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<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 3

herlife | contentcontentmay 2012welcome 8health 14integrative medicine 16Spotlight 18cosmetic surgery 20beauty 22inspirations 26cravings 3226Tammie Webb and Lemonade DayDespite raising eight children and running a thriving event planning business, Tammie Webb wanted to dosomething more for her city’s youth and their futures. She “put the squeeze” on a local non-profit, asking themto help young entrepreneurs start their own lemonade stands. And because of their enthusiastic support, onMay 19th we’ll share the childhood joy of homemade lemonade across Modesto and neighboring cities.Culinary 34recipes 36trendsetter 38spotlight 48mother’s perspective 50green living 52working women 54Finance 56Spotlight 6022Spa Treatments Worth the SplurgeRaise your hand if, when you were little, you thoughtwe’d all be living like the Jetsons by now. You know:robots to do our housecleaning, dinner appearing onthe table without any effort on our parts and roboticarms emerging from the walls to do our hair andmakeup. Instead, we’re living in a do-it-yourself era: wedo our own home improvement projects, grow ourown food, and even perform our own spa treatmentswith the help of at-home kits for everything fromtanning to teeth whitening to waxing.6 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM60Interior Design Trends for 2012Interior design is similar to fashion design, with eachyear bringing a crop of new styles and design trends.Unlike fashion, there is no runway for interior design.Instead, industry insiders find out about the latestlooks by visiting trade shows and design centers, andsubscribing to trend reports. Most consumers don’tbecome aware of trends until later in the year whenthey make their way into home decorating magazinesand onto the floor of their local furniture store.Home 62real estate 66travel 68Scene and Be Seen 70Love and Relationships 72She Said Yes 74tie the knot 76IN THE valley 80

herlife | welcomeHappy Mother’s Day!Iremember calling my mom after being exhausted from achallenging night with Jackson. He had pooped in the bath tub.After pulling him out of the tub, washing him off and placing himin another bath tub to finish the job, he pooped again! There I waswith a poopy baby and two bath tubs to clean. I think I was tired,more like delirious at this point, when I picked up the phone andsimply asked my mom, “WHY? Why did you have four kids? Why didyou bring me home from the hospital? You should have said, ‘No’and taken me back,” I cried. My cheeks were stained with tears andI didn’t have the energy to even take a shower myself. This was thedefining moment in my relationship with my mom. I finally realizedI was a mom. I realized my mom was a genius, she knew everythingand we finally started to become friends. What had we been fightingover for the past 30 years?My mom and I were opposites when I was growing up. If sheliked something blue, I liked something pink. She liked mild salsa,I liked HOT. If she said turn right, I went left. When she was hot, Iwas cold. I marched to the beat of my own drum. If you check thebookcase in my parents’ den, you will find a worn copy of a parentingbook titled, The Strong-Willed Child. If it weren’t for the talented castand writers of Saturday Night Live during the 90s, we may have gonea whole decade without agreeing on anything.Over the past three years I have learned so much about myself,about being a mother and being a loving daughter. Happy Mother’sDay, Mom! I love you for everything you have sacrificed for me, forbeing patient with me, for picking me up when I fall and loving mephoto by studio mohsohfor me. I love that we can walk five miles and not run out of thingsto talk about. I love that I can call you anytime and you always have the right thing to say to comfort me. Thank you for believing in me andencouraging me to follow my heart and my passions.Happy Mother’s Day, Central Valley. To all the moms out there with teenage girls, it might take 30 years, but it will get better!Kimberly MullenreadsharerecycleJoin <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> of Central Valley on Facebook and stay current on the hottest events and biggest deals around the Central Valley!8 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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McHenryVillageAccording to CNN Money 201012 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | healthBenefits of Guided Imageryby vicky gilpinMany people have heard of the positive benefits of guidedimagery, but they are leery of what the terms actuallymean. This healthful technique is also called “creativevisualization” or “positive visualization,” but it relies on more thanjust visualization. “Imagery” is a more applicable term since thepractice involves use of all of the senses. Scholarly research indicatesthat guided imagery uses the theories of mind-body connections toproduce positive effects on the body by creating detailed scenes inthe mind. Imagining richly detailed situations created with regard tothese benefits causes a person’s body to react to the imaginary situationin a realistic way. Multiple sources equate this to the feeling inyour mouth when you imagine–in deep detail–the process of peelingand biting into a ripe lemon. This body-mind connection is helpfulbecause it allows imagery to affect parts of the physiology not underour conscious control. For example, we can control our breathing bythinking and acting in response to the idea, “I need to slow down mybreathing,” but we cannot control our blood pressure inthe same manner. However, guided imagery may allowpeople to use their minds to affect their bodiesin an indirect way by creating elaborate imagesthat encourage decreased blood pressure orother benefits.Guided imagery differs from daydreaming,wishful thinking or the “lawof attraction” because it is extremelyfocused and usually involves some“guided” or directed aspect from a CD,script or video. The guided elementis beneficial because human beingsget distracted. Many of us suffer fromwhat Buddhists call the monkey mind,where our minds jump from one thoughtto another like monkeys swinging frombranches, or where our minds feel like itcontains many monkeys, all making noise atthe top of their lungs while throwing things.Needless to say, having a monkey mind meanswe can often have trouble concentrating!Having an audio guide or script tohelp with the imagery creation is beneficial because the presentedformat allows beginners to get used to the experience with defenseagainst constant mental distraction. After a person is familiar withthe practice of guided imagery, she can alter the affirmations, stepsor methods to fit her own needs for a richer experience. Free guidedimagery scripts and videos can be found on the Internet, but onemight also wish to research scripts, CDs, downloads and videos frommedical programs, doctors and scholars with backgrounds in guidedimagery in order to find the appropriate guide to fit her needs.Two types of guided imagery include interactive self-discoveryand reprogramming through positive images and messages. Selfdiscoveryencourages an exploration within oneself such as trying toTwo types of guided imageryinclude interactive self-discoveryand reprogramming throughpositive images andmessages.figure out why certain situations causepanic, or why pain exists. Proponentsof guided imagery do not proposethat people with phobias, medicalailments or other concerns solelyrely on guided imagery; instead,an increasing number of medicalpractitioners support guided imageryin conjunction with medicaltreatment. In fact, two of the groupshaving the most success with guidedimagery are those people undergoingvarious types of treatments for cancerand/or depression.On her website, Health Journeys, BelleruthNaperstack notes some of the potentialbenefits of guided imagery: reduced bloodpressure; lowered cholesterol and14 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

glucose levels; heightened short-term immune cell activity; reducedblood loss during surgery; accelerated weight loss; reduced anxiety;and, reduced negative side effects of chemotherapy.For those new to guided imagery, less emphasis might be placedon immediately attending to major issues. Instead, learning how touse guided imagery to reduce anxiety and promote a general senseof well-being might be the most beneficial goal. Relaxation is a keybenefit of guided imagery, and many scripts encourage the participantto envision herself in a relaxing situation. Some include musicor suggest the practitioner select some music that seems appropriateand calming. The guides usually contain a chunk of suggestions incalm, clear, mellow tones about envisioning the mental situation thatwill best encourage relaxation. Then, they often leave a few minutesfor the person to create that mental environment in the richest waypossible. The more effort you put into your imaginings, the morepositive results you may have. After providing time to develop thescene, the guide continues to help building the experience for themost personal benefit. Guided imagery offers a positive way for activewomen to cope with the sometimes negative results of a hectic lifefilled with multitasking. ■Sources for this article include:Kabat-Zin, John. Mindful Meditation for Beginners,innerhealthstudio.com, the-guided-meditation-site.com,healthjourneys.com and healthy.netAre you caring foran aging loved one?You are not alone.There is help!Gain practical information to become a betterfamily caregiver to your aging loved one.Free seminars in Ceres, Modesto and Tracy.Upcoming topics include:• Maximizing Veteran’s Benefits• Care Settings for Seniors: Know Your Options• Hands-on Care: Practical Aspects of Caringfor a Loved One at HomeFor the 2012 schedule and a free toolkit,call 578-6300 or visit www.hospiceheart.org.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 15

