Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia

Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia Georgia and Georgians - the Digital Library of Georgia
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GEOEGTA AND GEORGIANS 3153ture of a product, then known only in Atlanta and a few surrounding towns,Coca-Gola. It was characteristic of him that he had such faith in this productthat he sold out a large and prosperous drug business to take up and givevitality to an industry hardly known. In February, 1892, the Coca ColaCompany was incorporated, with Mr. Candler as president, and this industry has grown to be the greatest of its kind in the world.Besides having organized and served as president of the Coca Cola Company he is an organizer and president of the Central Bank & Trust Corporation ; helped organize the Atlanta Warehouse Company; and is a director in agreat many corporations. He is owner of the splendid seventeen-story officebuilding in Atlanta which bears his name. His first investment in Atlanta realestate was made in 1878, and he has gone forward judiciously investing capitaland improving property and has reaped not only a large fortune from suchoperations but has been one of the chief individual factors in the upbuildingof the modern metropolis.His business character, has been described as follows: " He is the veryembodiment of system in his planning and management. Everything he doesis the expression of method. He is broad in his conceptions and while he isa master of detail he is equal to the solution of the most comprehensive propositions. He understands thoroughly how to get his business before the publicand how to secure patronage. He spends each year for the advertisementof Coca-Cola an amount of money that most people would be willing to retireupon. .His whole being is business. It must be distinctly understood that Mr.Candler does not conduct his business in the narrow spirit of objectionablecommercialism. He does not make money just to hoard money with any narrow spirit, as his generosity is as broad as the demands that come to him, andhis gifts and his benevolences are as free as his energies are active toaccumulate." *Like other members of the family he has long been active in the MethodistChurch, having joined the church in 1869, when about eighteen years of age.Since 1874 he has been continuously a steward. In May, 1890, he was electedtreasurer of the Sunday School Association, the next year became secretaryand in 1905 became president of the association. Prom 1895 to 1900 he represented Georgia on the executive committee of the International SundaySchool Association. Since 1900 he has been chairman of the finance committee and is now president of the board of trustees of Emory College, to whichinstitution he gave $50,000 and also gave $75,000 to Wesley Memorial Fund.He is also president of the board of trustees of Emory University, to whichhe gave $1,000,000. In politics he is a democrat. He has served as presidentof the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and in 1909 was presiding officer atthe banquet in Atlanta given in honor of President Taft. He has served aslieutenant of cavalry in the State Militia, and is a member of the AtlantaAthletic Club, the Capital City Club and Piedmont Driving Club.On January 15, 1878, Mr. Candler married Miss Lucy E. Howard, whosefather was George J. Howard, the first employer of Mr. Candler when hecame to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Candler are the parents of five children.DANIEL IRWIN MAC!NTYRE. Among the important biisiness interests ofthe country is that of insurance, which may well take a prominent place, forit makes a strong and direct appeal both to the moral nature and to selfinterest. One of the leaders in this line of business activity in the City ofAtlanta is Daniel Irwin Maclntyre, a member of the firm of Haas and Mac-Intyre. He was born in Thomas County, Georgia, October 8, 1860, a son ofHon. Archibald Thompson and America (Young) Maclntyre. His paternalgrandparents were Archibald and Catherine (Lawson) Maclntyre, the formerof whom came to the United States from Scotland, first locating in TwiggsCounty, Georgia, and later removing to Brooks County, this state.

