Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39143took Witness 1 to the home of an SVK soldier, Savo Milovojević. 1188 There,Milovojević told Witness 1 that he and five other SVK soldiers had been captured onthat same day. 1189 Witness 1 later overheard the Croatian soldiers interrogating the sixSVK soldiers. 1190 He also heard the Croatian soldiers refer to their unit as the Pumas anddue to their accents concluded that they were from the Zagore area. 1191 Witness 1 sawthe soldiers bring in 20 SVK soldiers whom he later saw in a prison in Split. 1192 Atsome point, the Croatian commander put alcohol on Witness 1’s wound and dressedit. 1193 Due to a loss of blood, Witness 1 drifted in and out of consciousness, but waslater told by other detainees, including Dušan Dragičević, that Milovojević was takenfrom his home by the Croatian soldiers and two shots were heard from a distance. 1194According to Witness 1, Milovojević’s corpse was later found near his neighbour’shome some 100 metres from Milovojević’s house. 1195 Witness 1 and the others spent thenight in Milovojević’s home guarded by Croatian soldiers. 1196 Pera Bilbija, who wasalso detained at Milovojević’s house, was suffering from a gunshot wound in thethigh. 1197 At 5 or 6 p.m. on 6 August 1995, a Croatian soldier took Witness 1 and PeraBilbija by car to the hospital in Knin where Witness 1 received medical treatment fortwo months. 1198 Witness 1 was then taken to Zadar Prison for two days and transferredto Biljice Prison in Split where about 280 Serb prisoners were held. 1199 At BiljicePrison, Witness 1 met Vinetu Dragičević who had been on the tractor with him when it1188 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), pp. 2-3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 10; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8710-8711, 8763; P863 (Arial photograph of the road passing Savo Milivojovic’s house marked by Witness 1).1189 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10.1190 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 10.1191 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8763.1192 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 8.1193 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8763-8764; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February1996), p. 1.1194 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10, Witness 1, T. 8763.1195 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10.1196 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1197 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 4; P860 (Witness 1, witnessstatement, 9 July 2007), para. 11.1198 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), pp. 2-3; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9July 2007), para. 11; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8725, 8764,8776, 8778; D780 (MUP official record of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783 (Witness1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), pp. 1-2.172Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39142came under attack by Croatian soldiers. 1200 Vinetu Dragičević told Witness 1 that theday after the shooting incident, he and 20 others had surrendered to the HV. 1201 VinetuDragičević was then held in the Slavko Rodić military barracks in Knin for 20 days. 1202According to him, the captives at Slavko Rodić, including females, were beaten, forcedto perform hard labour, and then taken to a prison in Zadar by Croatian soldiers. 1203Vinetu Dragičević further told Witness 1 that three dead bodies including the body ofhis father Nikola Dragičević were taken by the Croatian military truck. 1204 On 30 or 31December 1995, Witness 1 was released due to President Tuñman’s amnesty and wastaken with all but 20 of the Biljice prisoners to the Gašinci camp in Croatia. 1205 Witness1 signed paperwork declaring his voluntary decision to travel to Serbia instead ofreturning to Croatia, because he was afraid that he would be killed by Croatian soldiersif he returned. 1206 After twelve days in Gašinci camp, Witness 1 and others were takenin three Croatian buses to the border of Yugoslavia where they were met by familymembers and a Red Cross official in charge of prisoners of war. 1207317. Dušan Dragičević, a Serb from Polača in Knin municipality, 1208 stated that on 4or 5 August 1995 he was home on sick leave from the army and could hear shellingprimarily from the direction of Knin. 1209 The witness and approximately 20 other peoplegathered in the centre of Polača and decided to flee. 1210 The majority of the villagers hadalready left Polača. 1211 The witness’s wife and children had left Polača approximatelytwo days earlier because they knew that fighting would start and that Polača was1199 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), pp. 2-3; Witness 1, T. 8764-8765; D780 (MUPofficial record of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1200 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3.1201 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3.1202 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3.1203 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), pp. 2-3.1204 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3.1205 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 11; Witness 1, T 8765, 8774.1206 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 11; D781 (Witness 1, witnessstatement, 18 July 2008), p. 3; Witness 1, T. 8712-8713; D780 (MUP official record of interview withWitness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 2.1207 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; Witness 1, T 8766.1208 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, p. 1, para. 1, 9 July 2007 statement, p. 1.1209 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 2, 9 July 2007 statement, para. 2.1210 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 16 February 1996 statement,13 October 2003 statement, para. 2.1211 P2517 (Dušan Dragičević, witness statements and associated exhibits), 13 October 2003 statement,para. 2.173Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39143took Witness 1 to the home of an SVK soldier, Savo Milovojević. 1188 There,Milovojević told Witness 1 that he and five other SVK soldiers had been captured onthat same day. 1189 Witness 1 later overheard the Croatian soldiers interrogating the sixSVK soldiers. 1190 He <strong>al</strong>so heard the Croatian soldiers refer to their unit as the Pumas anddue to their accents concluded that they were from the Zagore area. 1191 Witness 1 sawthe soldiers bring in 20 SVK soldiers whom he later saw in a prison in Split. 1192 Atsome point, the Croatian commander put <strong>al</strong>cohol on Witness 1’s wound and dressedit. 1193 Due to a loss of blood, Witness 1 drifted in and out of consciousness, but waslater told by other d<strong>et</strong>ainees, including Dušan Dragičević, that Milovojević was takenfrom his home by the Croatian soldiers and two shots were heard from a distance. 1194According to Witness 1, Milovojević’s corpse was later found near his neighbour’shome some 100 m<strong>et</strong>res from Milovojević’s house. 1195 Witness 1 and the others spent thenight in Milovojević’s home guarded by Croatian soldiers. 1196 Pera Bilbija, who was<strong>al</strong>so d<strong>et</strong>ained at Milovojević’s house, was suffering from a gunshot wound in th<strong>et</strong>high. 1197 At 5 or 6 p.m. on 6 August 1995, a Croatian soldier took Witness 1 and PeraBilbija by car to the hospit<strong>al</strong> in Knin where Witness 1 received medic<strong>al</strong> treatment fortwo months. 1198 Witness 1 was then taken to Zadar Prison for two days and transferredto Biljice Prison in Split where about 280 Serb prisoners were held. 1199 At BiljicePrison, Witness 1 m<strong>et</strong> Vin<strong>et</strong>u Dragičević who had been on the tractor with him when it1188 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), pp. 2-3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 10; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8710-8711, 8763; P863 (Ari<strong>al</strong> photograph of the road passing Savo Milivojovic’s house marked by Witness 1).1189 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10.1190 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 10.1191 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8763.1192 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 8.1193 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8763-8764; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February1996), p. 1.1194 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10, Witness 1, T. 8763.1195 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 10.1196 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1197 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 4; P860 (Witness 1, witnessstatement, 9 July 2007), para. 11.1198 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), pp. 2-3; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9July 2007), para. 11; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8725, 8764,8776, 8778; D780 (MUP offici<strong>al</strong> record of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783 (Witness1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), pp. 1-2.172Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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