NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association


Windsor and further afield are planned. Furtherinformation can be obtained from Iris Bennett whocan be contacted at 29 Oakhill Avenue, Kidderminster,Worcestershire, DY10 1LZ or telephone 01562 69708.During the Meeting Iris can be contacted in CaravanG5 on Site 1 or via the NRA letter rack.Beating of RetreatMembers are reminded that there is an open invitationto attend the traditional ceremony of The Beating ofRetreat performed by our military colleagues. Theevent will be staged on the Exhibition Lawn, on theevening of Wednesday 2 July, starting at 19:30.Perhaps the ceremony has particular poignancy thisyear in the wake of the War in Iraq, so if you arearound, why not come along?South African ChampionshipsCongratulations to the following on their successesrecently in South Africa:Wg Cdr David Calvert for retaining the South AfricanChampionship, the Grand Aggregate and the BramleyChain and for coming second in the State President’sPrize.The GB Under 19 Team for winning their Long RangeMatch.FORTHCOMING TOURSGreat Britain Under 25 Team To South Africa -March/April 2004I am greatly honoured to have been elected Captain ofthis team. I should like to take this opportunity to inviteany under 25 shooter qualified to shoot for Great Britain,who would like to be considered for this team to apply.Please send a current shooting CV, detailing both teamand individual experience and successes for at least thepast two years, to the address below:Erica McMullan182 Shore RoadGreenislandCarrickfergusCo AntrimBT38 closing date for applications is Friday 4 July 2003.Further details will be posted at McMullanGB Match Rifle Team to Australia 2004I am greatly honoured to have been appointed Captainof this team, notice of which was previously posted inthe Spring edition of the NRA Journal.The focal point of the tour will be the Australian MatchRifle Championships followed by the match for theWoomera Trophy, to be shot at a new range on the Gulfof St Vincent, north of Adelaide, South Australia, from6 - 11 October. It is hoped to include an additional MRevent either before or afterwards, possibly at Woomeraitself, and for those interested in other forms of shootingthe South Australian Queen’s will take place on the rangein the week preceding the MR Championships.At this early stage I am unable to be specific about theprecise dates of the tour, the size of the team or the cost,though one should assume that minimum expenditurewill be in the region of £2,500, depending on airfares,before taking any sponsorship support into account.If you wish to be considered for this team please writeto me, care of the NRA, as soon as possible (not bye-mail, please) and no later than 20 June. Please annotate4the envelope GBMRT. Please indicate whether yourmain interest is as coach, shooter, adjutant, treasurer orin any other capacity, and also state in no more than 50words what attributes you believe you could bring tothe team in addition to your shooting ability. I plan toselect the team by the end of July this year.Having just returned from a visit to Australia with aScottish MR team I can assure you of two things: ourAustralian friends will give us a great welcome, and theywill be hard to beat!Colin HayesEngland Team to South Africa 2004I have great pleasure in announcing the England RifleTeam that will tour South Africa in 2004. The provisionaldates are 19 March to 8 April 2004. We intend first tovisit the Cape where we shall shoot and relax beforetravelling to Bloemfontein for the South African BisleyUnion Championships.Captain Dick Horrocks LancashireVice-Captain David Taylor LancashireAdjutant David Dyson YorkshireCoaches Dom Harvey SurreyDavid Allen YorkshireShooters Nigel Ball NorfolkRobin Baker KentGeorge Cann DevonToby Coleridge Northants, Leics& RutlandTracy Fitzsimons CheshireDani Foulston SuffolkDoug Gass CheshireChris Haley CambridgeshirePete Holden NorfolkSusie Kent SurreyNigel Penn Northants, Leics& RutlandHamish Pollock HampshireAlistair Speirs NorthumberlandJohn Stevens YorkshireSteve Thomas HertfordshireReserves Jon Kent Surrey(travelling) Lucy Mace London

