Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia

Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia
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GEORGIA AND GEORGIANS 3213who promise to benefit the general community. He has various businessconnections, among which are directorships in the Citizens First NationalBank of Albany and the Albany Trust Company. He belongs also to theKappa Alpha college fraternity, to the Masons, in which he is past master ofhis lodge, and to the Country Club of Albany, and with the members of hisfamily holds membership in the Presbyterian Church.Mr. Milner was married December 19, 1911, at Albany, to Miss Dora BelleGibbert, daughter of W. H. .and Belle Gibbert, one of the old and distinguishedfamilies of Albany. To this union there have come two children: Chloe, bornin 1913, and Thomas H., Jr., born in 1915, both at Albany. Both Mr. andMrs. Milner are exceedingly fond of automobiling and take many trips throughthis part of the state when Mr. Milner is able to put aside his professionalcares and responsibilities.HON. GEORGE F. GOBEE. Few men are better known to the bench ^nd barof Georgia than is Judge George F. Gober of Atlanta and Marietta, who liasbeen signally honored on many occasions and has worn the judicial ermine withdignity and distinction.Judge Gober was born in Cobb County, Georgia, in 1856, and is a son ofCapt. Thomas A. and Athalene (Mayes) Gober, the latter of whom was bornin Franklin County, Georgia, and died in 1885. The father of Judge Gober wasborn in DeKalb County, Georgia, and prior to the war between the states ownedlarge plantations. He served with the rank of captain in the Confederatearmy. His death occurred in 1901, at the age of eighty years. His ancestorscame from England, and one of the founders of Jamestown bore his name anddoubtless was the progenitor of the present branch. There was also a Scottishstrain, and an aunt of Captain Gober bore the name of Elizabeth Burns andwas a descendant of Robert Burns.George F. Gober passed his boyhood on his father's plantation in CobbCounty, but his education was not neglected and he was graduated from theUniversity of Georgia in 1875. Having made choice of the law for a career,he became a law student- under Gen. Alexander R. Lawton of Savannah, andwas admitted to the bar there in 1877. His reputation as a close student hadbeen already made, and during his university course he was the leader of hisclass, in his sophomore year winning a gold medal for proficiency .over his classof forty-two members.Mr. Gober entered into practice at Marietta, Georgia, in 1877, and continued there until 1889, and served eight years of this time as solicitor-generalof the Blue Ridge Circuit. In 1889 he was elected judge of the Blue RidgeCircuit, and served on the bench until 1909, nearly twenty years, maintaininghis home, as he still does, at Marietta.By unassuming and obvious merit Judge Gober had risen so high by thattime in public esteem that when Governor Alien D. Candler appointed himto a position in the Supreme Court of the state, satisfaction was expressed onevery side, but Judge Gober declined the honor. Twice had he been electedsolicitor-general by the State Legislature, and three times was elected judgewithout opposition. The records of the court show the great ability and thepatient, conscientious thoroughness with which he administered office, and heenjoys, as he deserves, the esteem in which be is held. The Legislature of1916 passed a bill adopting "Gober's Georgia Formbook on Procedure," andevery justice of the peace and court official will obtain a copy. Judge Goberalso has under way of publication " Gober's Georgia Pleadings and Practice."On June 21, 1881, Judge Gober was married to Miss Alice Blackwell, whowas born in Cobb County, Georgia, and they have three children: George F.,who was graduated from the University of Georgia at the age of nineteenyears; and Eileen and Sadie, both of whom are highly educated young ladies,graduates of the Agnes Scott College. They, with their mother, dispense hos-Vfil. VI 28


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