Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia

Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia
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3258 GEORGIA AND GEORGIANSProtective Order of Elks, the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order ofOdd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. He also has some extensivefanning interests in Turner County. Mr. Pimlk resides with his mother atAshburn.J. KAXCOCK. Sterling character, high ideals and effectiveprivate and public service have given to Mr. Hancock high place in popularconfidence and esteem and he is known as one of the representative citizensand valued public officials of Wilcox County, where he is serving as countyclerk and as clerk of the superior court, a, dual office in. which his administration has been signally effective and has met \vitli unequivocal commendation.Mr. Hancock has been in a significant sense one of the world's productive.workers, and his advancement has been gained by personal merit and personaleffort, for while a mere boy he was found engaged in the most arduous laborswithin the compass of Ms juvenile powers, his activities having been inconnection with the operation of the farm of his father, where he virtuallydid a. man's work and applied himself early and late, so that naught ofsybaritic influences entered into his early life. .During the cold, bleak wintermonths he was enabled to attend school in a little log building that was thelocal "temple of learning" aud that could claim only the most meager offacilities. .Kven these. minor opportunities were such as to spur his ambition.and he devoted himself assiduously to study at night, with caudle light asthe vacillating illumination upon the. books over which he pored earnestly.Through his own determined efforts he thus laid a firm foundation for thesuperstructure of higher and broader education which he has since rearedthrough continued application and through active association with the practical affairs and responsibilities of a workaday world.The tenth in a family of eleven children, Mr. Ilaucoek soon found itincumbent upon him to contribute his quota to the support of the family, andthis was accomplished through his faithful work in connection with theactivities of the home farm. It is needless to say that at first band he gainedintimate aud effective knowledge of the various details of agricultural industry, and he continued his association with this fundamental line of cuterpriseuntil he was called to bis present official position, in 1005, when he waselected by a large majority that indicated alike his eligibility and his holdupon popular confidence and good will. In the meanwhile his efforts hadresulted in his accumulating of a valuable farm property, upon which hemade the best of improvements, aud he still owns this rural estate, to thegeneral supervision of which he continued to give his attention.Mr. Hancock was born in Pulaski County. Georgia, in the year 1858, andis a son of John. J. aud Sally (Watson) Hancock, the former of whom wasborn in South Carolina and the latter of whom was a native of Georgia and arepresentative of a sterling pioneer family of this state, she having been awoman of superior mentality aud. distinctive culture. John J. Haucock wasreared to adult, age in his native state, whence, as a young man, he came toGeorgia in the year 1820 and settled in Pnlaski County, where he fonudemployment at farm work aud where eventually he acquired land and developed the same into a productive and valuable farm. On this homestead hecontinued to maintain, his residence until his death, in 1878, at the age ofsevpnty-seve.u years, aud his upright life and worthy achievement gave himthe high regard of his fellow meu. His widow survived him by nearly ascore of years, aud was summoned to eternal rest in 1805, at the venerableage of eighty years.William J. Haucock was reared to manhood in his native county and cameto Wilcox County as a young man, his ability aud close application havinghere enabled him to accumulate his present farm, which he has made one ofthe valuable places of the county. He has at all times shown loyal aud lively

