Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39153individuals who had been killed. 1126 Romassev was informed, unofficially, by the Chiefof the Knin Police Department that Boja Milošević, a Serb villager, was present in thevillage during the killings which had occurred on 28 September 1995 at 5 p.m. 1127Milošević told Romassev that at the time she had been outside her house working with ahorse but hid when she heard the shots. After the incident, she fled from the village andreported the shooting to the police. A second villager, Milan Pokrajac, also heard theshooting but did not pay very much attention. Romassev stated that there wasinformation that the murders had been committed by men in black uniforms. Romassevalso stated that there was a rumour that a certain paramilitary revenge group that existedin the area may have committed the murders. 1128 According to Romassev, the Croatianpolice investigated this case properly. 1129301. Witness 84, a police officer in Knin, 1130 testified that an official note showedthat on 30 September 1995, the police station in Knin received information from JagorTomašević, an employee of the ICRC, notifying the police that earlier that day between10-11 a.m., he had driven his car with humanitarian aid to Varivode in Kistanjemunicipality. When Tomašević arrived in Varivode he found the village, where severaldays ago there had been 13 people, deserted. According to documentary evidenceTomašević had seen blood on the walls and the floors of one of the houses and rubbergloves scattered throughout the village. 1131302. On 6 October 1995, at 11 a.m., a duty officer of the Knin Police Station reportedto the Knin VP Duty Service that a camouflaged HV TAM Truck that matched thedescription of a vehicle seen during the murder of nine persons in Varivode in Kistanjemunicipality, was stopped at the Stara Straža check-point in Knin municipality. 1132 Itwas recorded in the Knin VP duty log that the vehicle and its driver, a member of the1126 P2513 (Petro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 10 (Petro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1127 P2513 (Petro Romassev, two witness statements), pp. 9-10 (Petro Romassev, witness statement, 8June 1997).1128 P2513 (Petro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 10 (Petro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1129 P2513 (Petro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 9 (Petro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1130 P1035 (Witness 84, pseudonym sheet); P2393 (Witness 84, witness statement, 20 November 2007), p.1; P2394 (Witness 84, witness statement, 11 July 2004), p. 1; P2395 (Witness 84, witness statement 9March 2002), pp. 1-3; Witness 84, T. 11061, 11073, 11094, 11101, 11358, 11360.1131 P2394 (Witness 84, witness statement, 11 July 2004), para. 10; P1043 (MUP official note of interviewwith Jagor Tomašević, 30 September 1995).1132 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of 6October 1995.162Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39152Zadar VP, were brought into the Duty Service and handed over for crime processing tothe Company’s “SzK” of the Knin regular military police and that after processing, thedriver was released so that he could continue to carry out his assigned task. 1133 BoškoDžolić, a former Company Commander of the 72nd VP Battalion who was theCommander of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 5 to 12 August 1995, 1134 testifiedthat, sometime after he left Knin, he heard about the killings in Varivode in Kistanjemunicipality from colleagues within the 72nd VP Battalion who were involved in theinvestigation of these killings. 1135303. In a letter, the ICRC reported to Čermak that on 26 September 1995 ICRCpersonnel had visited Varivode, in Kistanje municipality, and distributed aid to theremaining 13 persons, while in total 18 people in the village were receiving ICRCaid. 1136 According to the letter, on 30 September 1995, an ICRC team visited Varivodebut found a deserted village with fresh blood on the ground, fresh blood on, and bulletholes in, the walls, and bloody gloves scattered around. On the same day, the ICRCpersonnel reported the case to the military headquarters and police authorities in Knin,requesting an investigation. On 2 October 1995, Ms Vranković in Smrdelje, also inKistanje municipality, told the ICRC that on 29 September 1995, a citizen from Šibenikhad gone to Varivode, but returned around noon to Smrdelje in a state of shock and toldMs Vranković that he had found nine bodies in Varivode, on which stab and entry-andexitwounds could be seen. The citizen went to Šibenik on the same day and reportedthe case to the police. The letter further stated that on 2 October 