Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39205on their shoulders. 736 Some had caps under their epaulets and the witness noticedcheckerboards on some of the caps. 737 Most of the soldiers were bare-headed but somewere wearing white head bands. 738 Many of the soldiers also wore black fingerlessknitted gloves. 739 The witness stated that there were 86-100 houses in Oraovac. 740According to the witness, most people had left Oraovac before Operation Storm began,so that there were only six people left in the town on 7 August 1995. 741 In addition tothe witness and his brother Marko, these were Rade Bibić (born in 1917), his wife RužaBibić (a little younger), Stevo Ajduković (born around 1935), and an old immobilewoman named “Bika” ðukić. 742 Soldiers brought them, all in civilian clothes, to theplace where the witness and his brother were sitting, with the exception of Bikaðukić. 743 The witness stated that he did not know what happened to her. 744 Anotherarmed soldier in a grey-green uniform, who was thin and about 1.86 metres tall, came tothe group, called them “Chetniks”, threatened, and cursed them. 745 The witness hadbeen sitting for less than one hour, when the soldier ordered the group to stand up andstart walking. 746 The soldier was walking in front of the group, going in the direction ofGornji Lapac, and some other soldiers were walking some 30 metres behind. 747 Around50 metres before the last house in Oraovac, the witness saw an open gate andimmediately ran into it. 748 The witness stated that nobody shouted or shot and hebelieved that nobody even noticed his escape. 749 The witness then hid in a bush andabout five to ten minutes later heard eight single pistol shots fired in sets of four coming736 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.737 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9; Milan Ilić, T. 7574.738 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.739 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.740 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 18.741 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2.742 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 10.743 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 10.744 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), pp. 2-3.745 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 11.746 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), paras 10-11.747 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 11.748 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3.749 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3.110Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39204from the direction where the soldier had taken the group. 750 The witness stated that hereported about his brother and the other people from Oraovac to the ICRC, but receivedthe response that none of them were registered, neither dead nor alive. 751 He alsoinformed the police in Donji Lapac, who eventually told him that most of the victimsfrom the area were buried in the Gračac cemetery. 752212. The Trial Chamber has received forensic documentation with regard to all of thevictims and this will be reviewed below. On 4 September 1995, a male between 65 and75 years old was found with a gunshot wound to the head, determined by a forensicpathologist to be the cause of death, 50 metres east of the last house in Oraovac. 753 Onthe body, a wallet and an identification of Marko Ilić were found, among other items. 754According to his report on circumstances of death, which is based at least in part oninformation provided by Marko Ilić’s son Ðuro Ilić, Marko Ilić, a Serb, died in Oraovacon 5 August 1995. 755 On 18 May 2003, ðuro Ilić identified the body of Marko Ilić andtold the witness about it. 756 The body was then buried in the cemetery in Oraovac on 24May 2003. 757 The following bodies were also found 50 metres east of the last house ofOraovac on 4 September 1995: a 55-65-year-old male with a gunshot injury to the head– found by a forensic pathologist to be the cause of death – and bits of a projectile in hisskull cavity, a 60-80-year-old female dressed in a blue sleeveless buttoned-up dress withlining and a negligee and a rubber shoe, with a gunshot injury to the head - found by aforensic pathologist to be the cause of death, and a 40-60-year-old male with damage tothe front of the skull, fractures to the ribs on both the left and right side, and bruising tothe torso, for which a forensic pathologist determined an explosive injury to the headand trunk to be the probable cause of death. 758 With respect to remains G03/017B, Dr.Eric Baccard, who worked for the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal750 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 11.751 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3.752 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), paras 19-20.753 P727 (Supplement mortal remains of G03/015B), p. 2; P728 (Autopsy report of G03/015B, 1 October2002), pp. 1-3, 25-26, 29.754 P728 (Autopsy report of G03/015B, 1 October 2002), pp. 1-2, 6-7, 12.755 P730 (Report on circumstances of death of Marko Ilić, 16 May 2003), pp. 1-2.756 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 21.757 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 21.758 P731 (Supplement mortal remains of G03/018B); P732 (Autopsy report of G03/018B, 15 October2002), pp. 1-2, 8, 24, 27, 31; P734 (Supplement mortal remains of G03/017B), p. 2; P735 (Autopsy reportof G03/017B, 15 October 2002), pp. 1-3, 21, 24; P737 (Supplement mortal remains of G03/016B); P738(Autopsy report of G03/016B, 1 October 2002), pp. 1-2, 9-11, 19, 22, 25.111Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39205on their shoulders. 736 Some had caps under their epaul<strong>et</strong>s and the witness noticedcheckerboards on some of the caps. 737 Most of the soldiers were bare-headed but somewere wearing white head bands. 738 Many of the soldiers <strong>al</strong>so wore black fingerlessknitted gloves. 739 The witness stated that there were 86-100 houses in Oraovac. 740According to the witness, most people had left Oraovac before Operation Storm began,so that there were only six people left in the town on 7 August 1995. 741 In addition tothe witness and his brother Marko, these were Rade Bibić (born in 1917), his wife RužaBibić (a little younger), Stevo Ajduković (born around 1935), and an old immobilewoman named “Bika” ðukić. 742 Soldiers brought them, <strong>al</strong>l in civilian clothes, to theplace where the witness and his brother were sitting, with the exception of Bikaðukić. 743 The witness stated that he did not know what happened to her. 744 Anotherarmed soldier in a grey-green uniform, who was thin and about 1.86 m<strong>et</strong>res t<strong>al</strong>l, came tothe group, c<strong>al</strong>led them “Ch<strong>et</strong>niks”, threatened, and cursed them. 745 The witness hadbeen sitting for less than one hour, when the soldier ordered the group to stand up andstart w<strong>al</strong>king. 746 The soldier was w<strong>al</strong>king in front of the group, going in the direction ofGornji Lapac, and some other soldiers were w<strong>al</strong>king some 30 m<strong>et</strong>res behind. 747 Around50 m<strong>et</strong>res before the last house in Oraovac, the witness saw an open gate andimmediately ran into it. 748 The witness stated that nobody shouted or shot and hebelieved that nobody even noticed his escape. 749 The witness then hid in a bush andabout five to ten minutes later heard eight single pistol shots fired in s<strong>et</strong>s of four coming736 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.737 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9; Milan Ilić, T. 7574.738 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.739 P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March 2005), para. 9.740 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 18.741 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2.742 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 10.743 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 2; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 10.744 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), pp. 2-3.745 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 11.746 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), paras 10-11.747 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3; P726 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 25 March2005), para. 11.748 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3.749 P725 (Milan Ilić, witness statement, 6 July 1999), p. 3.110Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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