herlife | integrative medicineDHEAThe Mother of All Hormonesby dr. lisa hunt | photo by dawn kelly photographyDHEA (Dihydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant naturally-occurringsteroid hormone. We call it the “MotherHormone” because it is the source that fuels the body’smetabolic pathway. It is made in the adrenal glands and in the brain.Levels of DHEA are high in the developing fetus and continue to riseuntil approximately age 25. Thereafter, production drops off sharply.DHEA supports and regulates the functions of other steroids in theirimmune system activity. The body also uses DHEA as a precursorto produce these sex hormones: testosterone, estrogen, progesteroneand cortisol. In addition, DHEA is protective against arteriosclerosis(lowers cholesterol and insulin levels), protects against diabetes, enhancesthe immune system, decreases cancer risk and helps preventdecreased mental function. A low DHEA level is also known as abiological marker for breast cancer in premenopausal women andprostate cancer in men.DHEA is important in keeping the metabolic balance of youth(anabolism). Therefore, it enhances fat loss, increases lean body mass,stimulates new bone formation and inhibits bone degeneration. Lowlevels of DHEA are associated with osteoporosis. DHEA replacementhas been shown to increase perceived physical and psychologicalwell-being, increase energy, improve sleep, increase libido, improvemood and increase stress management. A simple blood test is used todetermine how much DHEA needsto be replaced. When used appropriately,in a therapeutic setting undermedical supervision, DHEA is acritical component to jumpstartinghormonal balance. ■For more information on DHEA,please visit DrLisaHunt.com.Dr. Lisa HuntLisa J. Hunt, D.O., is the Medical Director of Valley Wellness Center in Modesto whose mission “is to build on every levelof your health to achieve the best quality of life.” She is board certified in Family Medicine and Holistic and IntegrativeMedicine. She specializes in anti-aging treatment, natural thyroid replacement, menopause/andropause therapy (includingbio-identical hormone replacement), strengthening the immune system, neurotransmitter analysis/replacement and nutritional support guidance.16 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | spotlightWomen & Infants Center at St. Joseph’s Medical Centerby ann e. butenas | photos by bre baszler, bw black & whites photographyThe birth of a new baby is an experience to cherish and one thatparents (and many excited grandparents) spend months preparingfor. It should come as no surprise that St. Joseph’s MedicalCenter, at 1800 North California Street in Stockton, is one of the mostdesirable places in the region to have a baby. In fact, over 200 newbornsgreet the world each month in the hospital’s state-of-the-art birthing center.Moms who choose to give birth at the Women & Infants Centerare treated to a host of amenities such as spacious, private patient roomswith private bathrooms and showers; sleeping recliners and flat screentelevisions in each room; meal orders taken at the bedside; and freshlybaked cookies delivered every afternoon. Sounds like an upscale hotel?That’s what some of the new moms delivering their babies at St. Joseph’scompare it to. But rest assured, they also have state-of-the-art technologyin two operating rooms just for Cesarean sections, pain managementincluding epidurals, and a neonatal intensive care unit with eight connectingpod-like rooms of three to four isolettes each.But that’s not all! In March, St. Joseph’s Women & Infants Centerbecame the first hospital in San Joaquin County to receive the prestigiousBaby-Friendly Hospital certification from the World HealthOrganization and UNICEF, a designation achieved by only 133hospitals nationwide. The dedicated physicians, nurses and staff havebeen pursuing the initiative ambitiously for over two years in an effort tofully support all of the wonderful benefits associated with breastfeeding.Through this certification, St. Joseph’s actively promotes a culture thatvalues the benefits of breastfeeding and human milk as it relates to themother-child bonding experience and for the overall health benefits itprovides for the baby.“While St. Joseph’s has always been focused on creating a ‘babyfriendly’environment for parents and newborns, we are very proudto achieve the strict criteria for this official designation,” said DebbieRiisager, RN, Director of the Women & Infants Center.St. Joseph’s long-standing approach to delivering family-centeredcare includes “rooming-in,” where the baby stays in the same roomwith the mom, and “skin-to-skin,” where the baby has direct skin-to-skincontact with both mom and dad shortly after birth to promote healthyparent-child bonding.As part of the requirements for the Baby-Friendly certification, eachstaff member underwent 16 hours of classroom learning in breastfeedingand also had to complete a 3-hour clinical competency exam to evaluatetheir knowledge of breastfeeding skills and their ability to compassionatelyand informatively work with the moms. St. Joseph’s has fiveInternational Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) onstaff, and a sixth consultant will soon come on board.Now that the birthing center’s emphasis is on supporting breastfeeding,the overall culture has changed in response to this approach.18 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“Whereas we used to just ask the expectant moms if they were going tobreastfeed or bottle feed, we now focus on educating them about the benefitsof breastfeeding and encourage them to make an informed decision inthis regard,” stated Juli Weaver, RN, the hospital’s perinatal educator. “Weencourage breastfeeding moms to breastfeed exclusively for six monthsand we have breast pump rental options to help support this goal.”Within an hour after birth, a certified lactation consultant willhelp mothers begin the breastfeeding process and teach them how todo this as well as advice how to maintain lactation, even if they have tobe separated from their infants. This is done with both vaginal deliveriesand C-sections, as soon as the mother is stable enough to do so.“The longest any mom is separated from her baby is 30 minutes at theend of a C-section,” said Debbie. “For vaginal deliveries, we promoteskin-to-skin contact right after birth.”“The skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby helps significantlyto regulate the transition to the outside world from the womb,”says Juli. “It regulates the baby’s temperature, the heart rate and theblood glucose levels, among other things.”Overall, St. Joseph’s has seen a rise in the number of womenchoosing to breastfeed, and that can be greatly attributed to theeducational platform available to the patients. “We have prenatal andpostnatal classes about breastfeeding, and we also have a breastfeedingsupport group available for new moms, all of which are free,” saidSusan Pirie, RN, childbirth educator and lactation consultant.In fact, St. Joseph’s has a complete line of “Welcome to Life”prenatal and parenthood classes, including childbirth preparation andinfant CPR, among others, most of which are free.Fortunately, St. Joseph’s boasts a staff that is dedicated to creatinga special environment for the birthing experience and giving babiesa healthy start in life. “We appreciate that our staff has embraced thisBaby-Friendly goal,” commented Debbie. “Sure, there were a fewobstacles at first, but now it is an integral part of our routine, and theright thing to do to give our moms and babies the best care.” ■For more information, visit their website atStJosephsCares.org/Baby. You may also call the hospital at 209-943-2000.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 19

herlife | beautySpa Treatments Worththe Splurgeby chandra blackwellRaise your hand if, when you were little,you thought we’d all be living likethe Jetsons by now. You know: robotsto do our housecleaning, dinner appearing onthe table without any effort on our parts androbotic arms emerging from the walls to doour hair and makeup. Instead, we’re living ina do-it-yourself era: we do our own home improvementprojects, grow our own food, andeven perform our own spa treatments with thehelp of at-home kits for everything from tanningto teeth whitening to waxing. And thereis certainly something to be said for takingcharge of your own beauty (and saving moneyin the process). But there’s also somethingto be said for leaving certain projects in thehands of the professionals. Below are a fewthat are still worth the Spa Day splurge.FacialsGalvanic Facial: If nothing else, agalvanic facial will make you feel younger bytaking you back to 8th grade Science class.This treatment uses a direct electrical currentthat reacts with the sodium chloride in thebody. The positive (sodium) ions and thenegative (chlorine) ions create a magnetic effectthat increases the skin’s absorption ability,thus allowing for deeper penetration of skintreatment products and increasing moistureretention. Got all that? If not, don’t worry; youdon’t have to ace Science to see the results ofthis A+ treatment.Oxygen Facial: Thanks to Madonna,oxygen facials have gained popularity overrecent years. Designed to deliver a highconcentration of oxygen molecules directlyto the skin via a high-pressure oxygen stream,this treatment gives you a smoother, plumperlook and a healthy glow. For those who arestill traditionalists at heart, spas now offeroxygen “infusions” following traditional facialtreatments, to help nourish the skin and encouragenew collagen growth. What a breathof fresh air.Back Facial: Though it seems like anoxymoron, a back facial can be tremendouslybeneficial to anyone without double-jointedarms and rear-facing eyes. Let’s face it—getting“winter back” ready for swimsuit seasonis the hardest DIY beauty project aside fromcutting your own hair with pinking shears.A back facial encompasses the elements of atraditional facial to target the skin problemsthat can result from back neglect. And bestof all, someone else does it for you, so nogymnastic abilities are required! Just make anappointment and get ready to wow ‘em comingand going!MassagesHot Stone Massage: Back in the day,“Hot Stones” most likely had something todo with Mick Jagger and company. For thepast couple of decades, however, they’ve beensynonymous with a massage therapy that usessmooth, heated stones on the body in combinationwith traditional massage techniques.The heat of the stones relaxes muscles,thereby allowing the massage therapist deeperaccess to muscular layers and leaving you feelingdeeply soothed and deeply relaxed. This“Emotional Rescue” is worth every penny.Bamboo Massage: Much to the chagrinof pandas everywhere, the use of bamboo hasexpanded over the last several years, fromflooring to bedding—and now to massage!Bamboo massage promotes blood circulation,improves sensory nerve perception andencourages lymphatic drainage, all whilereducing stress. As the therapist works the tensionfrom your muscles by kneading, glidingand rolling a large bamboo reed along yourBamboo massage promotes blood circulation,improves sensory nerve perception and encourageslymphatic drainage, all while reducing stress.22 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

shoulders, back and legs, you will have a brief moment of sympathy forthe pandas...but this is one bamboo benefit you won’t want to give up!Body TreatmentsBody Wrap: Sometimes called an herbal wrap, this treatment is agreat follow-up to a body scrub. Your aesthetician will coat your entirebody with a special herbal compound and then swaddle you in warmlinens and plastic sheeting for about half an hour. While the herbswork to clear your pores and detoxify your skin, the aesthetician maytreat you to a scalp massage, or at least stay nearby to scratch your noseif it becomes necessary. You’ll emerge from your herbal cocoon softer,smoother and slimmer!Hydrotherapy (Vichy Shower): Ever wished you could take a nice,soothing shower without getting out of bed? A Vichy shower may be theclosest you get to that dream. Multiple shower heads will be positionedover your body (a therapist will adjust the water temperature) while youlie on a table and soak in the relaxation, or alternately, replay scenes fromthe Poseidon Adventure in your head. Either way, a Vichy shower willleave your skin feeling refreshed, renewed and (need we say) hydrated.There are as many varieties of spa service as there are spas, and itmay take years of trial and error to find the ones that help you feel yourabsolute best. But as the saying goes: you’re worth it.Sources for this article are:spas.about.com,spaweekblog.com, fr.spafinder.ca, lasercentre.ca andmassageenvy.com ■209.836.6062APAULMITCHELLEXPERIENCE.COM20 W. 10TH ST. TRACY, CA 95376According to CNN Money 2010<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 23

