Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39145Split, Krčić, and Vedro Polje, located no more than 20 metres in front of him. 1168 Therewere approximately 20 soldiers standing alongside the tanks. 1169 The soldiers identifiedthemselves as Croatian military and twice ordered the tractor to stop. 1170 MileDragičević, the tractor driver, panicked and drove on for a few metres beforestopping. 1171 The Croatian soldiers, armed with assault rifles, opened fire on thetractor. 1172 Some people jumped off the tractor and the vehicle and ran away towards thebushes while the Croatian soldiers shot after them. 1173 Witness 1 stated that his aunt andanother woman told him that the people were Vinetu Dragičević, Lazo Bilbija, MičoDragičević, and one more person. 1174 According to Witness 1, none of the individualswere killed by those shots. 1175 Witness 1, who remained on the tractor, attempted tododge the soldiers’ bullets but was hit by a bullet that passed through his right shoulderblade. 1176 Nikola Dragičević (a Serb born in 1935) and Savo Čeko (a Serb born in 1944)were also shot while on the tractor. 1177 According to the autopsy reports, the cause ofdeath for Nikola Dragičević and Savo Čeko were gunshot wounds to the chest. 1178 Mile1168 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 5; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8707,8709, 8742, 8744; D779 (Video clip showing the intersection in Kovačić); D780 (MUP official record ofinterview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February1996), p. 1.1169 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2.1170 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 6; Witness 1, T. 8743-8745, 8750,8772; D780 (MUP official record of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783 (Witness 1,Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1171 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 6; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), para. 7; D781 (Witness 1,witness statement, 18 July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8705-8706, 8750-8751, 8772; D780 (MUP officialrecord of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; P861 (Photograph of the road leading to theintersection in Kovačić marked by Witness 1).1172 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 8; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), para. 7; Witness 1, T. 8707.1173 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 7; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), para. 8; Witness 1, T. 8752;D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1174 P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), para. 8; Witness 1, T. 8761.1175 Witness 1, T. 8761.1176 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9July 2007), para. 6; D780 (MUP official record of interview with Witness 1, 17 July 2008), p. 1; D783(Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1177 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; Witness 1, T. 8703; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witness statement, 13 February 1996), p.1; P659 (List of names of persons whose remains were exhumed and identified in Grbolje and Knin in2002); P864 (Autopsy report of Sava Čeko, 21 June 2001); P865 (Death report of Sava Čeko, 16 April2002); P866 (Autopsy report of Nikola Dragičević, 21 June 2001); P867 (Death report of NikolaDragičević, 16 April 2002).1178 P659 (List of names of persons whose remains were exhumed and identified in Grbolje and Knin in2002); P864 (Autopsy report of Sava Čeko, 21 June 2001); P866 (Autopsy report of Nikola Dragičević,21 June 2001); P1695 (Photograph of skull, KN03/108B); P1696 (Photograph of skull, KN03/108B);P1697 (Photograph of clothes, KN03/108B); P1698 (Photograph of clothes, KN03/108B); P1705170Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39144Dragičević, a Serb born in 1933, was shot while still in the driver’s seat of the tractorand Witness 1 later learned that he bled to death. 1179 The autopsy report of MileDragičević states that the cause of death was likely blood loss or other complicationscaused by gunshot injuries to the legs. 1180 John Clark found the steel core of a bullet inhis remains, along with bullet fragments. 1181316. Once the soldiers had stopped shooting, they took everyone but Witness 1 andthree deceased to a nearby house. 1182 Witness 1 testified that sometime after theshooting, a man approximately 40 years old, driving a Mercedes and dressed in Serbiancamouflage uniform stopped his car three metres away from the tractor. 1183 TheCroatian soldiers ordered the man out of the vehicle and took him away. 1184 Witness 1did not know what happened to this man. 1185 After Witness 1 had laid on the tractor forsome time, a Croatian soldier cocked his gun and suggested that he would kill Witness 1because Witness 1 had already lost so much blood, but another soldier stopped himarguing that Witness 1 might be innocent. 1186 Eventually, Witness 1 was removed fromthe tractor and believed that he was taken by his mother and another woman to a shadedarea where he remained for about half an hour and then to the woman’s home where helay for about four hours. 