Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia

Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia
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GEORGIA AND GEORGIANS 3293was called upon to serve as mayor of Buena Vista, and that the voters of theplace were not unmindful of the excellence of his administration of the municipal government at this time was significantly shown by his being again calledto the mayor's office in the election of 1914, his present term as chief executiveexpiring in January, 1916. He has been an influential figure in the councilsof the democratic party in his county and has given yeoman service in behalfof its cause, as he is serving as a member of the democratic congressional committee of the Fourth Congressional District of the state. Mr. Raiuey is theowner of a well improved farm in Marion County and through its medium hascontinued an active association with the basic industry of agriculture. He ispast chancellor of the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias and past masterof Few Lodge, No. 329, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He is a zealousand influential member of the Baptist Church of Buena Vista, in which heholds the office of deacon.In 1899, in Schley County, Mr. -Raiuey wedded Miss Kittie Tyson, whowas there born and reared and who was a member of a highly esteemed familyof that county. She was summoned to the life eternal in 1907, and is survivedby three children: Irma, who was born November 2, 1900; Alien, who wasborn December 4, 1902; and Speer, who was born on the 17th of June, 1904,The fourth child, Thomas B., Jr., died at the age of eleven months.On the 19th of May, 1908, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Rainey toMiss Inez Hirshburg, who was born at AVestport, Decatur County, Indiana,a daughter of Leroy Hirshburg, and who was a resident of Buena Vista,Georgia, at the time of her marriage. Mrs. Rainey is active in church workand is president of the local Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Audrey,the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Raiuey, was born on the 17th of April, 1915.BOICE T. RAINEY, M. D., youngest brother of him whose name initiates thiasketch, was born on the 2d of February, 1887, in Schley County, where he wasafforded the advantages of the schools of Ellaville. Thereafter he attendedthe academic or literary department of Mercer University for two years, andhe then entered the Atlanta School of Medicine, in which he was graduatedas a member of the class of 1913, with the well earned degree of Doctor ofMedicine. He is now engaged in successful general practice at Buena Vista,as one of the popular and representative physicians and surgeons of MarionCounty. He is identified with the American Medical Association, the GeorgiaState Medical Society and the Marion Comity Medical Society. His religiousfaith is that of the Baptist Church and he is affiliated with the Knights ofPythias, the Woodmen of the World and the CM Zeta Chi college fraternity.The 2d of August, 1911, recorded the marriage of Doctor Rainey to MissImogene Sears, daughter of Dr. William D. and Emma (Battle) Sears, ofEDavillc. where they still maintain their home and where Doctor Sears is nowliving virtually retired from the practice of his profession. Doctor and Mrs.Rainey have one child.JAMES H. CI-IEXIY. Among the leading members of the bar of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit of Georgia James Henry Cheney holds definitevantage-ground, and i"-^ prestige has been gained not only through his ableactivities as,an a and counselor but also through bis meriting andretaining nnequivot^L popular esteem. With a representative clientele, heis engaged in the successful practice of his profession at Ellaville, the judicialcenter of Schley County, and his status as a lawyer and citizen is speciallyinteresting to note by reason of the fact that in his native county he hasfound an effective field for his endeavors as a member of the bar.Mr. Cheney was born in Schley County on the llth of December, 1874,and is a son of Dr. Green Cheney and Minnie V. (McKcller) Cheney, theformer of whom was born in Lawrence County, this state, and the latter ofwhom was born at Newbcrry, South Carolina, a daughter of Dr. John W.McKcller, who came to Georgia and settled in Maeon County prior to the

3294 GEORGIA AND GEORGIANSCivil war; Doctor McKeller was there engaged in the practice of medicineuntil after the close of the war and he finally removed to Schley County andestablished his home on a farm near Ellaville, where he became a successfulplanter and also held place as one of the leading physicians and surgeons ofhis day in this county. Prior to the war he had owned an extensive landedestate and many slaves in Macon County, and he was a fine type of thecourtly, affable and kindly Southern gentleman of the old regime, generousand tolerant in his judgment and always ready to aid his fellowmen throughhis professional service and other means.Dr. Green Cheney was reared to manhood in Schley County and becamea skilled exponent of the dental profession, in the practice of which he wassuccessfully engaged in Ellaville until the time of his death. He was a stalwart advocate of the cause