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WebbTammieTeaching Young Entrepreneurs toTurn Lemons into Lemonadeby ann e. butenasphotos by bre baszler of bw black & whites photographyhair by daydre eastwood of streaks salonmake up by mashara bumbico of streaks salonshot on location at graceada parkFor many American children, it’s a rite of passage, an integral in the ophthalmology field, first as a receptionist and then later as apart of the childhood agenda and a really cool way to certified ophthalmic assistant for offices in Stockton and Sacramento.make a few dollars to spend on a new toy or some candy. She discovered work in the non-profit sector in 2004 working forI am talking about the proverbial lemonade stand. It’s as much a part Charterhouse for Families. As one who planned countless events overof the American tradition as baseball and apple pie. Folks from every the years in her work with eye doctors, she successfully took over thegeneration can recount warm spring days or hot summer afternoons planning of an event for Charterhouse, and by the following year wasshouting from the homemade stand strategically placed near the edge chiefly responsible for bringing in $20,000 more in funds raised for thatof the driveway, “Lemonade for sale! Lemonade for sale!” as paper cups particular event. Her talent for event planning was obvious, and thisare filled, sometimes overflowing, with the “accuracy” of a beginner as ultimately led her to begin her own business, Colbert Events, which isnickels, dimes or even quarters are given to the young entrepreneurs in now known as Tammie Webb Events.exchange for the thirst-quenching beverage.After working with marketing and event planning expert SuziAlthough she is a full-fledged adult now, Tammie Webb, Modesto DeSilva for a year in an effort to hone her own skills, Tammie had theresident and champion of the lemonade stand, is ready to make this confidence to strike out on her own. It was during that time she mettime-honored tradition quite the legacy in her hometown.Scott, got married and relocated to Modesto from Stockton. “When IA busy mom to eight kids, 4 of her own and 4 from her husband came here, I didn’t know anyone nor was I familiar with the culture andScott, all of which range in age from 7 on up to 23, one would assume passions of the people,” she expressed.that Tammie naturally had her hands full from that perspectiveWhile she knew she wanted to do something that focused onalone. However, she is not one to sit down on the sidelines of life. her passion–kids–she was not exactly sure which path she wouldShe champions a “get up and go” mentality as she not only maintains take. Serendipitously, it was at this time Tammie became aware of anfluidity within her own family unit, but also as the owner of Tammie opportunity called Lemonade Day.Webb Events. And she works with the STS Foundation as a Regional Founded in 2007 by the Houston-based non-profit organization,Coordinator, hiring local coordinators up and down the state ofPrepared 4 Life, Lemonade Day is a free program for kids in gradesCalifornia. STS is a non-profit organization sponsoring an international kindergarten through 12 that provides them with the educational toolsexchange program for high school students.they need to start, own and operate their very own lemonade stand.“Last year we hosted a student from Italy and this year we have“Through this program, youth learn to create budgets, secureone from China,” noted Tammie, with an obvious air of enthusiasm for investors, select a site, serve customers, set profit-making goals, repaybeing actively involved in any endeavor that supports youth, something investors and give back to the community,” smiled Tammie. “By startingthat is of equal importance to her husband Scott, who works for the their own business, kids gain valuable entrepreneurial skills infused withUnited Cerebral Palsy (UCP) organization and the Connections Family life skills such as character development, empowerment and financialCenter (CFC).freedom. Lemonade Day sets them on a path of financial learning andAlthough she is obviously on the go, there is no apparent goal-setting that can continue throughout their lives.”lack of energy or excitement for what is currently onAfter getting more than enthusiastic support from herTammie’s agenda. For over two decades, Tammie worked husband, Tammie prepared a PowerPoint presentation which<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 27

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“INSPIRE SOMEONE TODAY”Rita SperlingOwner/Artistic Designer209-334-5357Stylists: Teri, Gerri, Alta, Alexis and StephenieSalon: 339-9226Teri Turrentine-Eisert209-365-3973Permanent Cosmetics - permanentcosmeticsartist.com222 S SCHOOL STREET, LODI CA 95240Happy Mother’s Day!<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 31

herlife | cravingsCactusMexicanDiningby adriana broggerphotos by bre baszler, bw black & whites photographyAsk the people around you and if they’re anything like thosearound me, you’ll find that Mexican cuisine is pretty popularin the Central Valley. And with Cinco de Mayo this month,there’s no better time to enjoy a great Mexican restaurant. That said, letme introduce you to Cactus Mexican Dining in Woodbridge!Mia Lane-Gomez is Cactus’ owner. She and her husband, EfrainGomez, have been serving up mouth-watering food and drinks at Cactussince 1992, and will be celebrating 20 years in August. So, what’s thesecret to their success? Locals say it’s consistently delicious food andsmall-town charm mixed in with friendly staffers. One man said that Miamakes it a point to treat strangers like locals.On to the food! Cactus features an impressive menu which isseveral pages long and includes something for every palate. Efrain andMia are committed to using traditional recipes, and the finest and freshestingredients they can get. This combination lends itself to an amazingdining experience!We started with the Tapatia, a gorgeous presentation of a tostadadinner. You get two soft tortillas fried until they are golden and crispy,then layered with beans and cheese topped with lettuce tossed in amayo, garlic and cilantro dressing. It’s then garnished with guacamole,sour cream and tomatoes, and served with rice. You have your choice ofchicken, steak, shredded beef, carnitas or shrimp. We had the chickenwhen we sampled the menu. It was so very good! The dressing wasrefreshing and paired beautifully with the crispiness of the tortilla. And,the serving size was extremely generous (but we found that to be truewith all the dishes).Next, we had the Veggie Enchiladas. I was a little skeptical aboutthem at first. Not because they are vegetarian but because of the veggiesused. I was expecting more of an onion/pepper enchilada. These veggieenchiladas are two flour tortillas stuffed with grilled zucchini, broccoli,carrots, onions, red peppers and bell peppers topped with a garlic butterycream and chipotle sauce. Yum, yum! One bite and you will be pleasantlysurprised at how great the creamy sauce mixes with the crunch ofthe veggies. This is a great one to try when you want something completelydifferent. I can imagine it’ll be an instant favorite.The Veggie Enchiladas were followed by the Calamari CostaBrava. This dish is positively divine! It’s a fillet of squid prepared abalonestyle.The calamari is covered in a white wine, lemon and garlic saucethat gives it a heavenly flavor. It’s then topped with shrimp, mushrooms,spices, roasted tomatoes, avocado slices and melted jack cheese! It’sserved with delightfully light jalapeno pasta and an amazing side dish offlavorful refried beans.We finished the night off with the Chicken Caliente. It’s a freshpasilla pepper, fire-grilled and roasted, then stuffed with garlic chickenbreast and topped with a creamy, buttery sauce. The dish is served withblack beans and a side of rice. This was so good! I personally didn’t findit too spicy but if you’re worried about the level of spiciness, Mia tells methat the kitchen is happy to adjust to whatever your taste buds prefer.If you would prefer drinks with your dinner, Cactus also boastsa super bartender, Casey Evans. Casey is a big hit with anyone who’stried one of his treats. He served up a variety of his concoctions for the<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> staff that sampled the menu on our visit, and all I will say isthere were no complaints and plenty of happy faces!The décor at Cactus is uniquely charming and lends itself to thehistory of the building. Mia told me that the historic building has a richhistory dating back to the 1800s. The brick and wood two-story buildingare home to the amazing cuisine and more recently plays host tokaraoke, salsa and Cumbia dancing on different days of the week. So, foranyone interested in Latin dance, you can make your own history in aplace that already holds so much! Call the friendly staff at Cactus to getthe latest schedule of events.Efrain, Mia and their staff would be happy to have you andyours over for a traditional Mexican feast to celebrate Cinco de Mayo(or any other occasion!). Come on over for a great meal and awesomeambience. ■Cactus is located at 18961 N. Lower Sacramento Road inWoodbridge. You can call them at 209-367-1632 or visit them online atcactusmex.net for restaurant hours, specials and events.32 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Adriana Brogger is an assignment editor and writer for the #1 rated television newsstation in the Sacramento, Stockton and Modesto areas, KCRA – 3. When Adriana isnot working or spending time with her husband and four little boys she is buried in atextbook as she pursues a Master’s Degree. She enjoys reading, writing, playing withmakeup and watching YouTube tutorials, until her real life of work, dishes, laundry andmessy little boys comes calling! If you know of a great local restaurant that would welcomea visit by Adriana, please send an email to kimberly@herlifemagazine.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 33