MATTERS OF FACT RELATING TO RECENT POLLComment from the Secretary GeneralWith the Poll now resolved, we can look ahead.However, there are a number of misunderstandingsthat endure on issues brought up at the time. So,before finally moving on, and to ensure that all do sofrom the same basis of understanding, the Trustees ofthe Association have asked that I set out the facts thatare germane to the issues surrounding the Poll.The 1890 Royal CharterThe Charter requires that the Association work withinthe Law and it makes void any rule that is “repugnantto the laws and statutes of our Realm”. Consequently,the Association must abide by current laws (such asThe Charities Acts and the Firearms Acts) rather thanthose in force in 1890.Elected members of Council have always been, andstill remain in the majority thus ensuring the primacyof the wish of the membership.The EstateOriginally, the War Office (now MoD) and the NRApurchased extensive acreage in the area nearBrookwood. Only later, by entering into the 1894Agreement (a sale and buy back), did the NRA releaseitself from the unmanageable debt that it hadaccumulated by that time. Under the agreement, theNRA made the ranges, which it had built, togetherwith manoeuvre rights over both camp and ranges,available to the Army. However, the Associationretained the freehold of the ‘Camp’ area(approximately 90 acres) and the use of the ranges anddanger area ‘in perpetuity’. The only condition to thisarrangement was that if the NRA ever wished to sellthe Camp, it had first to offer it back to the MoD for asum of £5,500. Thus, by the buy back option, the NRAFreehold of Bisley Camp has been encumbered since1894.In 2000, it became clear that the 1894 Agreement gaveinadequate security of tenure for the Lottery toadvance money for the new facilities then underconsideration. Council therefore negotiated a 125 yearlease with the MoD for the ranges and, at the sametime, the removal of the previous buy backarrangement in relation to the freehold of the Camp.The Association now has an unfettered freehold of theCamp site and a 125 year lease over the ranges. TheAssociation is liable to pay 10% of ‘relevant income’,to the MoD, out of rents from buildings erected andlet on land outside the freehold Camp area.The only freeholds disposed of in the last 30 yearscomprise those to the NSRA for its offices (since soldto the CPSA) and for the new Lord Roberts Range andland sold to the NSRA for an accommodation block.Long Siberia was closed, by the MoD, in 1972, forsafety reasons. However, the land has recently beenrented out to the benefit of the NRA. Cheylesmorehas been rebuilt. Clay target shooting does notcompromise activity on Short Siberia.The vast majority of the £2.5 million cost of the claytarget facility was paid for by the Lottery Fund,through Sport England. The NRA’s investment in thefacility is approximately £400,000.The Bank LoanWhilst the need for the NRA bank loan was partlyattributable to the cost of the clay range(approximately £400,000) and there was other netcapital expenditure, the larger part was due tooperating losses over several years includingoperating expenditure leading up to the Millenniumand Commonwealth Games.National Shooting Centre LimitedThe establishment of the National Shooting CentreLimited (NSC), as a trading company, was arequirement of the Charity Commissioners. It iswholly owned and controlled by the NRA. TheDirectors, a majority of who are NRA trustees, aregoverned by Company Law, which requires them toensure that the company trades solvently. The onlyassets transferred to NSC were the operating stocksand Melville and Shorts (on a sub-lease), at acommercial rent. These transactions enabled clay andpistol range building to be carried out (funded asexplained above).The latest audited accounts of NSC (to 30 September2002) show the NSC is expected to be able to serviceand repay its interest bearing loan on time.NSC does not control the NRA’s assets; it managesthem. All freehold property remains directly held andcontrolled by the NRA. Members rights of access, toBisley, are unaffected by the arrangement with NSC.The Clay Shooting Centre is a commercial venture andopen to the public (for the ultimate financial benefitof the NRA). There is subscription membership, whichprovides privileges, for those regular users who wantit.Officers of the AssociationThe previous Chairman, John de Havilland, gifted hishouse to the NRA and we subsequently sold it on aleasehold for the benefit of the Association for£235,000.The present Chairman, John Jackman, was elected, byCouncil, to join Council and appointed Chairman, inOctober 2001. He was neither introduced norproposed by his predecessor.The previous Chief Executive’s annual salary wassignificantly less than £100,000; the exact amount isconfidential.5

