Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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39140Guards Brigade insignia with red and white checkerboard Croatian flags. 1222 Thewitness saw the soldiers pointing their guns at them and heard shooting andscreaming. 1223 When the car that the witness was driving approached the Croatian tanks,Vin<strong>et</strong>u Dragičević was able to escape from the passenger seat. 1224 The witness was notable to escape, as the Croatian soldiers were standing right next to his side of the car. 1225The witness saw people running through the fields. 1226 The witness saw the Croatiansoldiers stop a Mercedes and a refrigerator truck which had driven up behind them. 1227The soldiers removed from the Mercedes a man who wore a green Serbian Krajinauniform, which according to the witness was the same as the JNA uniforms. 1228 Thewitness heard the soldiers order the man to lie down and saw the soldiers search the carwhilst the man in the Serbian Krajina uniform was lying on the road. 1229 The witness<strong>al</strong>so saw another man in a Serbian Krajina uniform. 1230 The witness stated that when heapproached the tractor he saw on the back of the tractor the dead bodies of NikolaDragičević and Sava Čeko leaning in a sitting position against the side of the trailer. 1231The witness saw that Nikola Dragičević’s forehead was hurt but was unable tod<strong>et</strong>ermine wh<strong>et</strong>her he had suffered other wounds to his body as there was too muchblood to tell. 1232 The witness saw that another man was wounded and leaning against theside of the trailer. 1233 The witness <strong>al</strong>so saw and heard Croatian soldiers asking the1222 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 4.1223 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,paras 5-6.1224 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement, 9July 2007 statement, para. 6.1225 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement, 9July 2007 statement, para. 6.1226 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 5.1227 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 6.1228 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 6.1229 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 6.1230 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement, 9July 2007 statement, para. 5.1231 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, paras 5, 7.1232 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 7.1233 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 7, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 5.175Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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