herlife | culinaryAll About PepperA Lookat theVarieties ofPeppercornby kristen doyleHave you ever wandered into a spicestore and found yourself in thepeppercorn aisle, overwhelmed bythe options you face? Maybe you thoughtblack pepper was your only option and weresurprised to find out that there are so manyadditional varieties beyond basic black pepper.We’ve gathered information on some of themost common forms of peppercorns to helpyou discover the different complex flavors peppervarieties can provide.Black Peppercorn(Black Pepper)Black peppercorn is the most commonof all peppers and is the most flavorful ofthe peppers available. Many chefs use eitherground black peppercorns or cracked blackpeppercorns as a key ingredient to seasonsavory food. Mild in taste, yet pungentenough to add a small kick to a dish, blackpeppercorn is a universal favorite among thepeppercorn varieties.White Peppercorn(White Pepper)White peppercorns are actually derivedfrom the same plant as black peppercorn, buthave been allowed to fully ripen, resulting in awhite outer skin. White peppercorn is slightlymilder than black peppercorn and is generallya favored seasoning aesthetically for lightcoloreddishes such as fish, chicken and whitesauces. Those individuals who enjoy a milderpeppery flavor, white peppercorn would be agreat seasoning to utilize.Green PeppercornsIf you are looking to turn up the heat usingpepper as an ingredient, green peppercornsare a seasoning to have on hand. Green peppercornsare especially useful in salsas, salads,sauces and vegetables where you want the kickof the pepper to shine through.Pink PeppercornsPink peppercorns are a delicate peppervariety with a sweeter, fruity taste. Known fortheir beautiful color qualities, pink peppercornscan add extraordinary flavor to bothsweet and savory dishes. (Due to the delicatenature of the pink peppercorns, it is recommendedto crush them with a knife or a spicegrinder instead of a regular peppermill.)Long Pepper (piper longum)Long pepper has similar characteristicsas traditional peppercorns, but it has astronger flavor profile. Because of its ability toadd extra spice to a recipe, long pepper is aningredient often used in Indian cuisine as wellas international spice mixtures.Peppercorn BlendsPeppercorn blends are another popularway to season your food. Peppercorn blendsmay consist of several types of peppercorns inone grinder or a single peppercorn with anadditional spice flavoring, such as lemon orGreek seasoning. Peppercorn blends are aneasy way to add custom flavor to your recipeswithout having to store a wide selection ofspices and seasonings in your spice collection.As you can see, there are numerous peppercornoptions on the market today. Buywhole peppercorns and grind your own athome with a quality peppermill to unleash theunending flavor possibilities of pepper intoyour recipes. ■Source: The Spice Bible by Ian Hemphill34 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | recipesDar k Chocolate Muffinsrecipes and photography by kristen doyleIngredients:3 eggs1 cup sour cream1 cup dark hot chocolate, brewed½ cup vegetable oil1 teaspoon vanilla extractInstructions:2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour1 ½ cups sugar½ cup baking cocoa½ teaspoon salt1 ½ teaspoons baking soda1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare 12 cup muffin pans by lining withcupcake liners.2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs, sour cream, brewed hot cocoa, oil andvanilla.3. Continue beating while slowing adding the dry ingredients (flour, sugar,cocoa, salt and baking soda). Mix until well blended.4. Spoon muffin batter into prepared muffin cups. Bake at 325 degrees for25 minutes or until knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Coolfor 5 minutes before removing. ■36 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Roasted Red Pepper Ranch DipIngredients:6 ounces Ranch dressing½ cup roasted red peppers1 Tablespoon minced garlic½ teaspoon seasoning salt½ teaspoon black pepperInstructions:In a food processor or blender, combine the Ranch dressing, roasted red peppers,minced garlic, seasoning salt and black pepper. Blend until smooth.Chill until ready to serve. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 37

herlife | trendsetterlarissa founts and rashonne founts wearing REI38 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMStonecreek Village5757 Pacific Avenueshopstonecreekvillage.com209-474-1634photography by briggs photographymodels nancy rausch, larissa founts, rashonne fountshair and makeup provided by priscilla perales, stephanie rodriquez, ally volpi, mary beth kozina and danica bertolucci of salon avantishot on location at stonecreek village

larissa founts in LOFT<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 39

larissa founts in LOFT40 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

ashonne founts in talbots<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 41

ashonne founts in talbots42 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

nancy rausch in roger dunndiamond jewelry provided by peck’s jewelers<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 43

larissa founts in j.jill44 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

nancy rausch in coldwater creek<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 45

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As you are warmly welcomedinto the office, any apprehensionyou may have previously feltabout getting dental work doneis instantly dissolved. In fact, youwill most likely enjoy yourself,especially when they offer youa heated neck wrap or a seat ina heated massaging chair withrelaxing music playing soothinglyin the background. Believe itor not, this is a professionaldental office complete with aknowledgeable, dedicated andcaring staff ready to tend toyour every need.odontal health, bonding/white fillings, inlays/onlays, crowns, bridges,dental implants, crown lengthening, Invisalign, root canals, soft tissuegrafts and bone grafting.Unique to this office is the supreme loyaltyof its staff. “We are a small office with staff members who have beenhere for many years,” expressed Dr. Inong. “With a low turnover in employees,patients can expect to continue to receive the level of care andservice that only an established practice can provide. We have all beenworking together for over ten years and every single staff member isvery knowledgeable in their respective duties. They know the patientsby name, and are extremely friendly, caring, gentle, genuine, trustworthyand dedicated to providing our patients with a comfortable andpleasant atmosphere.”As a dental practice that truly practices what it preaches by makingeach patient feel like a member of the family, it is not uncommon tohave patients stop by just to say hello and visit even if they don’t havean appointment. “Many of our patients look forward to coming in fortheir dental appointments because they have such a positive experiencewhen they are here,” smiled Dr. Inong.If a positive dental experience means they greet me by name, askabout my kids, treat me to a relaxing spa-like environment, see me ontime and work efficiently, even teaching me a few things about mydental health along the way, then I am more than willing to schedulean exam twice a year…maybe even more! ■For more information, visit their website at inongdental.com or call209-477-9105.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 49

herlife | mother’s perspectiveHome SchoolingWho’s Doing It and Whyby kathleen m. kruegerAccording to the National Center for Educational Statistics(NCES), approximately 1.5 million U.S. children from gradeskindergarten through 12th grade were enrolled in homeschoolfor their education in 2007. This is a 36 percent increase since 2003, a74 percent increase since 1999, and represents 2.9 percent of the totalschool age population of children. This clearly demonstrates a consistentgrowth of the movement towards parental provision of education for theirchildren. So, what are the reasons behind this phenomenon? Why wouldparents abandon a traditional public or private school setting in favor ofteaching their children themselves at home?In the surveys taken by the NCES in both 2003 and 2007, fourreasons took prominence: a concern about the school environment; toprovide religious and moral instruction (in addition to academics); dissatisfactionwith the academic instruction at other schools; and, the desireto use a nontraditional approach to their child’s education.The religious and moral instruction area appears to be a factor ina very large percentile of homeschool parents; about 83 percent of theparents who responded to the 2007 survey included this as one of theirreasons for choosing to homeschool their children. In spite of the largenumbers who include religious or moral reasons in their list, the numberof families who are choosing homeschooling for secular reasons shouldnot be minimized. In the State of California, there are 39 different secularhomeschool organizations, and 19 secular groups exist in the small stateof Maryland.Homeschool families can be found in every socioeconomic group.You will find the children of physicians and lawyers being homeschooled,along with the children of factory workers, farmers and even publicschool teachers. Parents who are providing homeschool educations fortheir children may or may not have a college education; they may beteaching all of their children at home or may only be homeschooling onechild while the others attend a traditional school setting. As you can see, itwould be very difficult to define a ‘typical’ homeschool parent or family.They come in all varieties.Homeschool families can befound in every socioeconomicgroup. You will find the childrenof physicians and lawyers beinghomeschooled, along with thechildren of factory workers, farmersand even public school teachers.Many homeschool parents will admit that they had reservationswhen they began their first year of homeschooling. Most parentsstruggled with a sense of inadequacy and fears that they might not beable to adequately fulfill the roles of both parent and teacher. Selectingcurriculum and making arrangements for the children to participate insocial and sporting activities with their peers were other areas that werechallenging for them, as well as the questions and concerns of others intheir social sphere or family.The plethora of homeschool organizations available to providesupport and assistance to families choosing to enter into this venture isamazing. Curriculum choices range from standard textbooks to softwareand online learning opportunities. Most cities and even smaller townsnow have local networks of homeschoolers which offer support in a varietyof areas, from group learning opportunities to field trips and socializing.In addition, being a homeschool student does not have to meanmissing out on public school sports, as many homeschoolers participate50 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

in local high school sports programs.The regulations regarding homeschooling varies from one state toanother, so making the choice to homeschool your children requireseducating yourself on what the requirements are for your area. In somestates there is little or no regulation, in others there is mandatory testingand reporting, while another will require a homeschool family to registerand follow the same guidelines as a private school or a charter school.Many advantages are cited for homeschooling: flexible schedule;family bonding; parental control over curriculum; individualizedlearning; and, supportive, nurturing environment. However, there arenegative aspects to consider as well. A homeschool family will generallybe dependent on the sole income of one parent rather than two, as onewill be home with the children and serving as their teacher. On top ofthat economic issue, there is the added expense of curriculum for thevarious grade levels and subjects. Although homeschool children oftenexperience shorter ‘school’ hours than they would in a traditional schoolsetting, their teacher/parent will be required to spend many hours in lessonplanning and preparation beyond those basic teaching hours.Becoming a homeschool teacher/parent requires time, energyand a strong commitment to providing the best possible educationaland development opportunities for their children. It is not the bestoption for everyone, but for many, it is becoming a truly viable optionto consider. ■Sources for this article are secularhomeschool.com, nces.ed.gov andtime4learning.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 51

