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herlife | culinaryAll About PepperA Lookat theVarieties ofPeppercornby kristen doyleHave you ever wandered into a spicestore and found yourself in thepeppercorn aisle, overwhelmed bythe options you face? Maybe you thoughtblack pepper was your only option and weresurprised to find out that there are so manyadditional varieties beyond basic black pepper.We’ve gathered information on some of themost common forms of peppercorns to helpyou discover the different complex flavors peppervarieties can provide.Black Peppercorn(Black Pepper)Black peppercorn is the most commonof all peppers and is the most flavorful ofthe peppers available. Many chefs use eitherground black peppercorns or cracked blackpeppercorns as a key ingredient to seasonsavory food. Mild in taste, yet pungentenough to add a small kick to a dish, blackpeppercorn is a universal favorite among thepeppercorn varieties.White Peppercorn(White Pepper)White peppercorns are actually derivedfrom the same plant as black peppercorn, buthave been allowed to fully ripen, resulting in awhite outer skin. White peppercorn is slightlymilder than black peppercorn and is generallya favored seasoning aesthetically for lightcoloreddishes such as fish, chicken and whitesauces. Those individuals who enjoy a milderpeppery flavor, white peppercorn would be agreat seasoning to utilize.Green PeppercornsIf you are looking to turn up the heat usingpepper as an ingredient, green peppercornsare a seasoning to have on hand. Green peppercornsare especially useful in salsas, salads,sauces and vegetables where you want the kickof the pepper to shine through.Pink PeppercornsPink peppercorns are a delicate peppervariety with a sweeter, fruity taste. Known fortheir beautiful color qualities, pink peppercornscan add extraordinary flavor to bothsweet and savory dishes. (Due to the delicatenature of the pink peppercorns, it is recommendedto crush them with a knife or a spicegrinder instead of a regular peppermill.)Long Pepper (piper longum)Long pepper has similar characteristicsas traditional peppercorns, but it has astronger flavor profile. Because of its ability toadd extra spice to a recipe, long pepper is aningredient often used in Indian cuisine as wellas international spice mixtures.Peppercorn BlendsPeppercorn blends are another popularway to season your food. Peppercorn blendsmay consist of several types of peppercorns inone grinder or a single peppercorn with anadditional spice flavoring, such as lemon orGreek seasoning. Peppercorn blends are aneasy way to add custom flavor to your recipeswithout having to store a wide selection ofspices and seasonings in your spice collection.As you can see, there are numerous peppercornoptions on the market today. Buywhole peppercorns and grind your own athome with a quality peppermill to unleash theunending flavor possibilities of pepper intoyour recipes. ■Source: The Spice Bible by Ian Hemphill34 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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