Open Letter To The British Right - The Website Of Alexander Baron

Open Letter To The British Right - The Website Of Alexander Baron

Open Letter To The British Right - The Website Of Alexander Baron

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<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>To</strong> Lie. <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>Right</strong>In vlew view of certain developments since March 1993, this epistle islong overdue; I issue it now in 1n order to clarify my position positlon andto clear up all the fantasies and lies which have been spreadabout me by hatemongers of the misnamed fascist fasclst right and theeven more misnamed anti-fascistleft.I first became active in far right politics, politj-cs, indeed any tics, f i r--s around arorrnd 1980. I f was a member of the <strong>British</strong>Movement. Ipoli-joined io.i this s particular nari- i r-rrlar political n.)l.i +i ^^r "party" rrnr*frr" because beCaUSe I was WaS concernedCOnCefnedJVrrrguLrrro Iror Lf uulq! }/vfr LIUCII }JO!LJat the rise of communism. This may sound absurd today, but itshould shoul-d be remembered that this was at a time when the Soviets hadjust invaded Afghanistan and the West was doing absolutely nothingto liberate either the Afghans or anyone else from theirtyranny. I joined the <strong>British</strong> Movement because they were at least Ieastmaking the right noises noj-ses about the communist menace. Although Irealised that the party was pro-Nazi, I wasn't the least bitconcerned with either its ideology i-deology or with race issues. I wasalso totally ignorant of the Jewish Question. Needless to sayJve Ilve come ceme a a long way since then.As well as the <strong>British</strong> Movement, I also joined the <strong>British</strong> BritlshUFOSociety at about the same time; in retrospect I don't know whichT L^--^ I ^--of these I find. the most embarrassing, embarrassj-ng, but although I J- have r.r.d. v E long -L(,rr9since become both a hardened opponent of allformsof totalitarapologiseformy past mistakes.I dj-d did not, as two of my defenders have claimed, cl-almed, realise that all a1Ithe Bri-tish <strong>British</strong> Movement stood for was worthless and evil, ev1l, rather Iianism and a hardened skeptic, I neither regret norrealised reali-sed that although the far right ri-ght ask the right questions theyhave the wrong answers. <strong>The</strong> far left don't even ask the right rlghtquestions and are too absorbed in i-n denouncing all and sundry asfascists and promoting the phony class struggle ever to do anythingworthwhi-Ie, worthwhile, like challenging chal-Ienging the system of irredeemablelrred.eemabl-edebt which enslaves us all. <strong>The</strong> claim clalm by the Socialist WorkersParty ad nauseum that they attack "fascists" "fascists'r and, racists becausethey are opposed to hatred is laughable;these are the samepeople who have given virtually unconditional support to the IRAand other murderers of innocent people on the grounds that anymeans justifies the end. - the overthrow of 'Imperialism" "Imperialism" and thecapitalistsystem, and the placing pJ-acing of the means of productionunder "workers' control". In other words, their thelr own.It's also worth bearing in i-n mind mlnd that at the time tj-me I first dabbledin politics there was in this country a massive ma.ssive nuclear disarmamentmovement - I won't call it 1t the "peace movement" - especiallyin Yorkshire where I f was living. livlng. Again, in retrospect, this wascompJ-ete complete nonsense, glasnost iasnost and Perestroika if not the Suttonrevel-ationsrevelations have since exposed the hollowness hol"lowness of the Sovietmenace; these countries could barely feed their own people withoutWestern assistance,much less threaten us.I dropped out of all aII political activity activlty for many years althoughPDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