herlife | green livingSafe Eco-Friendly Productsfor Your New Babyby linda marannoTaking the extra time and making the extra effort to purchaseeco-friendly products is always a wise choice, but it becomeseven more important when you are planning for the arrival ofyour new baby. Carefully selecting products that protect the health andsafety of your child is a key priority. We’ve done an extensive search andgathered a wide variety of suggestions to help you get started.NurseryConsidering your new baby will be spending almost all of her or histime in this room, it’s important to make sure all products used in thisspace will help create the healthiest environment possible.Paint – Pregnant women and small children are especially sensitive tothe toxic effects of conventional paint which contain chemicals such assolvents, mercury, formaldehyde, benzene, dibutyl and diethyl phthalatewhich release dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) into theair. Safer alternatives include SafePaint, a milk-based (casein) VOC-freepaint that uses natural pigments made by the Old Fashioned Milk PaintCompany (milkpaint.com) or Safe Coat, which offers a number of zeroand low VOC paints (afmsafecoat.com).Flooring – Synthetic carpeting also emits toxic VOCs from chemicalssuch as formaldehyde and benzene. Choose safer flooring optionssuch as 100 percent wool carpeting made by EarthWeave (earthweave.com) called Bio-Floor that is free from chemicals used for mothproofing,as well as dyes and stain protectors. Cotton and hemp are used forthe primary backing instead of polypropylene, natural rubber for theadhesive and jute for the secondary backing. Their padding is a blend ofwool and cotton and is free of dyes, fire retardants, glues, mothproofingor adhesives. Another eco-friendly option is bamboo flooring made bySmith & Fong, the only company that offers a formaldehyde-free line ofbamboo flooring called PlybooPure. They are also dedicated to makingsure the bamboo used in their products is produced in a sustainablemanner (plyboo.com).Furniture – Shopping for a safe crib is a challenge because most aremade of composite wood products such as particle board (PB) ormedium density fiberboard (MDF), which emits dangerous VOCs fromformaldehyde and other toxic chemicals used in the finishing process.We did find two companies, however, that produce eco-friendly nontoxicnursery furniture. Manufactured at a factory in Connecticut, ducduc’sfurniture is made from sustainably harvested hardwood using waterbased,nontoxic finishes. They do not use MDF or particle board (ducducnyc.com).Argington’s entire line of furniture is made from renewableand sustainably harvested solid birch wood and birch plywood thatis Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. They guarantee that theirwood products have 0 percent formaldehyde emissions, and all materials,glues, stains and finishes are 100 percent nontoxic (argington.com).52 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Crib Mattress – Many of the materials used to manufacture most cribmattresses can produce chemical off-gassing that poses serious healththreats to your child. Because your baby will be in direct physical contactwith the mattress on an almost continuous basis, it’s important to investin one made with the safest materials possible. In our online search,we found one company, Naturepedic, that actually lists the key materialsused to manufacture their product in detail. Their mattresses consist ofU.S. grown certified organic cotton for the filling, food-grade polyethyleneto cover the surface, steel innerspring and the unique combinationof baking soda and food-grade hydrated silica as a fire retardant. Theirmattresses do not contain natural latex, rubber or coir, wool, mohair orhorsetail hair, vinyl/PVC, polyurethane foam, perfluorocarbons (PFCs),fire retardant chemicals, or antibacterial biocides (naturepedic.com).BeddingKeep your baby comfy and cozy in bedding and blankets made ofsoft organic cotton. You can find an excellent selection of organic cottonbedding online at sites such as landofnod.com, sagecreekorganics.com,ecosleepshop.com and katequinnorganics.com.Organic Baby FoodBabies have a limited ability to break down harmful substancessuch as pesticides and other chemicals used to grow conventional fruitsand vegetables because their gastrointestinal tract is not fully developed.Give your baby a healthy start by choosing organic baby food. You canmake your own baby food from puréed organic fruits and vegetables, oropt for the convenience of organic baby food offered by the followingcompanies. Yummy Spoonfuls is 100 percent USA certified organic babyfood, made-from-scratch from all natural ingredients. Their productsare free of salt, preservatives, gluten, dairy, additives, sugars and/or fillers(yummyspoonfuls.com). Created by Chef Tyler Florence of FoodNetwork fame, Sprout Baby Food is made with organic fruits, vegetablesand whole grains free of additives, preservatives, artificial flavors or colorsor added sugar (sproutbabyfood.com). Plum Organics features baby foodmade from organic fruits and vegetables free of added sugar, juice, colorsor flavors (plumorganics.com).DiapersAccording to the Sustainability Institute, disposable diapers comprise80 percent of the diapers used in the U.S. today and are the thirdlargest single product in the waste stream behind newspapers and beveragecontainers. However, unlike newspapers and beverage containers,which can be recycled, disposable diapers are trucked away to landfillswhere they remain for up to 500 years before decomposing. Choosealternative options such as organic cotton cloth diapers available at anumber of online retailers including Ecobaby Organics (ecobaby.com)and Under the Nile (underthenile.com) or eco-friendly gDiapers whichconsist of a washable, cotton outer pant, a nylon snap-in liner, and aplastic-free flushable refill (gdiapers.com). ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 53

herlife | working womenFindingBalancein Your Lifeby chandra blackwellPut forth your effort to reap the results you want, and focus where itmatters most. Learn which things you can prioritize, delegate and eliminate.Here’s the problem with the concept of “finding balance.”When people talk about it, they almost always immediatelycreate a dichotomy—the things they don’t enjoy go on oneside of the scale, and “life” goes on the other. But here’s the thing. Lifedoesn’t exist at only one end of the seesaw. Any time that you spenddoing anything is your life. The time you spend flossing, searchingfor lost socks and scanning Facebook for photos of your seventh gradecrush is your life. So instead of balancing “good” elements against“bad” (beach vacation against root canal, for example), focus on findinga place for everything that serves a purpose. Here are some ways tohelp you get started.Healthy balance should be based on the 80/20 rule, the famousbusiness doctrine which states that roughly 80 percent of desiredresults come from 20 percent of the causes. In practice, this means thatyou’re going to have to decide where your 20 percent lies. Put forthyour effort to reap the results you want, and focus where it mattersmost. Learn which things you can prioritize, delegate and eliminate.Easier said than done, right? But once you’ve created a “short list”of elements in your life that you feel deserve your best efforts, try takinga “big picture” look at your life—how do you spend your time rightnow, and how much of that time is spent on things that are importantto you? Then figure out how you can create more time for the thingsthat are important to you by asking yourself some key questions abouteach activity in your life not crucial to your goals.Does it have to be done? If the answer is ‘no’ (and let’s be honest:any TV marathon involving a show with the word Housewives in thetitle would probably be a ‘no’), it’s time to eliminate that activity fromyour life. If the answer is ‘yes,’ then ask yourself the next question.Does it have to be done by me? This is a tricky question becausenot only are some habitual activities difficult to give up, they can alsobe difficult to delegate. Certain activities give us a sense of importancethat can be hard to let go. But will your two-year-old really notice if she54 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

doesn’t get made-from-scratch cupcakes for her birthday this year? Ifyour answer is still ‘yes,’ proceed to the next question.Can I change the way I do it? For those non-essential activitiesthat have to get done and can’t be delegated, find a way to get themdone differently and/or more efficiently. For example, I know motherswho’ve scaled back on their weekly tub scrubs by using dishwashingliquid as their kids’ bubble bath (which is apparently as tough onbathtub rings as it is on lasagna crust). With a little imagination, thepossibilities are endless and more time can be yours!Having said all that, there are some aspects of life that do not readilylend themselves to our control. So it’s up to you to redefine your life tomake room for those elements you wish weren’t part of it. This requiresembracing the moment.Nobody jumps into her car and thinks, “I hope I get stuck in bumper-to-bumpertraffic for 45 minutes today!” But it happens. MomentsHealthy balance should be basedon the 80/20 rule, the famousbusiness doctrine which statesthat roughly 80 percent of desiredresults come from 20 percent ofthe causes. In practice, this meansthat you’re going to have to decidewhere your 20 percent lies.like this are part of life, and though you may never learn to love them,you can find ways to make them count by trying to make every momentworthy of the time you’re spending on it. Is there something youcan do differently than you usually do in this moment, or somethingyou can learn? Perhaps something makes you grateful (for example,the fact that you’re actually in a car, and not forced to travel by foot orcamel)? Perhaps not. But at the very least, learning to embrace thesemoments in some way will help you accept both the moments themselves,and the fact that a “balanced” life involves not only the “good”stuff but also anger, frustration, annoyance…and traffic.Likewise, do your best to be fully “in the moment” when you’redoing something you do consider worthwhile—something that is partof your “short list.” Instead of catching up on work e-mails during yourchild’s guitar lesson, try sitting in and noticing the progress your childhas made over the last few weeks. Instead of mentally rehearsing tomorrow’swork presentation while you’re walking your dog, try noticingone new and interesting thing about each block you walk. Embracing–and being fully present in–each moment of your life as it comes is thebest way to truly feel as though you’re actually living each moment ofyour life. And therein lies the best kind of balance. ■Sources for this article are wholeliving.com and zenhabits.net<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 55

herlife | financeTIPSforAVINGfor Kids’Collegeby catie watson56 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMIf you’re a parent, it’s never too soon to think about financing yourchild’s college education. A few decades ago it was possible for acollege student to pay for his or her own education with a part-timejob and a small amount of financial aid. With today’s inflation and therising cost of higher education, this has become nearly impossible.According to the College Board, the average cost for tuition and fees atfour-year colleges and universities has increased by nearly 51 percentover the past decade (when adjusted for inflation). These costs are guaranteedto continue to rise.If you’re concerned about how you’ll pay for college for yourkids, it’s never too early to begin saving. By starting early and savingregularly, it’s possible to provide your children with a substantial sumfor college. For example, investing $100 per month with an 8 percentreturn will yield $48,000 after 18 years.Your first step in saving for your kids’ college education shouldbe setting up a 529 account. The term 529 is used to refer to atax-advantage investment plan that has your child as the designatedbeneficiary. These plans, which are named for Section 529 of the IRStax code, are administered by state agencies and non-profit organizations.All income from a 529 plan is free from federal income tax aslong as it’s used for qualified college education expenses. Some statesalso waive taxes on 529 returns or allow deductions for contributions.Besides the tax savings, one of the greatest advantages of these plans isthat there’s less temptation to divert your college fund when it’s safelytucked away in a 529.There are a few things to be aware of when it comes to 529 plans.If your child doesn’t go to college or if money is withdrawn for noneducationalexpenses, your investment will be subject to penalties andtaxes. Also, since 529 plan managers invest in stocks and bonds, thereis some risk. Your returns can fluctuate or perform poorly dependingon economic conditions. Despite these caveats, 529 plans are highlyrecommended by investment experts for financing a child’s collegeeducation. The easiest way to contribute on a regular basis is throughautomatic payroll deductions.Don’t be shy about enlisting the helpof others when it comes to savingfor college. As soon as your childrenare born, let family and friends knowthat contributions to their collegefunds will be appreciated.According to financial experts, you should never prioritize yourkids’ college education over saving for your retirement. Long beforeyour oldest child is ready for college, crunch the numbers and figurehow much you will need for retirement. Once you know how much tosave each year to reach your retirement goals, you can create a collegesavings plan. In the long run, you will be doing your children a favorby ensuring that you will be able to cover your own expenses in yoursenior years.Continued on page 58

