NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association

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time while we put together the final preparations forthe Games. We were becoming a well known facilitywith reliable and good shooting positions, and we hadalready held some important selection, County andother shoots.Enough has been written about the Games already.Suffice it to say here that for me it was a hugelyenjoyable experience and one which I shall neverforget. It was wonderful to be in at the beginning of aproject, knowing one was working primarily to makea success of the Games, but also knowing that if theGames were a success, the facility would get a hugeamount of favourable publicity which would help usin the future. Perhaps the only disappointment wasthe lack of coverage from the media.That is all now history, and we are moving forward.We are now running courses for all levels ofcompetence, from those who have never picked up ashotgun to those aspiring to international status, andour special courses run by the Soviet Olympic SkeetChampion, Peter Pakk, have been very well receivedby our most advanced members. Again, do get intouch if you would like a go.Our plans for the future include the expansion of ourCorporate days, thereby making full use of thebuilding and also other facilities at Bisley during theweek when it is quiet, and laying on group shoots,expanding our tuition and eventually holding a WorldCup at the facilities.We are now becoming very booked up for everyweekend for the rest of the year. But we are ownedby you, the readers of this <strong>Journal</strong>, and I think thatmany of you have not yet come up to see your facilities.Come and have a try (lessons can be bookedWednesday to Friday inclusive). Come in and seewhat we have done, and sample the food from ourcafeteria. Ask about Corporate days. We can providean original and very enjoyable day at Bisley for youand your colleagues at surprisingly reasonable cost.The Pavilion is set up so that the building can bedivided for private functions, and you can hire a roomat reasonable cost in the evening for meetings, bridgeclubs, bell ringing . . . you name it! Give me a ring ifyou would like to discuss any ideas you might have.Our aim is to be seen as the foremost clay facility forthe formal disciplines in the country, then in Europe,and who knows, maybe the World! Try us!Sarah BunchManager, NCSCDirector of ClaysTel: 01483 797 666Fax: 01483 487 255E-mail: info@nsc-clays.co.ukWeb site: www.nsc-clays.co.uk51

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