nature of this thj-s cancer he has to keep his opinions opi-nions largelytohimself. It was through him that I got an insight into Zionismthrough Jewish eyes. We decided. to set up a publishinghouse torefute anti-Semitic anti-Semilic propaganda and to campaign on a low levelagalnst against Zionism. Zionlsm. <strong>To</strong> this end we sent out a mailing which includedincl-udedan ill-designed i1l-designed flyer featuring a number of anti-Semitic cartoonsin context.<strong>To</strong> one of these had been appended the head of acertain Mr Gerry Gable. I did this partly for devilment, devllment, but alsopartlybecause Gable had been smearing Larry O'Hara unremittinglyunremj-ttinglyin his lie-ridden 1j-e-ridden magazine.<strong>To</strong> date I have met O'Hara OHara precisely preclsely twice, and although I like tikehim, and although he believes that "fascists" fascists' should shou-Ld have freespeech, he is i-s in every other respect a typical left wing creep,who, *-ho, for f example, refers ers to militant homosexuals homosexual-s as radicalreople oeonfe rather than the vectors of disease and reservoirs of filthEn.t that they ttrey are. We have nothing at all ai-I in common except a desire deslrefn to bury hrrrw Searchlight, Sear^hlinhJ- O'Hara O'Hap3 because beCaUSe he believes, believeS, erroneously,effoneOUSIy,LL] JJLTIV UEq! VIII I 9 TT U /Vthat Gable Canfe is some sort of M.I.5.agent, myself because I recognisehim for the enemy of humanity, arch-liar, arch-Iiar, freelance hatemongerand exploiter of racial bigotry that he is.'Our Oui -fund..raiii-ng funi- raising Ietter letter threw Organised Jewry into hysteria andin short order my flat was raided and' my computer and filesconfiscated. I f will wiff spare the reader the sordid details of thelies and smears against agaj-nst my rabbi friend and myself, most of whichemanated from the Jewish Chronicle, but after nine months thepolice and an6 CPS CpS conceded that they had no case against me and ancl I amcurrently suing the police for false arrest.Because it's 1t's sub iud.icae judlcae I can't say anything anythlng about my caseagainst Gable, but many of you will have realised by now that Ihive have since proved him a damned liar many times over, especiallywith regard to the 1965 synagogue arsons and his other Nazihuntingfantasies. Gable is now totally discredited, discredlted, as will behis "mole't "mo1e" - read agent tirovocateur provocateur - Hill when my book on him ispublished. All A11 it needs is 1s for my researches, and to some extentO'Hara's, b'Hara's, to get around, and these damned liars and hatemongerswill wj-l1 be flushed down the toilet of history hj-story where they both belong.You you will doubtless have heard the claim clai-m that <strong>Baron</strong> is secretly"one of us", a closet fascist and an anti-Semite at heart. Justso there can be no ambiguity, ambigulty, let me clarify this point to put itforever beyond dispute. <strong>The</strong>re is no ideology I loathe more thanfascism in all its myriad forms. Including kosher fascism, andthe "fascism" practised practiied by the likes of the tha Socialist WorkersParty. If I t ever had any sympathy at all a1l for either the totalstate stat6 or big government in any wdY, way, manner, shape or form, it hasbeen eradicated eraAicatea forever by my own encounter with Big Brother atthe behest of Imperial Zion. Organised Jewry and the state tried trledto destroy me; if ri hadn't I had.n't enjoyed the magnificent support frommy Libertarian - and Jewish - friends that I had, they would havesucceeded. I am totallyopposed to any form of government whateverits name which puts the "rights" of the state or any forever3PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

wail-ing-and-gnashing-of-teeth wailing-and-gnashing-of-teeth minority above those of the vidual. vidual-. And I don't give a fuck what minority it j-t is: a Jewishminority, a black one, an Aryan lgyan one, a financial oligarchy, orindi-whatever.Nor am I f any kind of anti-Semite, indeed, ind.eed, I f have received agreat deal of assistance and moral support from bona fide - ie<strong>To</strong>rah-true - Jews. And from other persons of Jewish origin, asGable will find out to his cost when I call them as characterwitnesses. As well as fascism I also al-so loathe racial hatred. Bythat I do not mean that nebulous entity racism, which doesn'texist j-n in my book, but hatred of men and. women solely on the basisof their race. Here I f will include j-nclude anti-Semitism, antl-Semitj-sm, although as anyauthentie authentic Jew will tell you, there is no such thing as the Jewishrace. Certainly there are no proper racial criteria for ness.It is my opposition to racial hatred which has led me me to expos-Jewish-NESS.ing and attacking Searchlight Searchliqht and its controllers with such vehemence.Elsewhere I have describedGable as the sweepings of theghetto, and his friends frlends at Woburn House, in iD particular Nagler andWhine, as os the slime sl-ime of Organised Jewry. As indeed they are, and. Imake no apology for this, as, ES, rather than being anti-Semiticravings, these are objective statements based on hard evidenceevj-denceand personal experience. And as these people have also liedthrough their teeth about me and incited lnclted violence against agalnst me, anyepithets I do use against them are merely returning returnlng like withIike. like. Let me reiterate, the Jewish Question is a political issue,not just Zionism Zlonism but the whole filthy cabal of militant "antifascism"as espoused and. incited inclted by Searchlight.Searchliqht.Zionism 1s is a far worse form of racialhatred than Nazism everwas. <strong>The</strong> racialhatred of Nazism, inasmuch as the Nazis preachedracial hatred, was directed entirely against agalnst the Jews. <strong>The</strong> racial raeialhatred of Zionism is directed at the rest of mankind, in particularagainst the Aryan goyim govim - hence the Zionist-inspired obsessionwith miscegenatlon miscegenation - and against the Arab peoples. I do notbelieve in 1n the world Zionist conspiracy because a conspiracy is asecret, and there is nothing secret seeret about either elther Zionism or theother subversive activities aetivities of Organised Jewry. <strong>The</strong>y shout jumpand the government says how high? Where's the conspiracy?eonspiracy?In fn point of fact, the person who at the moment is doing the mostto keep these hatemongers haternongers at bay is himself a Jew. Nagler, Whineand others have been doing their utmost to destroy what littlefreedom freed.om of speech remains in thiscountry by wailing waiJ-ing and whining whlnlngat Home Secretary Michael Howard: Come on Michael, Michael. you're one ofUs. Mlchael Michael, don't let the side down, down. Michael. Remember who you vouare, are. what you vou are, etc ad nauseum. Howard has their measure, so SOhave many other Jews in high places, and not so high places. But,unl-ike unlike me, Re, he's far too diplomatic di-plomatic to tell them to go to hell. heII.I will be publishing a pamphlet pamphler- in support of my thesis in thenot too distant future, but for the moment it will suffice toquote the words of Rabbi Yaacov Perrin Perri-n at the funeral- of BarukhGoldstein: "One "O.ne million mil]ion Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."f inqernail. "PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor4

