The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Soils of Brant County - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Table6. Soil families ofBrant County (Cont'd .)Subgroup Mineralogy Reaction CalcareousSoilTemperatureSoilMoistureParticle SizeSeriesOrthic mixed neutral moderatelyRegosol mixed neutral moderatelyRego Humic mixed neutral moderatelyGleysolOrthic mixed neutral weaklyHumicGleysolmixed alkaline stronglymixed alkaline stronglymixed alkaline stronglyHumic Luvic mixed neutral stronglyGleysol mixed neutral stronglymixed neutral stronglymixed alkaline stronglymixed neutral stronglyTerric mixed alkaline moderatelyHumisolTypic mixed alkaline moderatelyHumisolmild subhumid coarse silty Alluviummild subhumid loamy Alluviummild aquic sandy Alluviummild aquic sandy Waterinmild aquic sandy over Gilfordloamymild aquic loamy over Ayrfragmentalmild aquic fine clayey KelvinLincolnToledomild aquic sandy Granbymild aquic fine loamy Marybillmild aquic coarse loamy Vanessamild aquic , coarse silty Colwoodmild aquic sandy over Wauseonclayeymild aquic humic over Staynersandymild aquic humic StyxSoil Great Groups and SubgroupsSoil orders are subdivided into a number of great groups,each with profile expressions that reflect the strength of somesoil-forming factor in addition to the dominant one . Likewise,great groups canbe further subdivided into subgroups .Luvisolic soils in Brant County primarily belong to theGray Brown Luvisol great group . Depending upon the extentof weathering and resultant colour development in the uppersolum, well-drained Luvisols may be classified as either Orthicor Brunisolic Gray Brown Luvisol subgroups . Imperfectlydrained soils of this great group are classified either as GleyedGray Brown Luvisols or Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Brown Luvisolsubgroups.Brunisolic soils of the County are mainly classified asMelanic Brunisols . They may be further subdivided intoOrthic, Eluviated or Gleyed Melanic Brunisol subgroups .Most soils of the Gleysolic Order are classified into theHumic Gleysol great group. These in turn are subdivided, mostcommonly, into the Orthic Humic Gleysol subgroups, andoccasionally as Rego Humic Gleysols . There are lesser occurrencesof soils of the Luvic Gleysol Great Group, Humic LuvicGleysolsubgroup.Most organic soils in the County are classified in theHumisol great group reflecting the highly humified nature ofthe organic material . Subgroups recognized include the TypicHumisols and Terric Humisols based upon the depth to underlyingmineral layers .Regosolic soils do not occur in sufficiently large areas inthe County to comprise dominant soils in a map unit . However,their localized occurrence is as soils of the Regosol greatgroup, Orthic and Gleyed Regosol subgroups .Soil FamiliesSoil families are divisions of subgroups and are differentiatedon the basis of parent material characteristics such as texture,mineralogy, reaction, calcareousness and soil climate .Classification of the soils of Brant County at the family level isshown in Table 6using classes described in (11) .Soil SeriesSoil series are subdivisions of soil families and are the mostspecific level of soil taxonomy. The concept of the soil serieshas been refined over the years and the link between the soilseries and real soil bodies is a three-dimensional soil unit calleda pedon . Pedons classified as a given soil series have a similarnumber and arrangement of horizons whose colour, texture,structure, consistency, thickness or combinations. of theseproperties are within a defined range . In the case of soils withoutgenetic horizons, these properties apply to the C horizonto the depth of the control section . For soil surveys such as22

that in Brant County, the series is a category of paramountimportance because it is used for defining and classifying soilswhich are the components of soil map units displayed onthe soil map.Soil PhasesThe soil phase is used to differentiate certain characteristicsof soil series which are significant to plantgrowth, or useofthe soil or land . Only one kind of soil phase has been recognized in Brant County which is the coarse texture phase. It iscommonly associated with soils of the Burford, Guelph andFox soil series. A coarse phase of the Burford soil is designatedas BUF.C .Miscellaneous LandUnitsThereare some land areas too variable or complex in termsof soil or slope conditions to classify and map in the conventionalway as soil map units . These are recognized as Miscellaneous Land Units and include recent floodplains adjacent tomajor rivers and streams, e .g . ALU and steep escarpmentsoften associated with entrenched or eroded stream valleys, e .g.ESC . Marsh (MAR) and Urban Land (ULD) MiscellaneousLand Units are also recognized .Soil Map UnitsThe natural landscape is comprised of soils which are portrayedon soil maps by means of soil map units . Usually soilsoccur in a repetitive pattern within a landscape and the soilmap unit describes this pattern in terms of dominant and subdominantsoil components . In some soil landscapes where thesoils are relatively homogeneous, the soil map unit will consistofonly one soil component, e.g . the BRT 1 map unit comprisedof only Brant soils . The usual case is one in which soil mapunits consist ofa dominant soil component, which is estimatedto occupy approximately 70% of the areal extent of the soildelineation, and a subdominant component occupying theremaining 30% of the area . For example, the BRT 4 soil mapunit consists of dominantly Brant soils and subdominant Tuscolasoils, in approximately 70 :30 proportions . Although mapunits are defined with rather precise limits, it should be recognizedthat within anylandscape there is often variability in soilconditions which cannot be described and mapped at the mapscale employed . These seemingly aberrant soils are referred toas soil inclusions, and are generally considered to occupy lessthan 20% of the area of a map delineation .

