Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39171on the ground as a result of having been kicked in the stomach by the same soldier. 995Then the witness went to the house of Uroš Ognjenović, which was 200-250 metresaway. 996 When he opened the gate to the yard he saw in the bright moonlight the bodiesof Uroš Ognjenović and Uroš Šarić lying in the yard. 997 They were not wearing militarytrousers, but Uroš Šarić was wearing police trousers, because his son, a policeman, hadgiven him a pair. 998 They were lying on their left sides and there was a lot of bloodaround their bodies. 999 The witness pushed the bodies with his boot and was sure theywere dead. 1000 Then he went to the house of Rajko Gajica, who told the witness that hehad heard shots on two separate occasions with a period of about half an hour betweenthem. 1001 In the morning, on 19 August 1995, as the witness covered up the two bodies,he saw a hole under the chin of Uroš Ognjenović and noticed that the top of his headwas missing. 1002 Then the witness went home and saw a number of bullet holes in theconcrete of his yard and five or six shell cases from an automatic rifle. 1003 In order toreport the dead bodies to the police, the witness went by bicycle to the village ofðevrske in Kistanje municipality. 1004 He could not find any police, but he saw soldiersin HV uniforms looting houses. 1005 When he asked the soldiers for the police, they toldhim there were no police. 1006 When the witness returned to his village, RadoslavOgnjenović told him that Rajko Gajica had gone to Bratiškovci, in Skradinmunicipality, to report the bodies to the civilian police. 1007995 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 7.996 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 7; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10718;D874 (Letters from the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.997 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 7; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), pp. 1, 6.998 Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10719, 10743.999 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 7.1000 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 7; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.1001 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), pp. 7-8; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10733-10734; D874 (Letters from the Police Administration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.1002 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.1003 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8.1004 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.1005 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8; D874 (Letters from the PoliceAdministration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), p. 6.1006 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8.1007 P989 (Mirko Ognjenović, witness statement, 24 January 1999), p. 8; Mirko Ognjenović, T. 10733,10742; P992 (Criminal report submitted by Srećko Šarić, 28 August 1995), p. 2; D874 (Letters from thePolice Administration of Šibenik-Knin with official notes), pp. 3, 6.144Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39170268. Radoslav Ognjenović, a Serb born in 1908 from the Serb village of Kakanj inKistanje municipality, 1008 stated that after 7 p.m. on 18 August 1995, while he was atMirko Ognjenović’s house with Mirko Ognjenović (born in 1921) and Uroš Ognjenović(born in 1926), two men with automatic rifles entered through the front gate. 1009 One ofthem wore civilian clothes and looked 20 years old at most, while the other was over 30years old and wore military camouflage uniform. The latter started shooting on theground in front of the men. The witness heard the man in civilian clothes say somethinglike, “Nedo, don’t shoot”, with a local accent. 1010 The witness saw Mirko Ognjenovićfall down. The man in the military camouflage uniform then hit the witness in the sidewith his rifle butt and the witness collapsed. The witness looked up and saw the manwearing camouflage leading Uroš Ognjenović away. The same man then shot his rifletowards the ground wounding the witness in the upper part of his right arm. 1011 Later,Mirko Ognjenović stood up, and the witness saw that his forehead was bleeding. 1012Mirko Ognjenović helped the witness inside the house, and told the witness that hewould look for Uroš Ognjenović and another man from Kakanj called Uroš Šarić (bornin 1919). 1013 Shortly thereafter, Mirko Ognjenović returned and told the witness thatUroš Ognjenović and Uroš Šarić were dead, lying in the former’s yard. 1014269. The witness stated that on 19 August 1995, Mirko Ognjenović went to Ðevrskevillage in Kistanje municipality and returned saying that he could not find the police.The witness then walked six kilometres to the village of Bratiškovci, in Skradinmunicipality, to report these incidents to the police. From there, unidentified personsescorted the witness to the police station in Skradin. The Skradin police then took himto the Šibenik hospital where his injury was tended to, and which was described to himas an “enter-exit wound”. 1015 On the following day, he was taken to the island ofObojane where he remained for seven days. On 28 August 1995, the witness went toKnin and stayed with his brother’s son in their jointly owned home. He returned to his1008 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), p. 1, paras 1, 5.1009 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), paras 6, 15.1010 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 15.1011 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 16.1012 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 17.1013 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), paras 6, 17.1014 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 17.1015 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 18.145Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39170268. Radoslav Ognjenović, a Serb born in 1908 from the Serb village of Kakanj inKistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity, 1008 stated that after 7 p.m. on 18 August 1995, while he was atMirko Ognjenović’s house with Mirko Ognjenović (born in 1921) and Uroš Ognjenović(born in 1926), two men with automatic rifles entered through the front gate. 1009 One ofthem wore civilian clothes and looked 20 years old at most, while the other was over 30years old and wore military camouflage uniform. The latter started shooting on theground in front of the men. The witness heard the man in civilian clothes say som<strong>et</strong>hinglike, “Nedo, don’t shoot”, with a loc<strong>al</strong> accent. 1010 The witness saw Mirko Ognjenovićf<strong>al</strong>l down. The man in the military camouflage uniform then hit the witness in the sidewith his rifle butt and the witness collapsed. The witness looked up and saw the manwearing camouflage leading Uroš Ognjenović away. The same man then shot his rifl<strong>et</strong>owards the ground wounding the witness in the upper part of his right arm. 1011 Later,Mirko Ognjenović stood up, and the witness saw that his forehead was bleeding. 1012Mirko Ognjenović helped the witness inside the house, and told the witness that hewould look for Uroš Ognjenović and another man from Kakanj c<strong>al</strong>led Uroš Šarić (bornin 1919). 1013 Shortly thereafter, Mirko Ognjenović r<strong>et</strong>urned and told the witness thatUroš Ognjenović and Uroš Šarić were dead, lying in the former’s yard. 1014269. The witness stated that on 19 August 1995, Mirko Ognjenović went to Ðevrskevillage in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity and r<strong>et</strong>urned saying that he could not find the police.The witness then w<strong>al</strong>ked six kilom<strong>et</strong>res to the village of Bratiškovci, in Skradinmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, to report these incidents to the police. From there, unidentified personsescorted the witness to the police station in Skradin. The Skradin police then took himto the Šibenik hospit<strong>al</strong> where his injury was tended to, and which was described to himas an “enter-exit wound”. 1015 On the following day, he was taken to the island ofObojane where he remained for seven days. On 28 August 1995, the witness went toKnin and stayed with his brother’s son in their jointly owned home. He r<strong>et</strong>urned to his1008 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), p. 1, paras 1, 5.1009 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), paras 6, 15.1010 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 15.1011 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 16.1012 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 17.1013 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), paras 6, 17.1014 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 17.1015 P2511 (Radoslav Ognjenović, witness statement, 23 January 1999), para. 18.145Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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