As my friends in the Neturei Karta anti-Zionist anti-Zj-onist sect say, sdy, thisstatement and the Hebron massacre symbolise symbollse Zionism in itstrueform. For the record, I attended the demonstration they organisedagainst the Hebron massacre at Baker Street the following week,and, I am reliably informed, lnformed, the photographs I took of it havenow been relayed. to the Arab press in 1n Tunis Tunls and. to the OrthodoxJewish press in Jerusalem. And what was the response of the socalled'defence "defence committee" of the kosher fascists fasclsts at Woburn Houseto Hebron, and to Rabbi Perrin's Perrln'ssick pronouncement? If Tf theycondemned it at all they did, so in a whisper. Compare this withthe uproar caused by John KingsleyRead and his one down onemillion to go speech, or the hullabaloo when Robert Relf ReIf wanted.to sell his house "to an English family only". <strong>The</strong>se are the kindof people who dragged the principled prineipled but gullible Lad.y Lady BirdwoodBird.woodinto court not once but twice for publishing the insane ravingsof some anti-Jewish anti-Jewj-sh lunatic. <strong>The</strong>y're filthy hypocrites who deserveto be hated whatever their race. <strong>The</strong>se are the people whoIied lied through their thej-r teeth about me, and who had the gall to referme to the Attorney General for publishing a pamphlet asking Jewsnot to send money to Israel fsrae.L to support thiscancerous ideologyand their murderous campaigns. And on top of all aI1 that, like Iike Gerrysweepings of the ghetto Gable, they try to make out that j I amattacking the Jews, and that I am inciting hatred against them.In reality no one has done more to incite hatred. against the Jewsthan that filthy cabal at Woburn House, unless it's that otherfilthycabal at 37b New Cavendish Street.<strong>To</strong> them, anyone who doesn't d.oesn't bow down d.own and kissthe arse of ImperialZion is an anti-Semite,'ds as both "Red" Vanessa Redgrave and"Red" Ken Livingstone discovered when they spoke out for Palestinianrights. If I weren't attacked by these slime, if I weren'tlibelled Iibelled from plllar pillar to post by them, if they didn't denounce meas a fascist and ant-Semite, I'd be doing something wrong.Zionism is much more than Jewish fascism or Jewish racism,andit is certainly more than the (phony) aspiration of the Jews forse-l-f self-determination -determi-nation in their own land. 1and. Zionism is a cancer, onewhich has seduced, brainwashed. and indoctrinated most of theJews, certainly in 1n the West, and most of the foreign and domesticpolicymakers and academics in the United States and elsewhere.Zionism j-s is the ultimate form of racial hatred, it is a philosophywhich says that the world is against the Jews and that theJews must destroy anti-Semitism and anti-Semites BY WHATEVERMEANS NECESSARY.And where there are no anti-Semites,they haveto be created. This is the raison d'être d'€tre of Searchliqht, Searehlight, as ds itsportrayalof race conscious Aryans makes -abundantly abundantly clear.So where am I at? Basically I intend to continue my researchesand seminal publishing on the Jewish Question and the far right,but I f also al-so want to restore free speech and to get Gable and hiskind off all our backs permanently. This can only be done byeducation,^r..^^.r-..i^*and^*.rit'si!|^a^slow,^1^painfulr-€,,rprocess.*-^-pssvLT(lUCt Lf Litt, dlrLl J- L > cr 5J-uw In Tn spite snife, PdL IMI yrtJUsJo. !rr pI/r Le of all the thghysteria about "no platform for fascists", fascists, there is only one kindof person who fears free speech, and that's a d.amned damned liar.Gable5PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

