Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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39167272. At 11:35 a.m. on 21 August 1995, an UNMO team found two dead bodies inKakanj, Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity. A villager told the UNMOs that two HV soldiers cam<strong>et</strong>o the village on 18 August 1995, at 6 p.m. and that they beat him and they killed th<strong>et</strong>wo individu<strong>al</strong>s. The villager <strong>al</strong>so told the UNMOs that his house was burned by twoother HV soldiers on 16 August 1995. Another villager informed the UNMOs that HVsoldiers stole everything from his house, as well as his tractor. 1033273. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received forensic documentation with regard to the<strong>al</strong>leged murders. According to this, on 17 April 2000 two bodies with lead tagsrespectively marked 445 and 446 were exhumed by employees of a public funer<strong>al</strong>enterprise from Zadar town cem<strong>et</strong>ery, in the presence of offici<strong>al</strong>s of Croatian judici<strong>al</strong>and prosecuting authorities. 1034 During the exhumation Mirko and Čedomir Ognjenovićidentified the body marked 446 as Uroš Ognjenović, by his clothes and te<strong>et</strong>h, and UrošŠarić’s son identified the body marked 445 as Uroš Šarić, by his clothes and te<strong>et</strong>h. 1035Uroš Šarić wore greenish long trousers with blue lining and the label Kninjanka on theinside. 1036 A pathologist established that Uroš Šarić died more than four years prior,from crushing of the brain and hemorrhagic shock caused by pen<strong>et</strong>rating wounds to thehead and chest. 1037 He established that Uroš Ognjenović died more than four years prior,from crushing of the brain caused by a bull<strong>et</strong> from a firearm. 1038274. An investigative judge of the county court in Šibenik sent in late April 2000 boththe record on the exhumation and the record on the examination of the mort<strong>al</strong> remainsto the county state prosecutor in Šibenik, and Željko Žganjer in turn sent it on 2 May2000 to the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with a request to interview MirkoOgnjenović and Radoslav Ognjenović. 1039 On 16 May 2000, the witness wasinterviewed by a Croatian police officer and on 18 July 2000 the police showed thewitness and Radoslav Ognjenović a series of nine pictures, among which the photo of1033 D93 (UNMO Sector South daily situation report, 7 p.m., 21 August 1995), p. 3.1034 P991 (Photo-documentation of on-site investigation by the Police Administration of Zadar, 17 April2000); P996 (Forensic records of Šibenik county state prosecutor’s office for Uroš Ognjenović and UrošŠarić), pp. 3, 7; D874 (L<strong>et</strong>ters from the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with offici<strong>al</strong> notes), p. 1.1035 Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10719; P996 (Forensic records of Šibenik county state prosecutor’s office forUroš Ognjenović and Uroš Šarić), pp. 3-5, 7-8.1036 P996 (Forensic records of Šibenik county state prosecutor’s office for Uroš Ognjenović and UrošŠarić), pp. 3, 5, 7-8.1037 P996 (Forensic records of Šibenik county state prosecutor’s office for Uroš Ognjenović and UrošŠarić), pp. 3-5.1038 P996 (Forensic records of Šibenik county state prosecutor’s office for Uroš Ognjenović and UrošŠarić), pp. 3-5.148Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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