NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association NRA Journal - Summer 2003 - National Rifle Association


INTRODUCING JEREMY STAPLESMANAGING DIRECTOR NATIONAL SHOOTING CENTREby Tony de LaunayAs an introduction it must havebeen a tad exciting. Within days ofstarting your new job there is afractious Spring General Meetinglaced with recrimination andconflict, and then fiery elementsapproach your entire stock oftargets with the intent of burningthem to a crisp. Such was thewelcome that faced Jeremy Staples,the new Managing Director of theNational Shooting Centre. Jeremyis the third appointment to therevised Bisley structure, and whilethe Treasurer and the SecretaryGeneral are, undoubtedly, keyappointments in their own way, hisis the position that is central to theday to day cash-flow of theorganisation.His background lies in management and utilisation ofReal Estate. From Christ’s Hospital School via the Cityof London Polytechnic in the late 1970s he gravitatedinto surveying and property management, having thetenacity to qualify as a Chartered Surveyor through nightschool. Some sixteen years of this role developed a wideexperience of real estate work including acquisition,disposal, valuation, management and investmentprojects. Spells with two leading companies, where hiscorporate real estate management skills were developed,led him to the leafy acres at Bisley.His first reaction: “We have a magnificent facility. Wemust manage it more efficiently and exploit thecommercial opportunities. Look at it: it is greatly underutilisedduring the week and I am sure we can finddifferent user groups who would relish the chance tohold their events on our grounds”. That sounds like acry for marketing. “Correct: we need to get among thepotential users and to use all our contacts. As asportsman, but not a shooter, I can bring that contactwhether it is a spin-off from rugby contacts or CharteredSurveyors in London and the South-East”.As a member of the managing board of NSC he will alsohave a pivotal role in carrying out the duties of the oldEstate Committee. This will inevitably lead him intocontact with the Clubs on the Common, with a numberof whom recently the NRA has had something of astuttering relationship. “I also see my job as a conduitfor business opportunities for the Clubs. If we improveour usage of the ranges through an increase in, forexample, corporate days, the guests are going to needsomewhere to eat and sleep. That is where I can brokerthe introduction to the Clubs as providers at no cost tothem”.10His approach is refreshinglywithout pre-conceived ideas ortraditional baggage. He is an activesportsman, naming rugby, villagecricket and mountain walkingamong his active hobbies. He alsoskis, which accounts for the factthat my first contact by telephonecaught him dangling from a chairlift in the Alps. He is not a shooter,but he realises that acquisition of aclear view of shooters’ priorities isessential. “I do not have to knowhow to shoot: what matters is thatI am a sportsman and know whatis important to sportsmen andwomen. At Bisley, history isimportant but so is progress. Themembers will not thank me if thefacility sits still and continues to failto earn its way”. He is alsodetermined that everything he does is transparent,without favour and consistent.He accepts that the history and the practices of Bisleywill impose an almost vertical learning curve. However,that is part of the challenge. “I shall wait until we haveconcluded the Palma Match, dealing for the momentwith the immediate issues. Then we can start looking tobuild a medium and long-term plan. What it needs istime and energy: I’ve got the energy and one way oranother we are going to make the time”.R angeOfficeTargetsTargets available by the hourat weekends• £6 per hour (including marker) •• Century and Stickledown •• All year round! •(subject to availability)Slots may be booked on the day or bytelephone during the preceding weekCall the Range Office to bookor to check which distances are availableCall 01483 797777 ext 152or 0845 130 7620 ext 152

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INTRODUCING JEREMY STAPLESMANAGING DIRECTOR NATIONAL SHOOTING CENTREby Tony de LaunayAs an introduction it must havebeen a tad exciting. Within days ofstarting your new job there is afractious Spring General Meetinglaced with recrimination andconflict, and then fiery elementsapproach your entire stock oftargets with the intent of burningthem to a crisp. Such was thewelcome that faced Jeremy Staples,the new Managing Director of the<strong>National</strong> Shooting Centre. Jeremyis the third appointment to therevised Bisley structure, and whilethe Treasurer and the SecretaryGeneral are, undoubtedly, keyappointments in their own way, hisis the position that is central to theday to day cash-flow of theorganisation.His background lies in management and utilisation ofReal Estate. From Christ’s Hospital School via the Cityof London Polytechnic in the late 1970s he gravitatedinto surveying and property management, having thetenacity to qualify as a Chartered Surveyor through nightschool. Some sixteen years of this role developed a wideexperience of real estate work including acquisition,disposal, valuation, management and investmentprojects. Spells with two leading companies, where hiscorporate real estate management skills were developed,led him to the leafy acres at Bisley.His first reaction: “We have a magnificent facility. Wemust manage it more efficiently and exploit thecommercial opportunities. Look at it: it is greatly underutilisedduring the week and I am sure we can finddifferent user groups who would relish the chance tohold their events on our grounds”. That sounds like acry for marketing. “Correct: we need to get among thepotential users and to use all our contacts. As asportsman, but not a shooter, I can bring that contactwhether it is a spin-off from rugby contacts or CharteredSurveyors in London and the South-East”.As a member of the managing board of NSC he will alsohave a pivotal role in carrying out the duties of the oldEstate Committee. This will inevitably lead him intocontact with the Clubs on the Common, with a numberof whom recently the <strong>NRA</strong> has had something of astuttering relationship. “I also see my job as a conduitfor business opportunities for the Clubs. If we improveour usage of the ranges through an increase in, forexample, corporate days, the guests are going to needsomewhere to eat and sleep. That is where I can brokerthe introduction to the Clubs as providers at no cost tothem”.10His approach is refreshinglywithout pre-conceived ideas ortraditional baggage. He is an activesportsman, naming rugby, villagecricket and mountain walkingamong his active hobbies. He alsoskis, which accounts for the factthat my first contact by telephonecaught him dangling from a chairlift in the Alps. He is not a shooter,but he realises that acquisition of aclear view of shooters’ priorities isessential. “I do not have to knowhow to shoot: what matters is thatI am a sportsman and know whatis important to sportsmen andwomen. At Bisley, history isimportant but so is progress. Themembers will not thank me if thefacility sits still and continues to failto earn its way”. He is alsodetermined that everything he does is transparent,without favour and consistent.He accepts that the history and the practices of Bisleywill impose an almost vertical learning curve. However,that is part of the challenge. “I shall wait until we haveconcluded the Palma Match, dealing for the momentwith the immediate issues. Then we can start looking tobuild a medium and long-term plan. What it needs istime and energy: I’ve got the energy and one way oranother we are going to make the time”.R angeOfficeTargetsTargets available by the hourat weekends• £6 per hour (including marker) •• Century and Stickledown •• All year round! •(subject to availability)Slots may be booked on the day or bytelephone during the preceding weekCall the Range Office to bookor to check which distances are availableCall 01483 797777 ext 152or 0845 130 7620 ext 152

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