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Don’t be shy about enlisting the help of others when it comes tosaving for college. As soon as your children are born, let family andfriends know that contributions to their college funds will be appreciated.Babies and toddlers only need so many toys and will never knowthe difference if Grandma and Grandpa give a savings bond or cash fortheir 529 account on their birthday. As your children get older, makesure they understand the importance of saving for college and that theyshould appreciate any help they receive.Finally, it’s important to remember that if you can’t save enoughto cover four years of college tuition, room and board for each of yourchildren, financial aid is available from a variety of sources. Scholarships,grants, work-study jobs and student loans can help bridge the gapbetween what you’ve saved and what your child needs. Scholarshipsand grants are the best form of financial aid because they never need tobe repaid, but most are need-based and will depend on your income,assets and the number of college students in your family. If your incomeis too high to qualify for need-based scholarships and grants, yourchild may be eligible for a merit-based award if he or she has a specialtalent or achievement.If you’ve exhausted all other sources of college funding, yourchild can apply for a federally funded student loan. Repayment andinterest accrual don’t begin until after graduation. ■Sources for this article are collegesavings.org, money.cnn.comsavingforcollege.com, money.usnews.com and studentaid.gov.58 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

herlife | spotlightTracyCollisionby ann e. butenasphotos by briggs photographyEven though none of us would want to entertain the idea ofhaving to take our cars to a collision and repair center, it’scomforting to know in the heart of Tracy, one center standsout heads above the rest. If you ever do find yourself in need of atrusted expert, the only place to go is Tracy Collision.Located at 25445 South Schulte Road, this family-owned businessopened in September 2010 and is owned and operated by Armin andLori Ghorbani (who previously had a business in the Bay Area for 25years before settling in Tracy 21 years ago). For Armin and his wife Lori,their business is more than just a collision repair center. It’s a warm andwelcoming place where you can have confidence in knowing your carwill be cared for as if it belonged to Armin himself. The experts at TracyCollision understand that your car is more than just transportation. It’ssomething of great value and a source of pride to you, representativeof your overall lifestyle. Armin, Lori and their two kids, Jasmine andKeyon, worked tirelessly from day one tending to all the details of thisrepair center to ensure the utmost in service for their customers.“Our job is to put the customer’s mind at ease,” expressedArmin. “We realize that an auto accident is traumatic enough,and we don’t want to add to that stress. We strive to turn a badexperience into a good one through our careful attentionto detailed, quality work at the hands of knowledgeableand experienced experts.”Consistently the recipient of five-star ratings from satisfiedcustomers, Tracy Collision is the only repair center in Tracy certifiedand trained by Mercedes, Porsche, BMW and Lexus. Although theyservice all makes and models, Armin and his staff have over 25 yearsof experience in high-end automobile repair work and have met therequirements of Mercedes certification, bringing to the table the latestin manufacturer tools and intensive training. They know precisely whatthey are doing and will cut no corners in doing so.Being Mercedes-certified is the highest achievement one canhave and with such certification comes access to the latest and greatestin cutting-edge technologies. In fact, Mercedes Benz, the pioneer ofsafety options on cars, has over 80,000 different patented technologiesthat are not only used on their models but are now seen on all vehicles.Standing on such solid credentials, Tracy Collision’s goal is toreturn your car to you as good as new, employing the best in expertise,experience, tools and training. “With us, quality is our top priority,”said Armin. “We restore vehicles to their original condition with onlygenuine factory parts and no after-market parts.”60 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“Our job is to put the customer’smind at ease. We realize that an autoaccident is traumatic enough, andwe don’t want to add to that stress.We strive to turn a bad experienceinto a good one through our carefulattention to detailed, quality workat the hands of knowledgeableand experienced experts.”The experts at Tracy Collision have your car covered from endto end and provide proven results in framework, glass replacement,paint jobs, and even work on hybrid and electric cars. “We have thetechnology to do it all,” commented Armin.For example, their paint mixing lab and computerized colortechnology allows them to create a perfect color match as their expertsutilize unparalleled industry blending techniques and technologies.Each vehicle undergoes a rigorous quality inspection to ensurethat it is restored to its original pre-collision state.Tracy Collision knows that properly repairing collision damagegreatly affects the safety and performance of your vehicle. Eachvehicle is repaired to factory specifications using state-of-the-art toolsand technologies. Their certified technicians cover every detail inrestoring the integrity of the car to its original specifications usingonly manufacturer-recommended methods.In addition to providing premier service, Tracy Collision alsooffers lifetime warranties on all repairs. Of course, that should comeas no surprise, as this body shop is truly unlike any other. They alsowork with all major insurance carriers to allow for a seamless transactionfrom start to finish.And it’s not just vehicles that get the royal treatment. From thefirst call to the center to the moment the client gets their keys backin their hand, excellent customer service is also a top priority. “Wehave the cleanest body shop around,” expressed Armin. “We mop thefloors twice daily and keep it very well-manicured at all times. It’sdefinitely not your average body shop. We want people to feel at easewhen they are here, knowing that they, as well as their cars, are ingood hands.”That undeniable feeling of family greets you immediately uponentering the front door. “It was my desire to open a repair shop in atown where I could provide superior service to the people I know andto support local businesses in the process. I treat every customer as ifhe or she is truly a member of my family,” smiled Armin. ■For more information, visit their website at tracycollision.net orcall 209-832-2300 for a free estimate. Hours of operation are Monday–Friday, 8:00am–5:30pm, and Saturdays by appointment only.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 61

herlife | homeInterior DesignTrends for 2012by catie watsonInterior design is similar to fashion design, with each year bringinga crop of new styles and design trends. Unlike fashion, there is norunway for interior design. Instead, industry insiders find out aboutthe latest looks by visiting trade shows and design centers, and subscribingto trend reports. Most consumers don’t become aware of trendsuntil later in the year when they make their way into home decoratingmagazines and onto the floor of their local furniture store.Thanks to the Internet, a few interior design trend reports are nowavailable free of charge online. One of the best reports is compiled bythe staff of the Boston Design Center (BDC) and is available on theBDC website. According to the BDC Trend Report, these are some ofthe hottest interior design trends for 2012.Vibrant ColorPantone, a color planning company that predicts each year’s topcolors for all types of design, has chosen an energizing mix of redand orange called tangerine as the color of the year. The BDC TrendReport agrees with this prediction and also names purple as one of theyear’s trendiest colors, in all shades from orchid to plum to amethyst.While you may not want to redo an entire room in tangerine or purple,you can add touches of these trendy colors to any room with accent pillowsand small accessories. Additional trendy colors for 2012 are brightgreen, and neutrals like gray and beige.Blooming FloralsUpholstery, drapery fabrics and wallpaper will bloom with vibrantfloral patterns in bright color combinations in 2012. Even bathroomtiles and sinks are getting the floral treatment. The trendiest patternsare bold versions of retro prints from the 1940s and modern versionsof traditional Asian designs. For added style and personality, designersare combining different floral prints within a single room. A sense ofcohesiveness is created by using prints that are different scales andmixing complementary colors that have the same intensity.Global and Handcrafted InfluencesA trend for handmade accent pieces from around the world willpay homage to history and heritage in 2012. This includes everythingfrom primitive tribal art to antique pieces of Americana. Whether inreaction to several years of modern style being in the forefront or dueto the almost overnight popularity of Etsy (the online marketplacefor artisans), there’s a growing demand for handmade furnishings andaccessories for the home. The juxtaposition of handcrafted items inmodern interiors is a new twist that can personalize a home and addwarmth. Antique finishes on new furnishings is another up-and-comingtrend—think rustic textures, hand-stitched leathers, exposed rivetsand rough wood trim.If you fall in love with a new trend,you can incorporate it into yourhome’s design in gradual dosesthrough the addition of small itemslike pillows, candles, lampshades,rugs and artwork. This way, thehome’s major furnishings (whichare also the most expensive) canremain in use for several yearswithout looking dated.Opulence and Touches of GoldDespite a tighter economy, an emerging trend for 2012is the use of gold to add a feeling of luxury to the home. Accordingto the BDC Trend Report, ornately furnished homes of the late 19thcentury are the inspiration for the new Gilded Age. Look for patternedwallpaper, furniture hardware and light fixtures that include touchesof gold. A related trend is the use of classic pieces of furniture thatreflect opulence and luxury, including tufted couches and chairs upholsteredin rich fabrics, antique sideboards andlarge mirrors with baroque frames.62 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMContinued on page 64