3154 GEORGIA AND GEORGIANSHon. Archibald Thompson Maclntyre was born in Twiggs County October28, 1822. He was a lawyer, residing at Thomasville, who practiced his profession for fully half a century and was one of the leaders of the South Georgiabar. A democrat in polities, he was the first member of his party to be electedto Congress from what was then the First Congressional District, but is nowthe Second District, after the Reconstruction period. He declined a re-electionto Congress and also frequently declined to become the South Georgia candidate for governor of the state. While in Congress the measure known as the"Back Salary Grab" came up for passage and he was one of those who votedagainst it. It was passed, however, and Mr. Mclntyre accepted the increasedpay due him under the bill: He refused to keep it but turned it over to theState of Georgia. One of the leaders of his party, he served as a memberof the late state constitutional convention. As a man and citizen he was universally respected and well deserved the high estimation in which he was held.During his fifty years as a lawyer he never charged a widow client for hislegal services. He was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, inwhich he was an elder. His home and family were always first in his affections,, and it was for this reason that he refused to serve longer in Congress.For twenty-five years prior to his death he was a member of the board oftrustees of the University of Georgia, and in all that time he never failed toattend the board's annual meetings. Five of his sons were graduated fromthat university. Notwithstanding his liberal charities, he was one of thewealthiest men in South Georgia and had extensive plantation interests both inthis state and in Florida, at one time owning 25,000 acres of timber land inFlorida. He was twenty-two years old when he married America Young, hisbride being twenty-one. She was born in Bullock County, Georgia, the daughter of Michael Young. Their happy years of happy married life was terminated by Mr. Maclntyre's death on January 1, 1900. His widow survivedhim ten years and five months, passing away June 8, 1910. Their remainsrest side by side in the Thomasville cemetery. Of their large family of ninechildren, Daniel Irwiu is the only one now living.Daniel Irwin Macliityre passed his boyhood days in Thomasville. Hemade such progress in his studies that at the age of fifteen years he was ableto enter the junior class of the University of Georgia, and was graduated therewith the degree of A. B. in 1878, when but seventeen years old, having completed the course in two years. He was at that time the youngest memberof his class. For several years during his early manhood he was engaged inthe cotton business in Savannah, Georgia, coming to Atlanta in 1895, sincewhich date he has been extensively engaged in the general insurance business.In 1889 he formed a partnership in this business with the late Jacob Haas,of Atlanta, and the firm of Haas and Maclntyre still exists, their offices beinglocated in the Empire Building, Nos. 503 to 512 inclusive. On the death ofJacob Haas, which occurred a few years ago, two of his sons succeeded to thepartnership. The firm is doing a large and prosperous business, rankingamong the leading insurance firms in the state. Mr. Maclntyre is a memberof the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, also of the Capital City Club, and isone of the vice presidents of Oglethorpe University. He is a member of theWest End Presbyterian Church, which he is now serving as chairman of theboard of deacons.On August 18, 1886, Daniel Irwin Maclntyre was united in marriage withMiss Marie Randolph Whitehead, of Savannah, Georgia, a member of an oldand prominent Georgia .family. She is of Revolutionary stock and belongsto the Savannah Chapter, D. A. R. Her paternal grandmother was a sister ofHon. John McPherson Berrien, formerly governor and United States senatorof Georgia. The home life of Mr. and Mrs. Maclntyre has been enlarged andblessed by the birth of six children, namely: Daniel Irwin, Jr.; Mec, who isnow .Mrs. Homer A. McAfee; Marie Randolph, now Mrs. John D. Scott; JulieConally, Lois Berrien and Margaret Fraser.

