The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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LAND USECROP FACTOR (c)WoodlandOrchards, grass coverPerennial forageHay-pasture rotationCorn, no tillSLOPE FACTOR (LS)5 .92 1 .5 1 .0 .8 .7 .6 0.5 0.4 0 .3POTENTIALSOIL LOSS(tonnes/ha/yr)0.2APPROPRIATE SOILCONSERVATIONMEASURESLand use change.- Perennial forageTobacco - rye yWinter wheatCorn, chisel plow ; mixd grainsCorn in rotation --~Continuous spring --plow cornOrchards, cultivated, no grass cover --~SoybeansContinuous fallplow cornWhite beansCarrots, Potatoes, Onions, TurnipsAsparagus,cabbage,cauliflower, peasContour strip croppingStrip cropping,cross slope-Contour cropping-Cross slope farming0.8 0 .7 0 .6 0.5 0 .4 0 .3 0 .2 0 .1 00mSOIL ERODIBILITY (K)Figure 14 .Prediction ofcropland erosion potential and some control alternatives

1 . Johnson, C .M.,1967 . Brant County. A History 1784-1945 .Toronto Oxford University Press .2 . Statistics Canada, 1986. Census ofCanada . Agriculture:Ontario.3 . Ontario Ministry ofAgriculture and Food, 1988 . AgriculturalStatistics for Ontario 1988. Prepared by StatisticalServices Unit, Economics and Policy CoordinationBranch . Publication 20 .4 . Karrow, PF., 1963 . Pleistocene geology of the Hamilton-Galtarea . Ontario Department Mines, GR 16 .5 . Cowan, W.R ., 1972 . Pleistocene geology ofthe Brantfordarea, southern Ontario. Ontario Department of Mines,IMR 37 .6 . Chapman, L .J. and D.F. Putnam, 1966 . Physiography ofSouthern Ontario. University ofToronto Press, Toronto .7 . Guillet,G.R.,1967 . Theclayproductsindustry ofOntario.Ontario Department ofMines, IMR 22 .8 . Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service,1982 . Canadian climate normals, 1951-80 averages,Vol. 4and6.9 . Brown, D.M ., G.A . McKay and L .J. Chapman,1968 . Theclimate ofsouthern Ontario. Climatological studies No. 5 .,Met . Branch, Ontario Department of Transport .10 . Agriculture Canada, 1981 . A soil mapping systemfor Canada: revised. Reportsubmitted to theExpert Committee onSoilSurvey by theMapping System Working Group. LRRIContribution No . 142 .11 . Agriculture Canada, 1978 . The Canadian System of SoilClassification . Canada Soil Survey Committee. ResearchBranch Publication 1646 .REFERENCES12 . Environment Canada, 1976 . Land capability for agriculture.Canada Land Inventory; a preliminary report . LandsDirectorate.13 . Environment Canada, 1972 . CanadaLandInventory, SoilCapability classificationfor agriculture. Report No . 2 .14 . McBride, R .A ., 1983 . Agronomic and engineering soilinterpretations from water-retention data . UnpublishedPh .D. thesis, University of Guelph .15 . Hoffman, D.W. and C .J. Acton, 1974 . Soils ofNorthumberlandCounty. Report No . 42, Ontario Soil Survey.16 . Presant, E.W. and C .J. Acton, 1984 . The soils of theregional municipality ofHaldimand-Norfolk . Report No .57, Ontario Institute of Pedology. LRRI contribution No .84-13 .17 . Shelton, I .J. and G.J. Wall, 1989 . Soil erosion by waterinterpretations for Ontario soil survey reports . UnpublishedOntario Institute of Pedology/Agriculture CanadaReport .18 . Wall, G.J., WT Dickinson and J. Greuel, 1983 . Rainfallerosion indices for Canada east of the Rocky Mountains.Can . J . Soil Sci . 63 :271-280 .19 . Wischmeier,W.H ., C.B . Johnson and BY. Cross, 1971 . Asoil erodibility nomograph forfarmland and constructionsites. J . Soil Water Conserv. 26:189-193 .20 . Wischmeier, W.H . andD.D . Smith, 1978 . Predicting rainfallerosion losses-aguideto conservationplanning . U.S.Department of Agriculture, Agr. Handbook No . 537 .

LAND USECROP FACTOR (c)Woodl<strong>and</strong>Orchards, grass coverPerennial forageHay-pasture rotationCorn, no tillSLOPE FACTOR (LS)5 .92 1 .5 1 .0 .8 .7 .6 0.5 0.4 0 .3POTENTIALSOIL LOSS(tonnes/ha/yr)0.2APPROPRIATE SOILCONSERVATIONMEASURESL<strong>and</strong> use change.- Perennial forageTobacco - rye yWinter wheatCorn, chisel plow ; mixd grainsCorn in rotation --~Continuous spring --plow cornOrchards, cultivated, no grass cover --~SoybeansContinuous fallplow cornWhite beansCarrots, Potatoes, Onions, TurnipsAsparagus,cabbage,cauliflower, peasContour strip croppingStrip cropping,cross slope-Contour cropping-Cross slope farming0.8 0 .7 0 .6 0.5 0 .4 0 .3 0 .2 0 .1 00mSOIL ERODIBILITY (K)Figure 14 .Prediction <strong>of</strong>cropl<strong>and</strong> erosion potential <strong>and</strong> some control alternatives

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