Table6. Soil families <strong>of</strong><strong>Brant</strong> <strong>County</strong> (Cont'd .)Subgroup Mineralogy Reaction CalcareousSoilTemperatureSoilMoistureParticle SizeSeriesOrthic mixed neutral moderatelyRegosol mixed neutral moderatelyRego Humic mixed neutral moderatelyGleysolOrthic mixed neutral weaklyHumicGleysolmixed alkaline stronglymixed alkaline stronglymixed alkaline stronglyHumic Luvic mixed neutral stronglyGleysol mixed neutral stronglymixed neutral stronglymixed alkaline stronglymixed neutral stronglyTerric mixed alkaline moderatelyHumisolTypic mixed alkaline moderatelyHumisolmild subhumid coarse silty Alluviummild subhumid loamy Alluviummild aquic s<strong>and</strong>y Alluviummild aquic s<strong>and</strong>y Waterinmild aquic s<strong>and</strong>y over Gilfordloamymild aquic loamy over Ayrfragmentalmild aquic fine clayey KelvinLincolnToledomild aquic s<strong>and</strong>y Granbymild aquic fine loamy Marybillmild aquic coarse loamy Vanessamild aquic , coarse silty Colwoodmild aquic s<strong>and</strong>y over Wauseonclayeymild aquic humic over Stayners<strong>and</strong>ymild aquic humic StyxSoil Great Groups <strong>and</strong> SubgroupsSoil orders are subdivided into a number <strong>of</strong> great groups,each with pr<strong>of</strong>ile expressions that reflect the strength <strong>of</strong> somesoil-forming factor in addition to the dominant one . Likewise,great groups canbe further subdivided into subgroups .Luvisolic soils in <strong>Brant</strong> <strong>County</strong> primarily belong to theGray Brown Luvisol great group . Depending upon the extent<strong>of</strong> weathering <strong>and</strong> resultant colour development in the uppersolum, well-drained Luvisols may be classified as either Orthicor Brunisolic Gray Brown Luvisol subgroups . Imperfectlydrained soils <strong>of</strong> this great group are classified either as GleyedGray Brown Luvisols or Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Brown Luvisolsubgroups.Brunisolic soils <strong>of</strong> the <strong>County</strong> are mainly classified asMelanic Brunisols . <strong>The</strong>y may be further subdivided intoOrthic, Eluviated or Gleyed Melanic Brunisol subgroups .Most soils <strong>of</strong> the Gleysolic Order are classified into theHumic Gleysol great group. <strong>The</strong>se in turn are subdivided, mostcommonly, into the Orthic Humic Gleysol subgroups, <strong>and</strong>occasionally as Rego Humic Gleysols . <strong>The</strong>re are lesser occurrences<strong>of</strong> soils <strong>of</strong> the Luvic Gleysol Great Group, Humic LuvicGleysolsubgroup.Most organic soils in the <strong>County</strong> are classified in theHumisol great group reflecting the highly humified nature <strong>of</strong>the organic material . Subgroups recognized include the TypicHumisols <strong>and</strong> Terric Humisols based upon the depth to underlyingmineral layers .Regosolic soils do not occur in sufficiently large areas inthe <strong>County</strong> to comprise dominant soils in a map unit . However,their localized occurrence is as soils <strong>of</strong> the Regosol greatgroup, Orthic <strong>and</strong> Gleyed Regosol subgroups .Soil FamiliesSoil families are divisions <strong>of</strong> subgroups <strong>and</strong> are differentiatedon the basis <strong>of</strong> parent material characteristics such as texture,mineralogy, reaction, calcareousness <strong>and</strong> soil climate .Classification <strong>of</strong> the soils <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brant</strong> <strong>County</strong> at the family level isshown in Table 6using classes described in (11) .Soil SeriesSoil series are subdivisions <strong>of</strong> soil families <strong>and</strong> are the mostspecific level <strong>of</strong> soil taxonomy. <strong>The</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> the soil serieshas been refined over the years <strong>and</strong> the link between the soilseries <strong>and</strong> real soil bodies is a three-dimensional soil unit calleda pedon . Pedons classified as a given soil series have a similarnumber <strong>and</strong> arrangement <strong>of</strong> horizons whose colour, texture,structure, consistency, thickness or combinations. <strong>of</strong> theseproperties are within a defined range . In the case <strong>of</strong> soils withoutgenetic horizons, these properties apply to the C horizonto the depth <strong>of</strong> the control section . For soil surveys such as22

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