GEOEGTA AND GEORGIANS 3153ture <strong>of</strong> a product, <strong>the</strong>n known only in Atlanta <strong>and</strong> a few surrounding towns,Coca-Gola. It was characteristic <strong>of</strong> him that he had such faith in this productthat he sold out a large <strong>and</strong> prosperous drug business to take up <strong>and</strong> givevitality to an industry hardly known. In February, 1892, <strong>the</strong> Coca ColaCompany was incorporated, with Mr. C<strong>and</strong>ler as president, <strong>and</strong> this industry has grown to be <strong>the</strong> greatest <strong>of</strong> its kind in <strong>the</strong> world.Besides having organized <strong>and</strong> served as president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Coca Cola Company he is an organizer <strong>and</strong> president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Central Bank & Trust Corporation ; helped organize <strong>the</strong> Atlanta Warehouse Company; <strong>and</strong> is a director in agreat many corporations. He is owner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> splendid seventeen-story <strong>of</strong>ficebuilding in Atlanta which bears his name. His first investment in Atlanta realestate was made in 1878, <strong>and</strong> he has gone forward judiciously investing capital<strong>and</strong> improving property <strong>and</strong> has reaped not only a large fortune from suchoperations but has been one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chief individual factors in <strong>the</strong> upbuilding<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> modern metropolis.His business character, has been described as follows: " He is <strong>the</strong> veryembodiment <strong>of</strong> system in his planning <strong>and</strong> management. Everything he doesis <strong>the</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> method. He is broad in his conceptions <strong>and</strong> while he isa master <strong>of</strong> detail he is equal to <strong>the</strong> solution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most comprehensive propositions. He underst<strong>and</strong>s thoroughly how to get his business before <strong>the</strong> public<strong>and</strong> how to secure patronage. He spends each year for <strong>the</strong> advertisement<strong>of</strong> Coca-Cola an amount <strong>of</strong> money that most people would be willing to retireupon. .His whole being is business. It must be distinctly understood that Mr.C<strong>and</strong>ler does not conduct his business in <strong>the</strong> narrow spirit <strong>of</strong> objectionablecommercialism. He does not make money just to hoard money with any narrow spirit, as his generosity is as broad as <strong>the</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>s that come to him, <strong>and</strong>his gifts <strong>and</strong> his benevolences are as free as his energies are active toaccumulate." *Like o<strong>the</strong>r members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> family he has long been active in <strong>the</strong> MethodistChurch, having joined <strong>the</strong> church in 1869, when about eighteen years <strong>of</strong> age.Since 1874 he has been continuously a steward. In May, 1890, he was electedtreasurer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sunday School Association, <strong>the</strong> next year became secretary<strong>and</strong> in 1905 became president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> association. Prom 1895 to 1900 he represented <strong>Georgia</strong> on <strong>the</strong> executive committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International SundaySchool Association. Since 1900 he has been chairman <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> finance committee <strong>and</strong> is now president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> board <strong>of</strong> trustees <strong>of</strong> Emory College, to whichinstitution he gave $50,000 <strong>and</strong> also gave $75,000 to Wesley Memorial Fund.He is also president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> board <strong>of</strong> trustees <strong>of</strong> Emory University, to whichhe gave $1,000,000. In politics he is a democrat. He has served as president<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Atlanta Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce <strong>and</strong> in 1909 was presiding <strong>of</strong>ficer at<strong>the</strong> banquet in Atlanta given in honor <strong>of</strong> President Taft. He has served aslieutenant <strong>of</strong> cavalry in <strong>the</strong> State Militia, <strong>and</strong> is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> AtlantaAthletic Club, <strong>the</strong> Capital City Club <strong>and</strong> Piedmont Driving Club.On January 15, 1878, Mr. C<strong>and</strong>ler married Miss Lucy E. Howard, whosefa<strong>the</strong>r was George J. Howard, <strong>the</strong> first employer <strong>of</strong> Mr. C<strong>and</strong>ler when hecame to Atlanta. Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. C<strong>and</strong>ler are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> five children.DANIEL IRWIN MAC!NTYRE. Among <strong>the</strong> important biisiness interests <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> country is that <strong>of</strong> insurance, which may well take a prominent place, forit makes a strong <strong>and</strong> direct appeal both to <strong>the</strong> moral nature <strong>and</strong> to selfinterest. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> leaders in this line <strong>of</strong> business activity in <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong>Atlanta is Daniel Irwin Maclntyre, a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firm <strong>of</strong> Haas <strong>and</strong> Mac-Intyre. He was born in Thomas County, <strong>Georgia</strong>, October 8, 1860, a son <strong>of</strong>Hon. Archibald Thompson <strong>and</strong> America (Young) Maclntyre. His paternalgr<strong>and</strong>parents were Archibald <strong>and</strong> Ca<strong>the</strong>rine (Lawson) Maclntyre, <strong>the</strong> former<strong>of</strong> whom came to <strong>the</strong> United States from Scotl<strong>and</strong>, first locating in TwiggsCounty, <strong>Georgia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> later removing to Brooks County, this state.

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