of the democratic party and was an influentialfigure in political activities in his native state. At the time of the Civil war hegave eighteen months of service as a valiant soldier of the Confederacy, andafter the war he did well his part in bringing about an adjustment of interestsduring the so-called Reconstruction period. His widow still maintains herhome at Ellaville, with inviolable place in the affectionate regard of all whohave come within the compass of her gracious influence. Of the four childrenthe eldest is Bessie, who is the wife of Samuel R. Forehand, of Montezuma,Mac'on County; Miss Minnie, the next in order of birth, likewise resides atMontezuma; William W. is a railroad employe and maintains his residence atSomerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky; and James H., subject of this review, isthe youngest of the children.After fully profiting by the advantages afforded in the excellent publicschools of his native county James H. Cheney began reading law, and that hisambition was one of resolute purpose is shown by the fact that he pursued histechnical reading without the assistance of a private preceptor and without. recourse to any law school. He fortified himself firmly in the science ofjurisprudence and in 1902 proved himself eligible for and was admitted to thebar of his native county, upon appearing for examination before Judge William H. Fish, who was then serving on the bench of the Southwestern JudicialCircuit and who is now an associate justice of the Georgia Supreme Court.From the time of his admission to the bar to the present Mr. Cheneyhas been established in 'the general practice of his profession at Ellaville,and his ability has been proved in many important cases which he has wonin both the criminal and civil departments of practice, his close applicationand effective work having won to him a prominent place at the bar of theSouthwestern Circuit, and eight years of effective service having been givenby him in the office of solicitor of the City Courts of Ellaville. He takes alively interest in community affairs and is unwavering in his resourcefuladvocacy of the principles for which the democratic party stands sponsor.Though he gives virtually his entire time to his profession he is the owner ofa well improved farm near Ellaville and gives to the same a general supervision. He is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and the Knights ofPythias, his religious faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,and his wife holds membership in the Baptist Church. He finds his chiefrecreation in occasional hunting and fishing expeditions, as an ardent loverof sports afield and afloat.On the 25th of November, 1904, was solemnized the marriage of Mr.Cheney to Miss Grace Peacock, daughter of C. L. Peacock, a well known citizenof Schley County. Mr. and Mrs. Cheney have no children.JOHN H. TERRELL, M. D. Doctor Terrell is another of the ambitious andself-reliant native sons of Georgia whose steadfast purpose has been one ofaction and achievement, and he has gained secure vantage-ground as one ofthe able and representative physicians and surgeons of Stephens County, hisresidence being in the attractive little City of Toccoa.

GEORGIA AND GEORGIANS 3293was called upon to serve as mayor <strong>of</strong> Buena Vista, <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong> voters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>place were not unmindful <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> excellence <strong>of</strong> his administration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> municipal government at this time was significantly shown by his being again calledto <strong>the</strong> mayor's <strong>of</strong>fice in <strong>the</strong> election <strong>of</strong> 1914, his present term as chief executiveexpiring in January, 1916. He has been an influential figure in <strong>the</strong> councils<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> democratic party in his county <strong>and</strong> has given yeoman service in behalf<strong>of</strong> its cause, as he is serving as a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> democratic congressional committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fourth Congressional District <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> state. Mr. Raiuey is <strong>the</strong>owner <strong>of</strong> a well improved farm in Marion County <strong>and</strong> through its medium hascontinued an active association with <strong>the</strong> basic industry <strong>of</strong> agriculture. He ispast chancellor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> local lodge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Knights <strong>of</strong> Pythias <strong>and</strong> past master<strong>of</strong> Few Lodge, No. 329, Ancient Free <strong>and</strong> Accepted Masons. He is a zealous<strong>and</strong> influential member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Baptist Church <strong>of</strong> Buena Vista, in which heholds <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> deacon.In 1899, in Schley County, Mr. -Raiuey wedded Miss Kittie Tyson, whowas <strong>the</strong>re born <strong>and</strong> reared <strong>and</strong> who was a member <strong>of</strong> a highly esteemed family<strong>of</strong> that county. She was summoned to <strong>the</strong> life eternal in 1907, <strong>and</strong> is survivedby three children: Irma, who was born November 2, 1900; Alien, who wasborn December 4, 1902; <strong>and</strong> Speer, who was born on <strong>the</strong> 17th <strong>of</strong> June, 1904,The fourth child, Thomas B., Jr., died at <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> eleven months.On <strong>the</strong> 19th <strong>of</strong> May, 1908, was solemnized <strong>the</strong> marriage <strong>of</strong> Mr. Rainey toMiss Inez Hirshburg, who was born at AVestport, Decatur County, Indiana,a daughter <strong>of</strong> Leroy Hirshburg, <strong>and</strong> who was a resident <strong>of</strong> Buena Vista,<strong>Georgia</strong>, at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> her marriage. Mrs. Rainey is active in church work<strong>and</strong> is president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> local Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Audrey,<strong>the</strong> only child <strong>of</strong> Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Raiuey, was born on <strong>the</strong> 17th <strong>of</strong> April, 1915.BOICE T. RAINEY, M. D., youngest bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> him whose name initiates thiasketch, was born on <strong>the</strong> 2d <strong>of</strong> February, 1887, in Schley County, where he wasafforded <strong>the</strong> advantages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> schools <strong>of</strong> Ellaville. Thereafter he attended<strong>the</strong> academic or literary department <strong>of</strong> Mercer University for two years, <strong>and</strong>he <strong>the</strong>n entered <strong>the</strong> Atlanta School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, in which he was graduatedas a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> class <strong>of</strong> 1913, with <strong>the</strong> well earned degree <strong>of</strong> Doctor <strong>of</strong>Medicine. He is now engaged in successful general practice at Buena Vista,as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> popular <strong>and</strong> representative physicians <strong>and</strong> surgeons <strong>of</strong> MarionCounty. He is identified with <strong>the</strong> American Medical Association, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong>State Medical Society <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Marion Comity Medical Society. His religiousfaith is that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Baptist Church <strong>and</strong> he is affiliated with <strong>the</strong> Knights <strong>of</strong>Pythias, <strong>the</strong> Woodmen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> World <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> CM Zeta Chi college fraternity.The 2d <strong>of</strong> August, 1911, recorded <strong>the</strong> marriage <strong>of</strong> Doctor Rainey to MissImogene Sears, daughter <strong>of</strong> Dr. William D. <strong>and</strong> Emma (Battle) Sears, <strong>of</strong>EDavillc. where <strong>the</strong>y still maintain <strong>the</strong>ir home <strong>and</strong> where Doctor Sears is nowliving virtually retired from <strong>the</strong> practice <strong>of</strong> his pr<strong>of</strong>ession. Doctor <strong>and</strong> Mrs.Rainey have one child.JAMES H. CI-IEXIY. Among <strong>the</strong> leading members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bar <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Southwestern Judicial Circuit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong> James Henry Cheney holds definitevantage-ground, <strong>and</strong> i"-^ prestige has been gained not only through his ableactivities as,an a <strong>and</strong> counselor but also through bis meriting <strong>and</strong>retaining nnequivot^L popular esteem. With a representative clientele, heis engaged in <strong>the</strong> successful practice <strong>of</strong> his pr<strong>of</strong>ession at Ellaville, <strong>the</strong> judicialcenter <strong>of</strong> Schley County, <strong>and</strong> his status as a lawyer <strong>and</strong> citizen is speciallyinteresting to note by reason <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fact that in his native county he hasfound an effective field for his endeavors as a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bar.Mr. Cheney was born in Schley County on <strong>the</strong> llth <strong>of</strong> December, 1874,<strong>and</strong> is a son <strong>of</strong> Dr. Green Cheney <strong>and</strong> Minnie V. (McKcller) Cheney, <strong>the</strong>former <strong>of</strong> whom was born in Lawrence County, this state, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> latter <strong>of</strong>whom was born at Newbcrry, South Carolina, a daughter <strong>of</strong> Dr. John W.McKcller, who came to <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>and</strong> settled in Maeon County prior to <strong>the</strong>

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