Windsor and further afield are planned. Furtherinformation can be obtained from Iris Bennett whocan be contacted at 29 Oakhill Avenue, Kidderminster,Worcestershire, DY10 1LZ or telephone 01562 69708.During the Meeting Iris can be contacted in CaravanG5 on Site 1 or via the <strong>NRA</strong> letter rack.Beating of RetreatMembers are reminded that there is an open invitationto attend the traditional ceremony of The Beating ofRetreat performed by our military colleagues. Theevent will be staged on the Exhibition Lawn, on theevening of Wednesday 2 July, starting at 19:30.Perhaps the ceremony has particular poignancy thisyear in the wake of the War in Iraq, so if you arearound, why not come along?South African ChampionshipsCongratulations to the following on their successesrecently in South Africa:Wg Cdr David Calvert for retaining the South AfricanChampionship, the Grand Aggregate and the BramleyChain and for coming second in the State President’sPrize.The GB Under 19 Team for winning their Long RangeMatch.FORTHCOMING TOURSGreat Britain Under 25 Team To South Africa -March/April 2004I am greatly honoured to have been elected Captain ofthis team. I should like to take this opportunity to inviteany under 25 shooter qualified to shoot for Great Britain,who would like to be considered for this team to apply.Please send a current shooting CV, detailing both teamand individual experience and successes for at least thepast two years, to the address below:Erica McMullan182 Shore RoadGreenislandCarrickfergusCo AntrimBT38 closing date for applications is Friday 4 July <strong>2003</strong>.Further details will be posted at McMullanGB Match <strong>Rifle</strong> Team to Australia 2004I am greatly honoured to have been appointed Captainof this team, notice of which was previously posted inthe Spring edition of the <strong>NRA</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>.The focal point of the tour will be the Australian Match<strong>Rifle</strong> Championships followed by the match for theWoomera Trophy, to be shot at a new range on the Gulfof St Vincent, north of Adelaide, South Australia, from6 - 11 October. It is hoped to include an additional MRevent either before or afterwards, possibly at Woomeraitself, and for those interested in other forms of shootingthe South Australian Queen’s will take place on the rangein the week preceding the MR Championships.At this early stage I am unable to be specific about theprecise dates of the tour, the size of the team or the cost,though one should assume that minimum expenditurewill be in the region of £2,500, depending on airfares,before taking any sponsorship support into account.If you wish to be considered for this team please writeto me, care of the <strong>NRA</strong>, as soon as possible (not bye-mail, please) and no later than 20 June. Please annotate4the envelope GBMRT. Please indicate whether yourmain interest is as coach, shooter, adjutant, treasurer orin any other capacity, and also state in no more than 50words what attributes you believe you could bring tothe team in addition to your shooting ability. I plan toselect the team by the end of July this year.Having just returned from a visit to Australia with aScottish MR team I can assure you of two things: ourAustralian friends will give us a great welcome, and theywill be hard to beat!Colin HayesEngland Team to South Africa 2004I have great pleasure in announcing the England <strong>Rifle</strong>Team that will tour South Africa in 2004. The provisionaldates are 19 March to 8 April 2004. We intend first tovisit the Cape where we shall shoot and relax beforetravelling to Bloemfontein for the South African BisleyUnion Championships.Captain Dick Horrocks LancashireVice-Captain David Taylor LancashireAdjutant David Dyson YorkshireCoaches Dom Harvey SurreyDavid Allen YorkshireShooters Nigel Ball NorfolkRobin Baker KentGeorge Cann DevonToby Coleridge Northants, Leics& RutlandTracy Fitzsimons CheshireDani Foulston SuffolkDoug Gass CheshireChris Haley CambridgeshirePete Holden NorfolkSusie Kent SurreyNigel Penn Northants, Leics& RutlandHamish Pollock HampshireAlistair Speirs NorthumberlandJohn Stevens YorkshireSteve Thomas HertfordshireReserves Jon Kent Surrey(travelling) Lucy Mace London

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