorted by the regular police to a refugee centre in Ðakovo inSlavonia municipality. 1265 Either the ICRC or “the government” gave the witness thechoice of remaining in Croatia or going to Serbia. 1266 The witness elected to go toSerbia where his family members were now located, and was transferred to Serbia bybus on 13 January 1996. 1267 The witness and his family settled in Indjija, Serbia. 1268 In2003, the witness expressed his wish to return to Croatia. 1269321. When the witness got to Serbia on 13 January 1996, he learned from familymembers that Croatian police had found his father dead in Kovačić, and that someonehad buried him in Knin cemetery. 1270 The police investigation completed in December1995 concluded that a man by the name of Ivo Vuković had found the body of MileDragičević, leaning against a tree one metre from a dry-stone wall near the bus stop inthe hamlet of Topolje in Knin municipality. 1271 In December 1995, the chief physicianof the Zadar hospital identified the body as that of Mile Dragičević and concluded that1259 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement.1260 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1261 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1262 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement.1263 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 13.1264 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1265 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1266 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1267 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 13, 9 July 2007 statment, para. 8.1268 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 1.1269 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 17.1270 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, paras 13-14, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1271 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), Zadar Cantonal CourtInvestigations Centre record of onsite investigation, 28 December 1995, p. 1, Zagreb Forensic Institutereport on circumstances of death, 22 February 2002, p. 1.178Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39136both his legs were broken but that there was no damage to his clothing. 1272 In March2002, the witness travelled to Zagreb, identified the remains of his father by hisclothing, belongings, and medical identification, and received his father’s deathcertificate from the Forensic Institute in Zagreb. 1273 In April 2002, after a morticianissued a permit to bury his father’s body, the witness buried his father in the villagecemetery in Polača. 1274322. Witness 13, a Serb from a village in Knin municipality, 1275 testified that duringthe night between 4 and 5 August and during all of the day of 5 August 1995 there wasshelling in the surrounding villages. At approximately 8:15 a.m. on 5 August 1995, thewitness and her family decided to flee the village. Along with other villagers, includingMile and Smilja Dragičević and their son Dušan, and Miloš and Ika Dragičević, they goton Mile Dragičević’s tractor and set out from the village. According to the witness,there were 22 persons on the tractor including persons who joined later: Pera Bilbija,Lazar Bilbija, Stana Bilbija, Witness 1, Witness 1’s uncle, Sava Andić, Anica Andić,Stevo Čeko, Jovo Čeko, Mirko Pećer, Gojko Andić, Bosa Andić, and Nikola Andić. 1276They were sitting on bags with clothes and other personal belongings. 1277 The witnesswas sitting at the back of the tractor, facing backwards. 1278 The witness testified thatthere were no weapons on the tractor and that she could not remember whether anybodyon the tractor wore military clothes. 1279 The group arrived in Kosovo in Orlićmunicipality on a village road and took the main road towards Knin. 1280 Close to the1272 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), Zadar Cantonal CourtInvestigations Centre record of onsite investigation, 28 December 1995, pp. 2-3; P1703 (Photograph ofclothes, KN02/077B); P1704 (Photograph of clothes, KN02/077B).1273 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,paras 14-15, Zagreb Forensic Institute report on circumstances of death, 22 February 2002; P1703(Photograph of clothes, KN02/077B); P1704 (Photograph of clothes, KN02/077B).1274 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 14, Burial permit for Mile Dragičević, 5 April 2002.1275 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, pp. 1-2, 2004 statement, p. 1; Witness 13, T. 16653.1276 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 2, 2004 statement, para. 2.1277 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2008 statement, para. 2; Witness 13, T. 16640.1278 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2008 statement, para. 2; Witness 13, T. 16640, 16663.1279 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 3, 2004 statement, para. 2, 2008 statement, para. 2; Witness 13, T. 16639-16640, 16651, 16657-16658; D1430 (Witness 13, supplemental information sheet, 24 February 2009).1280 P2352 (Witness 13, witness statements of 16 August 2000, 26 September 2004, and 19 February2008), 2000 statement, p. 2.179Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39137Zadar district prison where he stayed for approximately two months. 1260 On 13 October1995, he was transferred to Split prison. 1261 ICRC delegates visited him in Splitprison. 1262 The witness was treated nicely during his stay in the Zadar and the Splitprisons. 1263 In 1996, the witness stated that he had been charged with armed riot, and in2003 he stated that he had been charged with being a member of the SVK. 1264 Thecharges were later dropped and the witness was released from the Split prison on 31December 1995 and escorted by the regular police to a refugee centre in Ðakovo inSlavonia municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 1265 Either the ICRC or “the government” gave the witness thechoice of remaining in Croatia or going to Serbia. 1266 The witness elected to go toSerbia where his family members were now located, and was transferred to Serbia bybus on 13 January 1996. 1267 The witness and his family s<strong>et</strong>tled in Indjija, Serbia. 1268 In2003, the witness expressed his wish to r<strong>et</strong>urn to Croatia. 1269321. When the witness got to Serbia on 13 January 1996, he learned from familymembers that Croatian police had found his father dead in Kovačić, and that someonehad buried him in Knin cem<strong>et</strong>ery. 1270 The police investigation compl<strong>et</strong>ed in December1995 concluded that a man by the name of Ivo Vuković had found the body of MileDragičević, leaning against a tree one m<strong>et</strong>re from a dry-stone w<strong>al</strong>l near the bus stop inthe haml<strong>et</strong> of Topolje in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 1271 In December 1995, the chief physicianof the Zadar hospit<strong>al</strong> identified the body as that of Mile Dragičević and concluded that1259 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement.1260 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1261 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1262 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement.1263 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 13.1264 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13.1265 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 13, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1266 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1267 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 13, 9 July 2007 statment, para. 8.1268 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 1.1269 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 17.1270 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, paras 13-14, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 8.1271 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), Zadar Canton<strong>al</strong> CourtInvestigations Centre record of onsite investigation, 28 December 1995, p. 1, Zagreb Forensic Institutereport on circumstances of death, 22 February 2002, p. 1.178Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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