1995, it was reportedthat some of the names of the villagers from Varivode, as registered by the ICRC, wereinscribed on graves in the Knin cemetery, namely: Dušan Dukić (born 1937); ŠpiroBerić (born 1940); Jovo/Jovan Berić (born 1920); another Jovo/Jovan Berić (born1133 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of 6October 1995.1134 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), p. 1, paras 3, 4, 20, 21, 53; P876 (BoškoDžolić, witness statement, 20 August 2008), p. 1, paras 27, 32, 33; Boško Džolić, T. 8888, 8906, 8916,8922, 8968, 8987, 8999, 9068; P882 (Report by Major General Mate Laušić on the use of VP units inOperation Storm, 6 August 1995); D786 (Organigram of the 72nd VP Battalion from August to October1995); D787 (Daily Order of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 5 August to 23 September 1995), pp. 7,10, 17, 21.1135 P875 (Boško Džolić, witness statement, 18 May 2004), para. 66; P876 (Boško Džolić, witnessstatement, 20 August 2008), para. 5.1136 D1756 (ICRC letter to Ivan Čermak, 7 October 1995), p. 2. Although the document is dated 7September 1995, based on hand-written corrections and the documents’ content the Trial Chamberdetermined that the document should be dated 7 October 1995.163Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39153individu<strong>al</strong>s who had been killed. 1126 Romassev was informed, unoffici<strong>al</strong>ly, by the Chiefof the Knin Police Department that Boja Milošević, a Serb villager, was present in thevillage during the killings which had occurred on 28 September 1995 at 5 p.m. 1127Milošević told Romassev that at the time she had been outside her house working with ahorse but hid when she heard the shots. After the incident, she fled from the village andreported the shooting to the police. A second villager, Milan Pokrajac, <strong>al</strong>so heard theshooting but did not pay very much attention. Romassev stated that there wasinformation that the murders had been committed by men in black uniforms. Romassev<strong>al</strong>so stated that there was a rumour that a certain paramilitary revenge group that existedin the area may have committed the murders. 1128 According to Romassev, the Croatianpolice investigated this case properly. 1129301. Witness 84, a police officer in Knin, 1130 testified that an offici<strong>al</strong> note showedthat on 30 September 1995, the police station in Knin received information from JagorTomašević, an employee of the ICRC, notifying the police that earlier that day b<strong>et</strong>ween10-11 a.m., he had driven his car with humanitarian aid to Varivode in Kistanjemunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. When Tomašević arrived in Varivode he found the village, where sever<strong>al</strong>days ago there had been 13 people, deserted. According to documentary evidenceTomašević had seen blood on the w<strong>al</strong>ls and the floors of one of the houses and rubbergloves scattered throughout the village. 1131302. On 6 October 1995, at 11 a.m., a duty officer of the Knin Police Station reportedto the Knin VP Duty Service that a camouflaged HV TAM Truck that matched thedescription of a vehicle seen during the murder of nine persons in Varivode in Kistanjemunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, was stopped at the Stara Straža check-point in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 1132 Itwas recorded in the Knin VP duty log that the vehicle and its driver, a member of the1126 P2513 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 10 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1127 P2513 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, two witness statements), pp. 9-10 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, witness statement, 8June 1997).1128 P2513 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 10 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1129 P2513 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, two witness statements), p. 9 (P<strong>et</strong>ro Romassev, witness statement, 8 June1997).1130 P1035 (Witness 84, pseudonym she<strong>et</strong>); P2393 (Witness 84, witness statement, 20 November 2007), p.1; P2394 (Witness 84, witness statement, 11 July 2004), p. 1; P2395 (Witness 84, witness statement 9March 2002), pp. 1-3; Witness 84, T. 11061, 11073, 11094, 11101, 11358, 11360.1131 P2394 (Witness 84, witness statement, 11 July 2004), para. 10; P1043 (MUP offici<strong>al</strong> note of interviewwith Jagor Tomašević, 30 September 1995).1132 P886 (Duty Log of the Joint VP Company in Knin from 11 August to 11 November 1995), entry of 6October 1995.162Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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