Donate your gently used shoes,and save up toon selectResista ® SoftStylecarpet & select hardsurface productsHurry — Sale Ends June 17Free entry mat with shoe donationStep up in style withResista ® SoftStyle carpet.With more than 60 colors to choose from,Resista ® SoftStyle makes it easy to coordinateyour flooring with your décor and lifestyle.It’s exceptionally durable, repels stains andfeels ultra-soft underfoot. No small feat.PLUS, help othersput their best foot forward.Carpet One will donate your gently used shoesto help deserving women look their best intheir chosen walk of life. Come in today for greatsavings during this limited-time sales event.STORE HOURS:Monday – Friday, 9:00AM–6:00PMSaturday, 10:00AM–5:00PMmonth SPeciaL financing *select Resista36on ® SoftStyle products.209.523.5664www.carpetonemodesto.comHouse of Carpets | Since 1950 | 120 McHenry Ave. (at Roseburg), Modesto*see store for details<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 63

Keeping up with trends in interior design is quite a bit morecomplicated than staying current with the latest fashion styles. Fewof us have the time and money to redecorate each time a major newtrend in home décor emerges. Instead, interior designer CandiceOlson of HGTV suggests that if you fall in love with a new trend, youcan incorporate it into your home’s design in gradual doses throughthe addition of small items like pillows, candles, lampshades, rugsand artwork. This way, the home’s major furnishings (which are alsothe most expensive) can remain in use for several years without lookingdated.When it comes to trendy new colors, only use them if they reallyappeal to you. One of the least expensive and safest ways to add a newcolor to a room is by painting a single wall. If you find you still like thecolor after a few weeks or months, you can paint additional walls oradd furniture pieces in the new color. If you don’t like the new color asmuch as you originally thought you would, simply repaint the wall.Most importantly, your home needs to reflect your personal tasteand lifestyle. Unless you fall in love with a new trend, don’t feel youneed to bring it into your home just because it’s the latest thing. ■Sources for this article are:BDC Trends Report, bostondesign.comMuther, Christopher. 12 Hot Home-Design Trends for 2012.The Boston Globe.Olson, Candice. “Incorporate Design Trends into Your Home.” HGTV.Pantone Press Release: Color of the Year for 2012. 8 December 2011.64 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | real estateCan WeTrust Him?How to Choose aLoan Company You Can Trustby lisa allenThe world of real estate can be tricky. Even if you’ve checkedyour budget, saved enough for a down payment, researchedneighborhoods and selected a real estate agent to tour youaround your preferred neighborhoods, there is one decision that canmean the difference between financial savvy and expensive mistake:choosing a loan company.Like choosing any other professional that you will ultimatelytrust with intimate and confidential financial information, there area multitude of variables that factor into what makes a mortgage companyright for you and your particular set of circumstances. Like anyother field, mortgage lenders vary in terms of experience, expertise,responsiveness and creativity. Finding one with the precise balancefor your unique transaction takes a bit of homework on your part.Quickenloans.com advises that you should talk to three tofour lenders, and remember that the best lender may not offer thelowest interest rate or payments. “Ultimately, the mortgage lenderyou choose should guide you through the entire mortgage process.The best lender must be one that is committed to taking care of yourneeds—one you’re comfortable working with and one who will workto get you the best mortgage to fit your situation,” the site advises.To get you started in the right direction, here are a few generalguidelines to help you choose the right loan company:Ask for recommendations first. Ask your friends, family and evenyour hairstylist; they all probably know at least one mortgage lender,banker or other financial guru they feel comfortable recommending.Don’t rely on just one person’s recommendation, though.Dig around a little bit. Instead of basing such an important decisionon a casual recommendation, develop a list of questions thatdig deeper. Ask the recommender specific questions: how long theyworked together, how the lender handled sensitive situations, howresponsive and reachable they were, did they follow up, and otherspecific questions which create a dialogue that gives you a completeand more accurate picture of how each potential lender operates.Insist on face time. Just because a potential lender worked wellwith Aunt Sally doesn’t mean they will work well with you; differentpersonalities and various communication styles can affect a workingrelationship. Be sure to insist on a face-to-face interview beforemaking any decisions. Ask enough questions that you feel completely66 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“Ultimately, the mortgage lender youchoose should guide you throughthe entire mortgage process. Thebest lender must be one that iscommitted to taking care of yourneeds—one you’re comfortableworking with and one who willwork to get you the best mortgageto fit your situation,”comfortable with their answers, and watch their non-verbal cluesas well. Do they pay attention? Do they ask probing questions inreturn? Do they constantly check their phone or is their attention onyou? How long does it take them to call you back? Don’t be afraid toput them on the spot, and remember that you’re interviewing themto work for you.Channel your inner private investigator. If your in-personcommunication goes well, be sure to check out the lender’s website.Is it informative? Do they offer value, testimonials and real-worldexamples of how they service their clients? What kind of reputationdo they have with the Better Business Bureau? If you search both thecompany name and the individual officer’s name in Google, what doyou find? Be sure that you are as comfortable with their online presenceas you are with them face to face.Quickenloans.com advises that you can pick up on clues thatwill speak volumes about your potential lender. They recommendthat a good lender will ask plenty of questions about your personalfinancial situation, be readily available to answer whatever questionsyou have, and return your calls and emails promptly. It isimportant to be sure to find a lender who is committed to findingthe most appropriate loan for your situation, not just their standardpackage or a cookie-cutter solution they offer every client. Finally,a reputable lender will never ask you to do anything that you areuncomfortable with.All in all, choosing a mortgage lender is almost like the processyou go through choosing a realtor or even a financial planner. Youwant to work with someone who is an expert in their field, someonewell respected and known in the community as modeling high integrity,and someone who will take the time to understand your particularset of circumstances and goals. Taking the time to ask around, digup a little information and weigh your options is an important stepto establishing a relationship that will serve you, and your financialgoals, well.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 67

herlife | travelVacation Destinations ThatWon’t Break the Bankby kathleen m. kruegerEven with a tight economy, we all still need those times to get away and forget about theeveryday stresses. Periodic times of mental and emotional rejuvenation have been recognizedas essential to a well-balanced and truly healthy lifestyle. The director of marketingfor the nation’s leading pay and benefits survey data provider, Compdata Surveys, says, “Bydeveloping a comprehensive time off program, employers are helping their employees achievethis balance, and are often rewarded with increased productivity in return.”In search of some expert advice on vacation destinations that are both affordable andworthy of recommendation, I contacted my friend Beth Blair at the award-winning travel blog,TheVacationGals.com. Beth and her friends at Vacation Gals are frequent travelers who sharerecommendations based on their own first hand experiences.Family Friendly, Budget FriendlyThe National Parks system was Beth’s first suggestion for family vacations that meet thecriteria of high value on a shoestring budget.“Last summer my family took a trip to South Dakota and visited the Badlands and MountRushmore. We stayed in a moderately priced motel in Rapid City that included an indoor waterpark for the kids and was close to many of the local attractions that surround the city.”The entire Rapid City area is filled withwonderful attractions for the family to explore.Watching the fireworks display in the eveningsat Mount Rushmore is nothing less thanspectacular. A drive up through the NeedlesHighway will also not be forgotten, especiallyby the driver of your vehicle who will need tonavigate through some of the narrow pointsin the road that threads its way between thesevertical geological formations.If the dinosaur age is of interest tomembers of the family, then you’ll want totravel a few miles south to Hot Springs andexperience the fascinating live mammoth dig.The whole family will be awed as they watchthe unearthing of the bones of these amazingbeasts right before their eyes.68 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Similar to the heritage and history availableat Mount Rushmore, Washington, D.C.,was next on Beth’s list for family-friendlyvacations. The many attractions with freeadmission in the D.C. area are what helpmake this trip affordable for even a large family.Museums and memorials are the two M’sto remember when it comes to a visit to thenation’s capitol. The Smithsonian NationalAir and Space Museum is one of the favoritedestinations for the future aviators and astronautsin the family.Couples or Girlfriend GetawaysSedona, Arizona, is the spot for a romanticgetaway or a fun time with the girlfriends,according to the Vacation Gals. The lodgingoptions run the price gamut, making it affordablefor most any budget and the naturalsurroundings are an attraction in themselves.“The hiking is some of the most beautifulin the country,” Beth told me. “I suggestgetting a map of the mystical vortexes andexploring those areas. Being surrounded bythe beautiful red rocks in Arizona offers agreat sense of serenity, at no cost at all!”Winter is the off -season for Chicagoas far as tourism is concerned, but that alsomeans that it is the time of year to get somegreat deals on lodging in the Windy City.The Two Urns Bed and Breakfast, which isThe key to any goodvacation is planning. Ifyou want to make themost of your time onvacation, you plan outyour schedule so thatyou fit in all the ‘mustsees’on the trip.perfectly situated between downtown andthe suburbs, offers some fantastic winterdiscounts. Relax in the cozy comfort of thishistoric brownstone and then take a strolldown to the boutiques and restaurants in theWicker Park area, or catch the nearby subwayand head downtown to one of the manyexquisite museums or the Art Institute.Whether it is cashing in on off-seasonrates in the north or taking advantage ofMother Nature’s amazing art exhibits in thesouth, either of these vacation destinationscan be both affordable and filled with memorablemoments.The key to any good vacation is planning.If you want to make the most of yourtime on vacation, you plan out your scheduleso that you fit in all the ‘must-sees’ on the trip.If you also want to make the most of your budget,then you need to do some pre-planningin that area as well. Shop around for the bestdeals on lodging and meals. Plan excursionsthat are focused around nature and other lowcostvenues.Remember that vacations are meantto be times of refreshment and camaraderiewith family and friends. Slowing down andnot packing every day full of places to go andthings to see can not only save you money, butalso make your vacation time more valuablerelationally as well. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 69