1187 That evening at approximately 6-8 p.m., Croatian soldiers(Photograph of identification card, Sava Čeko); P1706 (Photograph of bones, KN03/115B); P1707(Photograph of bones, KN03/115B); P1708 (Photograph of clothes, KN03/115B); P1709 (Photograph ofclothes, KN03/115B); P2002 (List of identified persons exhumed in Knin).1179 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; P869 (Death report of Mile Dragičević, 22 February 2002).1180 P659 (List of names of persons whose remains were exhumed and identified in Grbolje and Knin in2002); P868 (Autopsy report of Mile Dragičević, 25 June 2001); P869 (Death report of Mile Dragičević,22 February 2002); P1699 (Photograph of bones, KN02/077B); P1700 (Photograph of bone,KN02/077B); P1701 (Photograph of exhumation site, KN02/077B); P1702 (Photograph of bulletfragments, KN02/077B); P1703 (Photograph of clothes, KN02/077B); P1704 (Photograph of clothes,KN02/077B); P2002 (List of identified persons exhumed in Knin).1181 P868 (Autopsy report of Mile Dragičević, 25 June 2001), pp. 1-3, 7, 10-11.1182 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 9; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), paras 7, 9; Witness 1, T8762.1183 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1184 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1185 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1186 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 9; P860 (Witness 1, witnessstatement, 9 July 2007), para. 10.1187 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 9; Witness 1, T 8708, 8710, 8762; P862 (Arial photograph of the road leading tothe intersection in Kovačić marked by Witness 1).171Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39144Dragičević, a Serb born in 1933, was shot while still in the driver’s seat of the tractorand Witness 1 later learned that he bled to death. 1179 The autopsy report of MileDragičević states that the cause of death was likely blood loss or other complicationscaused by gunshot injuries to the legs. 1180 John Clark found the steel core of a bull<strong>et</strong> inhis remains, <strong>al</strong>ong with bull<strong>et</strong> fragments. 1181316. Once the soldiers had stopped shooting, they took everyone but Witness 1 andthree deceased to a nearby house. 1182 Witness 1 testified that som<strong>et</strong>ime after theshooting, a man approximately 40 years old, driving a Mercedes and dressed in Serbiancamouflage uniform stopped his car three m<strong>et</strong>res away from the tractor. 1183 TheCroatian soldiers ordered the man out of the vehicle and took him away. 1184 Witness 1did not know what happened to this man. 1185 After Witness 1 had laid on the tractor forsome time, a Croatian soldier cocked his gun and suggested that he would kill Witness 1because Witness 1 had <strong>al</strong>ready lost so much blood, but another soldier stopped himarguing that Witness 1 might be innocent. 1186 Eventu<strong>al</strong>ly, Witness 1 was removed fromthe tractor and believed that he was taken by his mother and another woman to a shadedarea where he remained for about h<strong>al</strong>f an hour and then to the woman’s home where helay for about four hours. 1187 That evening at approximately 6-8 p.m., Croatian soldiers(Photograph of identification card, Sava Čeko); P1706 (Photograph of bones, KN03/115B); P1707(Photograph of bones, KN03/115B); P1708 (Photograph of clothes, KN03/115B); P1709 (Photograph ofclothes, KN03/115B); P2002 (List of identified persons exhumed in Knin).1179 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D781 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18July 2008), p. 2; P869 (Death report of Mile Dragičević, 22 February 2002).1180 P659 (List of names of persons whose remains were exhumed and identified in Grbolje and Knin in2002); P868 (Autopsy report of Mile Dragičević, 25 June 2001); P869 (Death report of Mile Dragičević,22 February 2002); P1699 (Photograph of bones, KN02/077B); P1700 (Photograph of bone,KN02/077B); P1701 (Photograph of exhumation site, KN02/077B); P1702 (Photograph of bull<strong>et</strong>fragments, KN02/077B); P1703 (Photograph of clothes, KN02/077B); P1704 (Photograph of clothes,KN02/077B); P2002 (List of identified persons exhumed in Knin).1181 P868 (Autopsy report of Mile Dragičević, 25 June 2001), pp. 1-3, 7, 10-11.1182 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 9; P860 (Witness 1, witness statement, 9 July 2007), paras 7, 9; Witness 1, T8762.1183 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1184 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1185 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 2; D783 (Witness 1, Veritas witnessstatement, 13 February 1996), p. 1.1186 P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21 September 2004), para. 9; P860 (Witness 1, witnessstatement, 9 July 2007), para. 10.1187 P858 (Witness 1, witness statement, 18 August 2000), p. 3; P859 (Witness 1, witness statement, 21September 2004), para. 9; Witness 1, T 8708, 8710, 8762; P862 (Ari<strong>al</strong> photograph of the road leading tothe intersection in Kovačić marked by Witness 1).171Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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