and his friends at Woburn House are not just damned liars, l1ars, theyare the world'smaster liars.<strong>The</strong> reality is that the fascist menace is in every sense a manufacturedmenace. This doesn't mean that there is no fascistthreat or that there are no racially racj-alIy motivated murders, for fox example,clearly there are. But let's take an objective look. In thepast thirty years there have been over 3,000 murders related tothe "Troubles" in Northern Ireland; on mainland Britain therehave been literally a handful of purely purel-y racially motivated murdersout of a population forty times the size. si-ze. IRA murders are"politically correct', correct", the murders of Stephen Lawrence and Rolan Rol-anAdams weren't. A corollary of this thls is that if either of theseyoung men had been serving soldiers in 1n Northern Ireland, (like (Iikeboxer and former soldier Nigel Benn), their murders would havebeen applauded. As I write wrlte these words there are reports of100,000 dead in Rwanda, which whlch just goes qoes to prove what wicked wlcked scumwe Aryans are. <strong>The</strong> LiberalDemocrats alone al-one have over 4,000 localcouncillors, counc1l1ors, which just goes to show how important Derek Alf AIfGarnett Beackon really is. Yet hundreds hundred,s of thousands of poundshave been spent on the hate campaign againstthe BNP in <strong>To</strong>werHamlets. Ifthey -they had ten local councillors, or a hundred, and. acouple of dozen MP5 MPs as well,what would be the problem? Clearlythe "cure" is worse than the disease, as ds Mike Newland and. dozensof other victims of "anti-fascist" "antj--fascist" thuggery will testify, includingmyself.<strong>The</strong>re is and will wil.L remain racially motivated violence, but this thi-sis hard.Iy hardly surprising when a considerable percentage of the indigenouspopulationare sick to death of having "anti-racism""antj.-E-g!g"forced down d.own their throats, of being told what wicked Aryan scumthey are, of being propagandised by fantasiessuch as Holocaust,Holocaust.Roots and Schindler's List, and being denied free speech by thelikes of the Socialist Workers Party, Organised Zionist Jewry andothersuch champions champlons of democracy and tolerance.That's all aI1 I have to say, Sdy, if you want to believe the lies andshit spread by the likes of Anthony Hancock and Mike Whine, Whi-ne,that's your problem, but if you want to restore a semblance offree speech in this country so that your particular party orgroup can hold meetings and preach itsmessage, you YOU can make surethat our researches are read as widely as possible. Our biggestobstacle is of course financial, so perhaps you can send us adonation or help us out with printing or distribution.Why am I so eager to restore free speech for the proponents of aphilosophy I openly despise? As I've explained already, the realmenace is not from irom you but Lut from the likes fikes'of of Gable, Whine wirine and theSWP, and from the undemocratic laws they and their kind. havesucceeded in foisting on this country. eountry. Suppressing any minority,however unpopular, always leads to tyranny. But apart from that,I've heard. what you have to say, sdy, and I believe that an objectivepresentation of fascism fasclsm or any coillectivist colllectivist ideology ldeology is the bestway to defeat it. All AII the wailing waili-ng and whining of the "antifascist"movement and "anti-racist" campaigners campai-qners is bullshit, bu11shit, all6PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

of it. Like international internationa.L Zionism and the increasingly feisty -and infinitely sicker - organlsed organised homosexual movement, they seekonly to impose their thelr own agenda agend.a on everyone else. And anyone whodoesn't go along with it 1t one hundred per cent is smeared as afascist, racist, anti-Semite, antl-Semj-te, Nazi or homophobe in time honouredfashion. In truth, we've allowed these scumbag collectivists todestroy all our freedoms just because we're afraid of them callinr-ngus names.caII-In the final analysis, the only people whotruly give a fuckabout freedom are Libertarians; that's whatI am, and that'swhatI'll I'IIremain.<strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>Baron</strong> - Independent Researcher, Libertarian, LibertarJ-an,atheist,rationalist, rati-onaI1st, anti-Zionist, anti-Zlonist, Social Crediter Credlter and homophobe.Sydenham,London.9th May 1994.7PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

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