FORM 20-F/A Brookfield Property Partners L.P. - Brookfield Asset ...

FORM 20-F/A Brookfield Property Partners L.P. - Brookfield Asset ...

FORM 20-F/A Brookfield Property Partners L.P. - Brookfield Asset ...

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successor general partner will have the option to purchase the general partnership interest of the departinggeneral partner for a cash payment equal to its fair market value. Under all other circumstances where a generalpartner withdraws or is removed by the limited partners, the departing general partner will have the option torequire the successor general partner to purchase the general partnership interest of the departing general partnerfor a cash payment equal to its fair market value. In each case, this fair market value will be determined byagreement between the departing general partner and the successor general partner. If no agreement is reachedwithin 30 days of the general partner’s departure, an independent investment banking firm or other independentexpert selected by the departing general partner and the successor general partner will determine the fair marketvalue. If the departing general partner and the successor general partner cannot agree upon an expert within45 days of the general partner’s departure, then an expert chosen by agreement of the experts selected by each ofthem will determine the fair market value.If the option described above is not exercised by either the departing general partner or the successorgeneral partner, the departing general partner’s general partnership interests will automatically convert into unitspursuant to a valuation of those interests as determined by an investment banking firm or other independentexpert selected in the manner described in the preceding paragraph.Transfer of the General <strong>Partners</strong>hip InterestThe <strong>Property</strong> GP LP may transfer all or any part of its general partnership interests without first obtainingapproval of any unitholder. As a condition of this transfer, the transferee must: (i) be an affiliate of the BPYGeneral Partner (or the transfer must be made concurrently with a transfer of the general partnership units of ourcompany to an affiliate of the transferee); (ii) agree to assume the rights and duties of the general partner towhose interest that transferee has succeeded; (iii) agree to assume the provisions of the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip’slimited partnership agreement; and (iv) furnish an opinion of counsel regarding limited liability, tax matters andthe U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940 (and similar legislation in other jurisdictions). Any transfer of thegeneral partnership interest is subject to prior notice to and approval of the relevant Bermuda regulatoryauthorities. At any time, the members of the <strong>Property</strong> GP LP may sell or transfer all or part of their units in the<strong>Property</strong> GP LP without the approval of the unitholders.Transactions with Interested PartiesThe <strong>Property</strong> GP LP, its affiliates and their respective partners, members, directors, officers, employeesand shareholders, which we refer to as “interested parties”, may become limited partners or beneficiallyinterested in limited partners and may hold, dispose of or otherwise deal with units of the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hipwith the same rights they would have if the <strong>Property</strong> GP LP and <strong>Property</strong> General Partner were not a party to thelimited partnership agreement of the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip. An interested party will not be liable to account eitherto other interested parties or to the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip, its partners or any other persons for any profits orbenefits made or derived by or in connection with any such transaction.The limited partnership agreement of the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip permits an interested party to sellinvestments to, purchase assets from, vest assets in and enter into any contract, arrangement or transaction withour company, the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip, any of the Holding Entities, any operating entity or any other holdingentity established by the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip and may be interested in any such contract, transaction orarrangement and shall not be liable to account either to the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip, any of the Holding Entities, anyoperating entity or any other holding entity established by the <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>hip or any other person in respectof any such contract, transaction or arrangement, or any benefits or profits made or derived therefrom, by virtueonly of the relationship between the parties concerned, subject to the bye-laws of the <strong>Property</strong> General Partner.157

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