Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39187but acquitted him of Sava Babić’s murder. 887 Dukić was originally convicted ofmurdering Petar Bota by a Military Court in Split on 13 September 1996. 888 Thisjudgement was appealed and on 13 August 1997 the Supreme Court of Croatia inZagreb annulled the original judgement and remanded the case to the County Court inZadar. 889 According to the judgement, at 10 p.m., on 28 September 1995 Gojko Ljutić,Mario Dukić and Neven Brčić (the accused) went to the house of Petar Bota in Kolarina(which both Dukić and Brčić identified as a Serb, or Chetnik town) with the intention ofobtaining sheep. 890 Considering the evidence, the Croatian Court determined that PetarBota willingly gave his sheep to the accused that night. 891 Brčić and Ljutić observedDukić arguing with Bota while they carried sheep towards their van. 892 As Brčić andLjutić arrived at the van, both heard a pair of gunshots. 893 During the investigation andat trial, Dukić stated that he carried a pistol in his belt on the night of the incident. 894During the investigation, Dukić also stated he could not remember killing Bota, and thathe was drunk on the night of the incident, and at trial Dukić repeated his earlierstatements and added that he may have heard a shot fired but did not know who firedit. 895 Evidence from a pathologist introduced to the Croatian Court showed that Botasustained two gunshot wounds, one of which was to the chest, and fatal. 896 A ballisticsreport confirmed that the Crevena zastava M-57 pistol, confiscated from Dukić, hadfired the cartridge found at the crime scene. 897 Relying on the evidence before it, the887 Mladen Bajić, T. 20837-20838; P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić,and Brčić for the murder of Petar Botar and Sava Babić), pp. 1, 35-37, 45-47, 49-53.888 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part I, p. 19.889 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 4.890 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 1, 9.891 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, pp. 5-7, 9-10, 15.892 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, pp. 6, 8.893 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, pp. 7-8.894 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 4-5.895 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, pp. 4-5.896 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 10.897 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 11.128Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39186Croatian Court found that Dukić fired two shots at Bota, killing him. 898 Dukić’sacquittal in the Sava Babić case was based on, inter alia, the County Court’s findingthat Mario Dukić purchased the pistol used to kill Sava Babić in mid-September 1995while Sava Babić died, according to the County Court, between 1 and 5 September1995. 899238. The evidence indicates that sometime between 1 and 4 September 1995, SavaBabić died from gunshot wounds to the head in Mokro Polje, a hamlet in Ervenikmunicipality. In this regard, the Trial Chamber is aware that part of the evidence refersto Mokro Polje as being located in the Kistanje area, however it has concluded that thiswas due to clerical errors and/or to the fact that Mokro Polje is situated roughly at thesame distance from both Ervenik and Kistanje. The evidence also indicates that SavaBabić was of Serb ethnicity and that, on 1 September 1995, she told internationalobservers that HV soldiers had mistreated her. The Trial Chamber received evidencethat, at the time, Croatian investigators suspected Mario Dukić, a member of the 3rdbattalion of the 134th Home Guard Regiment, of murdering Sava Babić because a 7.62-millimetre cartridge identified as being fired from his gun was found in the vicinity ofher body. However, the same source also indicates that Mario Dukić purchased the gunused to kill Sava Babić sometime after her death, and that this led, together with otherfactors, to Dukić’s acquittal. Under these circumstances, there is insufficient evidence asto by whom the victim was killed. Therefore, the Trial Chamber will not furtherconsider this incident in relation to Counts 1, 6, and 7 of the Indictment.4.1.7 Gračac municipalityDušan Brkić (Further Clarification no. 22)239. The Trial Chamber has received relevant evidence with regard to the allegedmurder of Dušan Brkić, through the testimonies of Laila Malm and Bogdan Brkić, aswell as forensic documentation. Laila Malm, a UNCIVPOL member working in Knin,Benkovac, Gračac, and Obrovac municipalities between 26 August and December898 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 1.899 P2611 (Documentation on legal proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of PetarBotar and Sava Babić), pp. 51-52.129Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39186Croatian Court found that Dukić fired two shots at Bota, killing him. 898 Dukić’sacquitt<strong>al</strong> in the Sava Babić case was based on, inter <strong>al</strong>ia, the County Court’s findingthat Mario Dukić purchased the pistol used to kill Sava Babić in mid-September 1995while Sava Babić died, according to the County Court, b<strong>et</strong>ween 1 and 5 September1995. 899238. The evidence indicates that som<strong>et</strong>ime b<strong>et</strong>ween 1 and 4 September 1995, SavaBabić died from gunshot wounds to the head in Mokro Polje, a haml<strong>et</strong> in Ervenikmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. In this regard, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber is aware that part of the evidence refersto Mokro Polje as being located in the Kistanje area, however it has concluded that thiswas due to cleric<strong>al</strong> errors and/or to the fact that Mokro Polje is situated roughly at thesame distance from both Ervenik and Kistanje. The evidence <strong>al</strong>so indicates that SavaBabić was of Serb <strong>et</strong>hnicity and that, on 1 September 1995, she told internation<strong>al</strong>observers that HV soldiers had mistreated her. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber received evidenc<strong>et</strong>hat, at the time, Croatian investigators suspected Mario Dukić, a member of the 3rdbatt<strong>al</strong>ion of the 134th Home Guard Regiment, of murdering Sava Babić because a 7.62-millim<strong>et</strong>re cartridge identified as being fired from his gun was found in the vicinity ofher body. However, the same source <strong>al</strong>so indicates that Mario Dukić purchased the gunused to kill Sava Babić som<strong>et</strong>ime after her death, and that this led, tog<strong>et</strong>her with otherfactors, to Dukić’s acquitt<strong>al</strong>. Under these circumstances, there is insufficient evidence asto by whom the victim was killed. Therefore, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber will not furtherconsider this incident in relation to Counts 1, 6, and 7 of the Indictment.4.1.7 Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ityDušan Brkić (Further Clarification no. 22)239. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received relevant evidence with regard to the <strong>al</strong>legedmurder of Dušan Brkić, through the testimonies of Laila M<strong>al</strong>m and Bogdan Brkić, aswell as forensic documentation. Laila M<strong>al</strong>m, a UNCIVPOL member working in Knin,Benkovac, Gračac, and Obrovac municip<strong>al</strong>ities b<strong>et</strong>ween 26 August and December898 P2611 (Documentation on leg<strong>al</strong> proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of P<strong>et</strong>arBota and Sava Babić), Part III, p. 1.899 P2611 (Documentation on leg<strong>al</strong> proceedings against Dukić, Ljutić, and Brčić for the murder of P<strong>et</strong>arBotar and Sava Babić), pp. 51-52.129Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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