GEORGIA AND GEORGIANSinterest in community affairs and as a citizen has been essentially progressiveand public-spirited. Prior to assuming Ids present office he had served astax receiver, 1903-4, and as county clerk and clerk of the superior court hehas brought to bear mature judgment and much executive ability ami discrimination. Mr. Hanecek accords staunch allegiance to the democratic partyand has been active as a worker in behalf of its cause. lie is affiliated withthe .Masonic fraternity and both lie and his wife bold membership in theBaptist Church at Abbeville, the county seat, where they have, as a matter ofcourse, maintained their home since his assumption of his present importantcounty office, which he has retained through successive re-elections.In the year 1880 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Hancock to MissSarah Jane Walker-, who was born in Irwiu County, this state, and who is adaughter of the late .John Walker, a well known and highly esteemed citizenof thai, county, where both he and his wife continued to reside until theirdeath. Concerning the children of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, the following briefdata are available: Mrs. Sarah Kerry resides at Rebecca; J. J. is a prosperousfarmer of Turner Comity: John is a successful representative of agriculturalindustry in Pierce County; .James, Cora Alice and May remain at the parentalhome and are attending the public schools of Abbeville.REV, DR. AKF.TAS Mrrc.rreLL IIuciTLErr, Methodist minister and the presentpresiding elder of the Atlanta district of the North Georgia Conference, is anative son of Virginia, born in Lancaster County,- on January 18, 186,],His father, another Aretas Mitchell llugbleit, was a teacher by profession,and be. too, was born in Lancaster County, Virginia. The date of his birthwas June 26, J829, and he died on March 1.0, 1915, in his eighty-sixth year oflife. He was the, son of Capt. William Ilughlett, a Virginian. The motherof Doctor Ilughlett of this review was Elizabeth Iceland. Strangely enough,both bis maternal and paternal grandmothers bore the maiden name ofMitchell. The Hughletts, the Lelauds and the Mitehells were among theearliest families of Virginia, and records of each of the families may be foundin Virginia history back to the earliest period in its existence. The threefamilies were numerous in both Lancaster and Northumberland counties, andthey have been prominently identified with Virginia and her progress throughseveral generations.The ITughlctt family is descended from its English ancestor, WilliamHughh'ft, who emigrated from his native land to Virginia early in the seventeenth century. All three families were of the Episcopal faith, and thechurch records of Lancaster and Northumberland counties reveal the factthat many members of the various families held positions of honor among thelaymen of the church, while on the subject's maternal side John Lcland wasan Episcopal clergyman.Aretas Mitchell Hugblett, Sr., and Elizabeth Leland were married inJanuary, 1861, and they bad a family of six sons and three daughters.Doctor Ilughletl of this review was the second child born in this family.Seven of the nine lived to reach mature life, and six of that number are livingtoday. They are Dr. William L. Ilughlett, a practicing physician of Cocoa,Florida; Charles L. Ilughlett, a real estate dealer, also located in Cocoa.Florida; Prof. James I). Ilughlett. of Texas; Mrs. Margaret George, the wifeof John George, of Lancaster County, Virginia; Mrs. Elizabeth Mason, thewife of Alvin GL Mason of Accomac County, Virginia; and Rev. Dr. AretasMitehcl! Ilughlett of this review.Doctor Ilughlett was reared in his native state and county and had bisearly education in the public schools. "When he was sixteen he became aninstructor in the public schools, and for five years be was engaged in thatwork. Then, at the age of twenty-one, be entered Randolph-Macou College,from which he was graduated in 1889, receiving the degree A. B. in 1899.

GEORGIA AND GEORGIANSinterest in community affairs <strong>and</strong> as a citizen has been essentially progressive<strong>and</strong> public-spirited. Prior to assuming Ids present <strong>of</strong>fice he had served astax receiver, 1903-4, <strong>and</strong> as county clerk <strong>and</strong> clerk <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> superior court hehas brought to bear mature judgment <strong>and</strong> much executive ability ami discrimination. Mr. Hanecek accords staunch allegiance to <strong>the</strong> democratic party<strong>and</strong> has been active as a worker in behalf <strong>of</strong> its cause. lie is affiliated with<strong>the</strong> .Masonic fraternity <strong>and</strong> both lie <strong>and</strong> his wife bold membership in <strong>the</strong>Baptist Church at Abbeville, <strong>the</strong> county seat, where <strong>the</strong>y have, as a matter <strong>of</strong>course, maintained <strong>the</strong>ir home since his assumption <strong>of</strong> his present importantcounty <strong>of</strong>fice, which he has retained through successive re-elections.In <strong>the</strong> year 1880 was solemnized <strong>the</strong> marriage <strong>of</strong> Mr. Hancock to MissSarah Jane Walker-, who was born in Irwiu County, this state, <strong>and</strong> who is adaughter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> late .John Walker, a well known <strong>and</strong> highly esteemed citizen<strong>of</strong> thai, county, where both he <strong>and</strong> his wife continued to reside until <strong>the</strong>irdeath. Concerning <strong>the</strong> children <strong>of</strong> Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Hancock, <strong>the</strong> following briefdata are available: Mrs. Sarah Kerry resides at Rebecca; J. J. is a prosperousfarmer <strong>of</strong> Turner Comity: John is a successful representative <strong>of</strong> agriculturalindustry in Pierce County; .James, Cora Alice <strong>and</strong> May remain at <strong>the</strong> parentalhome <strong>and</strong> are attending <strong>the</strong> public schools <strong>of</strong> Abbeville.REV, DR. AKF.TAS Mrrc.rreLL IIuciTLErr, Methodist minister <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> presentpresiding elder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Atlanta district <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> North <strong>Georgia</strong> Conference, is anative son <strong>of</strong> Virginia, born in Lancaster County,- on January 18, 186,],His fa<strong>the</strong>r, ano<strong>the</strong>r Aretas Mitchell llugbleit, was a teacher by pr<strong>of</strong>ession,<strong>and</strong> be. too, was born in Lancaster County, Virginia. The date <strong>of</strong> his birthwas June 26, J829, <strong>and</strong> he died on March 1.0, 1915, in his eighty-sixth year <strong>of</strong>life. He was <strong>the</strong>, son <strong>of</strong> Capt. William Ilughlett, a Virginian. The mo<strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> Doctor Ilughlett <strong>of</strong> this review was Elizabeth Icel<strong>and</strong>. Strangely enough,both bis maternal <strong>and</strong> paternal gr<strong>and</strong>mo<strong>the</strong>rs bore <strong>the</strong> maiden name <strong>of</strong>Mitchell. The Hughletts, <strong>the</strong> Lelauds <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mitehells were among <strong>the</strong>earliest families <strong>of</strong> Virginia, <strong>and</strong> records <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> families may be foundin Virginia history back to <strong>the</strong> earliest period in its existence. The threefamilies were numerous in both Lancaster <strong>and</strong> Northumberl<strong>and</strong> counties, <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>y have been prominently identified with Virginia <strong>and</strong> her progress throughseveral generations.The ITughlctt family is descended from its English ancestor, WilliamHughh'ft, who emigrated from his native l<strong>and</strong> to Virginia early in <strong>the</strong> seventeenth century. All three families were <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Episcopal faith, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>church records <strong>of</strong> Lancaster <strong>and</strong> Northumberl<strong>and</strong> counties reveal <strong>the</strong> factthat many members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> various families held positions <strong>of</strong> honor among <strong>the</strong>laymen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> church, while on <strong>the</strong> subject's maternal side John Lcl<strong>and</strong> wasan Episcopal clergyman.Aretas Mitchell Hugblett, Sr., <strong>and</strong> Elizabeth Lel<strong>and</strong> were married inJanuary, 1861, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y bad a family <strong>of</strong> six sons <strong>and</strong> three daughters.Doctor Ilughletl <strong>of</strong> this review was <strong>the</strong> second child born in this family.Seven <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nine lived to reach mature life, <strong>and</strong> six <strong>of</strong> that number are livingtoday. They are Dr. William L. Ilughlett, a practicing physician <strong>of</strong> Cocoa,Florida; Charles L. Ilughlett, a real estate dealer, also located in Cocoa.Florida; Pr<strong>of</strong>. James I). Ilughlett. <strong>of</strong> Texas; Mrs. Margaret George, <strong>the</strong> wife<strong>of</strong> John George, <strong>of</strong> Lancaster County, Virginia; Mrs. Elizabeth Mason, <strong>the</strong>wife <strong>of</strong> Alvin GL Mason <strong>of</strong> Accomac County, Virginia; <strong>and</strong> Rev. Dr. AretasMitehcl! Ilughlett <strong>of</strong> this review.Doctor Ilughlett was reared in his native state <strong>and</strong> county <strong>and</strong> had bisearly education in <strong>the</strong> public schools. "When he was sixteen he became aninstructor in <strong>the</strong> public schools, <strong>and</strong> for five years be was engaged in thatwork. Then, at <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> twenty-one, be entered R<strong>and</strong>olph-Macou College,from which he was graduated in 1889, receiving <strong>the</strong> degree A. B. in 1899.

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