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herlife | love and relationshipsCoAskJaimee Leeby jaimee leephoto by la vene stephensQ:I met a guy about six months ago and he is really wonderful.He gets me flowers at least once a week, is a perfectgentleman, is really hot and has a great job. I don’t thinkI could ask for more. My problem is that he’s starting to get really serious,and I think he’s planning on asking me to marry him. Yes, I know itsounds like a wonderful thing and I should just say yes. However, I wasmarried once before and it lasted 4 ½ years, then things went wrong. Weended up divorced and I don’t want to go through that ever again. I knowso many people whose marriages did not work out. I want to know if truehappiness is out there. Do people get married and stay together forever?If he asks, I’m not sure what to say. I believe in my heart I love him but Idon’t know what to do. ~ Confused in MantecaA:Most men bring you gifts in the first six month but itusually tapers off after the first six years—actually morelike after the first year. The key is to find a man whobrings you flowers after 60 years. But let me get this straight. It’s beensix months and you haven’t had “the talk” to find out what you bothwant out of the relationship? Don’t even think about getting married ifyou don’t feel comfortable talking to him about the direction of yourrelationship. And trust me, no relationship is perfect. If a couple tellsyou they never have disagreements, they’re lying! Look at a relationshipnot as what YOU take from it, but rather what you both learnfrom each other, and how the other person complements your qualities.Anyone can buy flowers but how does that help you be a betterperson? If gifts are what motivate you, sit for five hours in a stuffy hotelconference room and listen to some guy sell you a timeshare. Forgetthe flowers and gifts. Don’t waste your time if you’re not into him! Howdoes this guy make you feel? You need to decide what you want beforethis gets too serious. And yes, marriage does work, can be happy andlast forever. My parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversarythis year, and they still bring each other gifts. Mom and Dad say “I loveyou” every single day. That’s the gift that counts!Jaimee Lee rocks the airwaves on Kat Country 103’s, “DJ Walkerin the Morning Show!” She has given relationship advice to hergirlfriends and thousands of listeners over the years. Now youcan ask her the secrets to a long-lasting and happy relationship.Jaimee Lee has been happily married for eight years. Please emailJaimee Lee with your love and relationship questions,jaimeelee@herlifemagazine.com.72 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

had a wedding booked that day. So he hired a“secret photographer” for the proposal. Marisawas just blown away!They both love their friends and family.They also share great values of love, life, eachother, family, dogs and so much more. Theyhave the same sense of humor, which toomany people might not be as funny as theythink they are! No matter where they are orwho they are with, they always have a greattime. Whether they are making jokes betweenthemselves, kissing each other or consumingthe best of what they have, the couplecouldn’t be happier!The couple will tie the knot on August 4,2012. They look forward to sharing their BIGday with their close friends and family. Theyplan to eat, drink and be married—with somedancing involved, of course! It will be interestingto see the wedding planner finally wed…and she promises it will be quite the event.Marisa looks forward to bringing in all thedifferent styles and ideas from her previouslyplanned weddings to create the perfect day foreveryone to see!<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 75

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daughter, Jaelyn, was the flower girl.The couple loved the intimacy of their weddingwhere both the ceremony and reception was held inStockton at the private residence of a family friend. Andthe father of one of Lindsay’s best friends, the HonorableJudge Johnson, married them. Lindsay workedfor the restaurant that catered the wedding for almostthree years. Half of their centerpieces were handmadeby Lindsay and her mother using orchids given to themfrom friends. And a friend of Lindsay’s from work didthe bridal party’s hair. Their wedding was everythingthey wanted, and it was all done beautifully on a budgetthanks to friends and family.The newlyweds had both been to Mexico andHawaii, but wanted to go somewhere different for theirhoneymoon so they were looking into the Caribbean.However, they were discouraged because of the price.Then, Lindsay’s mom received an e-mail from hertimeshare property about a seven-night stay in the DominicanRepublic at The Hard Rock Hotel and Casinoin Punta Cana so she booked it for the couple. Theresort had 7 restaurants, 15 pools, a private beach andmuch more. They had an amazing honeymoon wherethey spent their time relaxing, enjoying each other andtheir all-inclusive vacation.78 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | in the valleyCalendar of EventsNOTE: All calendar events must be received by May 1st for the June issue and adhere to our guidelines.Email kimberly@herlifemagazine.com for guidelines and to submit entries.May 39 Simple Steps to OptimalFamily NutritionLocation: Van Ruiten Winery, 340 W.HWY 12, LodiDate: May 3rdTime: 11:30 am – 1:00 pmDetails: America’s Favorite Pediatrician, Dr.William Sears, MD is coming to Van RuitenWinery to discuss family nutrition. Join us forlunch and hear the author discuss how youcan give your family the gift of nutrition. Booksignings available after lunch, doors open at11:00 am. Cost of the luncheon is $15. Pleasecontact Wendy Vaz to reserve your seat, 209-329-4600 or email wendyvaz@comcast.netMay 5Cinco de Mayo on the MileLocation: Miracle Mile, StocktonDate: May 5Time: 3:00pm–8:00pmDetails: Throw on your sun block andsombrero and plan to join us for music,food, drinks and fun at “Cinco de Mayo onthe Mile”! Sponsored by the Miracle MileMerchants Association and hosted by LaPalma Restaurant. Come enjoy the MikeTorres Band, Folklorico Dancers and partakein some amazing food and drinks. Tickets are$10 in advance and $15 at the door. Contact209-948-6453 for more information.Cinco de Mayo at CasaFloresLocations: 400 E. Kettleman Lane, #5,Lodi; 3201 W. Ben Holt Drive, Stockton;2503 N. Tracy Boulevard, TracyDate: May 5Time: 10:30am–closeDetails: Come celebrate with Casa Floresand enjoy drink specials and live music. Seespecific locations for details or visit mycasaflores.com.May 6Studio V Bikini Boot CampLocation: Studio V, 4345 Spyres Way,Suites 201 and 202, ModestoDate: May 6Time: TBADetails: Ready to be held accountablefor the food you eat? Ready to work outwith experienced and motivating trainers?Team challenges, weekly goals, support fromteammates and a trainer who will guide youthrough bikini boot camp. This is not youraverage program, it’s a 24/7, 8-week accountabilityprogram. Only those with high levelsof motivation to change their body will beaccepted. Info@studiovwellness.comMay 9Whirlows Art ShowLocation: Whirlows Tossed and Grilled,1926 Pacific Avenue, StocktonDate: May 9Time: 5:00pm–8:00pmDetails: Take a look at the work of talentedStockton artists at the monthly Art Show atWhirlows Tossed and Grilled on the MiracleMile! Come take a look at the local talent ofStockton Artists. Contact wirlowl@aol.com orcall 209-474-1118 for more information.May 11Girls’ Night Out, Pink PartyLocation: Downtown Plaza, 715 CentralAvenue, TracyDate: May 11Time: 6:00pm–8:00pmDetails: Goodie bags, wine tasting, foodsampling and shopping! Prizes for bestdecorated Derby hats! $20 per ticket, buyyour tickets online at atthegrand.org or call209-831-6858.Ride for MOMLocation: Johansen High School, 641Norseman Drive, ModestoDates: May 11–May 12Times: VariesDetails: The Rotary Club of SunriseModesto kicks of the inaugural “Ride forMOM” event. This will be a 10-, 30- and71-bicycle ride that is family-friendly andopen to all. The “Ride for MOM” event willtake place in at Johansen High School andwill include rest stops, support, a healthylunch and a lifestyle fair. For more information,visit rideformom.com. To register visitActive.com.May 18ZinFest Wine FestivalLocation: Lodi Lake Park, LodiDates: May 18–May 20TimeS: VariesDetails: On Friday, join the passionate vintnersand growers of the Lodi Appellation asthey extend hometown hospitality and engagein an evening of colorful festivities. Enjoy80 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

the region’s finest pairing of freshly prepared,local cuisine with the best of Lodi’s celebratedOld Vine Zinfandel! Saturday and Sunday,Sip, Swirl and Savor from a selection of the250 handcrafted wines from 50 Lodi wineries.Passionate winemakers and winery representativeswelcome guests, offering practicalknowledge and sharing their delicious wines.Come enjoy all that ZinFest has to offer.Contact 209-365-0621 or visit zinfest.com formore information.May 19Lemonade DayLocation: Various locations throughoutModestoDate: May 19Time: All DayDetails: Lemonade Day is a free, community-wideeducational initiative to teachchildren how to start, own and operate theirown business—a lemonade stand! With thesupport of our local Mayor, community, civicand business leaders, we look forward toLemonade Day Modesto 2012 and establisha strong foundation for the future! Awardswill be given for Best Business, Best Standand Best Tasting, along with awards in ourMentorship Program for Photography, Journalism,Culinary and Marketing. Contact209-495-5759 for more information or visit usat modesto.lemonadeday.org.May 23Community HospiceCaregiver College:Preventing Falls and OtherHome HazardsLocation: Lolly Hansen Senior Center,375 E. Ninth Street, TracyDate: May 23Time: 12:00pm–1:00pmDetails: RSVP to 209-831-4230.May 25Community HospiceCaregiver College:Maximizing Veteran’sBenefitsLocation: Community Hospice, 4368Spyres Way, ModestoDate: May 25Time: 12:00pm–1:00pmDetails: RSVP to 209-578-6300May 30Community HospiceCaregiver College:Maximizing Veteran’s BenefitsLocation: Modesto Library Auditorium,1500 I Street, ModestoDate: May 30Time: 7:00pm–8:00pmDetails: RSVP to 209-578-6300<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 81

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